My list of ideas


First time out of the vault
As much as I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the flaws in both games were painfully obvious by the time you get mid way through each games story. So, he is something I want to A FUTURE fallout game, but not exactly Fallout 4.

Developer: Obsidian. Yes, I loved Fallout 3 and their developers are great, but Obsidian really made Fallout NV feel like what Fallout 3 should of been. It was more lore friendly, the story was more interesting (It also did not have a garbage ending!), etc. Obsidian really did a good job.

Players: ONE and ONE ONLY. I don't want any multiplayer bullcrap.

Story: Something new. I had a story I was writing based on Fallout but thought it would be a cool idea for a fallout game story. In 2306, you are living in a vault up in the rural hills of Massachusetts. You are the 17 year old son or daughter of the lone wanderer. You are told by the overseer that the mainframe has been detecting suspicious activity outside of the vault, and asks you to go investigate. You go outside and immediately you get knocked in the back of the head by someone. Later, you wake up in a cell inside an old building. A brotherhood of steel scribe, young, female, with short, comes in with food and smiles at the player. She gives the player food and apologizes to the player. She introduces herself as Mira, and states that they need his help accessing their vault. He asks why, and she tells him that they have a large bunker to the west of Boston, but their mainframe is failing. She explains that if the mainframe fails, the bunker will lock down and self destruct. She tells him that they need access to his vault so they can find an extra replacement part. She goes on to say the he/she and the residents of the vault will be safe if they cooperate. He/She refuses to help, and she leaves. You then pick the lock and escape through an air duct, and quickly run back to the vault. You get inside and find the overseer, where you explain what is happening. Right after, a large explosion occurs in the lower level of the vault, so the two run down there. The overseer quickly pulls he/she into a closet with him and tells him to be silent. The brotherhood is out in the atrium trying to force residents to tell them what they know about the vault. They then proceed to execute the ones who do not comply. After, the two silently escape into a vent shaft and get back to the vault door. They both escape and find their way to a town about a mile north called Alanslade. After doing some quests, you meet some more vault survivors out in the wastes, and one of them, someone who was your best friend all your life, Ian, you find and can recruit as a companion.

Guns: Lore friendly only. Also, stop allowing low level players to have access to the fat man. I mean, really?

Voice Acting: For such a high profile and big game, why does bethesda use the same voice actors over and over again for different characters? They should each have their own unique voice to add to their character.

Locations: Rural Massachusetts, boston and surrounding areas.

Returning Enemies: Super Mutant, Raiders, Talon Company


Vault 113: The vault that the player is from. 16 years ago when the player was a year old, the players father, the lone wanderer, followed in his fathers footsteps and took his only child to a vault to be safe. After, the lone wanderer vanished without a trace. Now, the vault, due to being one of the only vaults in the area still active, is sought after by the BOS. This vaults goal was the same as Vault 101, but the newer overseer was less afraid of the outside than Vault 101 overseers.

Vault 115: A vault in the outskirts of boston that was abandoned years ago and is now filled with raiders. The original inhabitants left only 115 years after the bombs dropped. They used their G.E.C.K to set up a town nearby.

Vault 120: A vault inside of boston that is still active, but hostile to anyone from the outside world.

Vault 123: A vault that was meant to house important government officials to later open and join the enclave. Due to unfortunate luck, one of the atomic bombs landed directly on top of the vault and caved in the atrium and entrance, trapping everyone inside. Due to lethal levels of radiation, all of them are feral ghouls.

Vault 124: A vault that, while seeming compete, did not have a door. The inhabitants were meant to try to survive without the door, but they succumbed to raider attacks eventually. It is now filled with Raiders.

Vault 126: A vault that was never completed. Only the entrance, some halls and atrium were built. The rest is just caverns. It is filled with Super Mutants.

Vault 127: A vault that held over 400 people, but contained only 40 beds. This caused the vault to riot, and many left.

Vault 128: A vault that was filled with teenage boys from a local high school. Intentionally, the vault, rather than being filled with entertainment sources, is filled with porno mags and holotapes. The intention was to see how a group of 150 teenage boys with raging hormones would be able to handle their sexual desires. As planned by VaultTec, the teenage boys all turned to other ways to release sexual desire. Many became gay, others raped others, and some became depressed. Due to the way the vault was built, there was no way to open the door from inside. Due to this, all 150 boys never produced offspring, which caused the vault to be unoccupied later on.

Vault 129: Same as above, but instead, 150 Females. The same outcome occurred as with the boys vault.

Secret about 128 and 129: They are connected by a secret tunnel that was intended by vault tec for the teens to eventually find, allowing boys
and girls to meet up again. However, it was never found.

I will add more later!
There are several things that I don't quite understand here.
The most obvious ones are how TLW, BoS, Talon Company and SMs got to Massachussets. That doesn't make sense to me.
Then, Vault 113 seems to be outsiders friendly (otherwise, why was TLW accepted, i.e., how the PC gets to live there being his/her child), so why didn't they just cooperate with the BoS?
Later on, Vaults 128 and 129 seems to be abandoned, and from what I get they were in operational state, so why didn't the BoS tried to find the piece they needed there before risking human lives (specially on their own side, which is the one the BoS does ALWAYS care about).

Also, on Vault 115's radiation thing, I believe a vault is supposed (in Fallout's lore) to be able to keep radiation from a single bomb outside, as long as it's shut, so I don't see how there are so much radiation. The only vaults I recall about having high radiation levels are Vault 12, which didn't correctly close the blast door (and that was the idea) and Vault 87, which has got, IIRC, the blast door removed altogether (also, in Fallout 3 pretty much everything is radiactive, so...). Then, there is The Glow, but it was a specific target of SEVERAL nuclear heads, not just a single bomb.
Vault 124 had no door? And they did got live enough to see raiders? They should have been ghoulified or dead. I mean, you put a shut vault to get letal or at least crippling radiation inside because a bomb fell above it, but the one with no door kept them safe from radiation? Sounds hard to believe.
There are several things that I don't quite understand here.
1. The most obvious ones are how TLW, BoS, Talon Company and SMs got to Massachussets. That doesn't make sense to me.
2. Then, Vault 113 seems to be outsiders friendly (otherwise, why was TLW accepted, i.e., how the PC gets to live there being his/her child), so why didn't they just cooperate with the BoS?
3. Later on, Vaults 128 and 129 seems to be abandoned, and from what I get they were in operational state, so why didn't the BoS tried to find the piece they needed there before risking human lives (specially on their own side, which is the one the BoS does ALWAYS care about).
4. Also, on Vault 115's radiation thing, I believe a vault is supposed (in Fallout's lore) to be able to keep radiation from a single bomb outside, as long as it's shut, so I don't see how there are so much radiation. The only vaults I recall about having high radiation levels are Vault 12, which didn't correctly close the blast door (and that was the idea) and Vault 87, which has got, IIRC, the blast door removed altogether (also, in Fallout 3 pretty much everything is radiactive, so...). Then, there is The Glow, but it was a specific target of SEVERAL nuclear heads, not just a single bomb.
5. Vault 124 had no door? And they did got live enough to see raiders? They should have been ghoulified or dead. I mean, you put a shut vault to get letal or at least crippling radiation inside because a bomb fell above it, but the one with no door kept them safe from radiation? Sounds hard to believe.

1. That could easily be explained in game, just like how they explained how enclave and BOS got to DC in FO3.
2. The way the BOS handled things. They attacked and kidnapped the protagonist, causing them not to trust them.
3. BOS wanted to find an ACTIVE vault because they knew it would actually be running, rather than waste their time going to a decaying vault.
4. The vault had structural failure when it was hit directly by the warhead, and caused the explosion and radiation to reach the inside of the vault when the roof collapsed.
5. Realistically, not every single piece of the US would be hit, so there is bound to be radiation free areas.

1. That could easily be explained in game, just like how they explained how enclave and BOS got to DC in FO3.
Not only how, but why. Also, how is not only about "how did they manage to travel there", but where do they get the numbers from. They traveled the whole country, you can't do that with just a bunch of guys, and less you can do if you have to keep other bases operational and safe. Remember the BoS is short of numbers, not as depicted in FO3.
I can think of a why IF they somehow get a tip of a really dangerous tech around there, as it is their mission to protect this kind of tech, but still where the tip comes from would need an explanation.

2. The way the BOS handled things. They attacked and kidnapped the protagonist, causing them not to trust them.
OK, but what about "suspicious activity"? What does the overseer consider suspicious activity? Being near a vault shouldn't, if they are outsiders friendly, even periodically, as it could just be there is a commercial route forming near.

3. BOS wanted to find an ACTIVE vault because they knew it would actually be running, rather than waste their time going to a decaying vault.
BoS would value their lives more than a few days of scavenging, I'd guess. Empty vault against an "I don't know if I can trust them" vault (if they'd think they can trust them, they'd just knock the door, don't you think?).

4. The vault had structural failure when it was hit directly by the warhead, and caused the explosion and radiation to reach the inside of the vault when the roof collapsed.
Oh, that was my bad, I misunderstood and thought it was in a cave that collapsed. I thought the inner of the vault was intact.

5. Realistically, not every single piece of the US would be hit, so there is bound to be radiation free areas.
Yeah, but realistically doesn't really apply to Fallout, it follows its own rules; consistency is what applies. One of the rules is that radiation is pretty much everywhere at first. You don't need to directly hit a given place, as long as there are enough detonations "nearby".
Vault 128: A vault that was filled with teenage boys from a local high school. Intentionally, the vault, rather than being filled with entertainment sources, is filled with porno mags and holotapes. The intention was to see how a group of 150 teenage boys with raging hormones would be able to handle their sexual desires. As planned by VaultTec, the teenage boys all turned to other ways to release sexual desire. Many became gay, others raped others, and some became depressed. Due to the way the vault was built, there was no way to open the door from inside. Due to this, all 150 boys never produced offspring, which caused the vault to be unoccupied later on.

That's some magical realm shit, right there.
Developer: Obsidian. Yes, I loved Fallout 3 and their developers are great, but Obsidian really made Fallout NV feel like what Fallout 3 should of been. It was more lore friendly, the story was more interesting (It also did not have a garbage ending!), etc. Obsidian really did a good job.

Yes, Obsidian should do it!

Players: ONE and ONE ONLY. I don't want any multiplayer bullcrap.

Story: Something new. I had a story I was writing based on Fallout but thought it would be a cool idea for a fallout game story. In 2306, you are living in a vault up in the rural hills of Massachusetts. You are the 17 year old son or daughter of the lone wanderer. You are told by the overseer that the mainframe has been detecting suspicious activity outside of the vault, and asks you to go investigate. You go outside and immediately you get knocked in the back of the head by someone. Later, you wake up in a cell inside an old building. A brotherhood of steel scribe, young, female, with short, comes in with food and smiles at the player. She gives the player food and apologizes to the player. She introduces herself as Mira, and states that they need his help accessing their vault. He asks why, and she tells him that they have a large bunker to the west of Boston, but their mainframe is failing. She explains that if the mainframe fails, the bunker will lock down and self destruct. She tells him that they need access to his vault so they can find an extra replacement part. She goes on to say the he/she and the residents of the vault will be safe if they cooperate. He/She refuses to help, and she leaves. You then pick the lock and escape through an air duct, and quickly run back to the vault. You get inside and find the overseer, where you explain what is happening. Right after, a large explosion occurs in the lower level of the vault, so the two run down there. The overseer quickly pulls he/she into a closet with him and tells him to be silent. The brotherhood is out in the atrium trying to force residents to tell them what they know about the vault. They then proceed to execute the ones who do not comply. After, the two silently escape into a vent shaft and get back to the vault door. They both escape and find their way to a town about a mile north called Alanslade. After doing some quests, you meet some more vault survivors out in the wastes, and one of them, someone who was your best friend all your life, Ian, you find and can recruit as a companion.

I don't know about the vault thingy, seems a bit to much with all the vault related stuff, And Boston is quite a developed place while would they still be closed more than 200 years after the war? And why would they send out a single 17year old alone to check something outside the vault? Why not an armed team of guys that know what they do and some security men? Sending out a kid is just illogical. BoS being insensitive jerks sounds nice though.

Guns: Lore friendly only. Also, stop allowing low level players to have access to the fat man. I mean, really?
Yes lore friendly of course. and less and later fat mans than in ealrier games.

Voice Acting: For such a high profile and big game, why does bethesda use the same voice actors over and over again for different characters?
Yes indeed more (but still good voice actors) would be nice.

They should each have their own unique voice to add to their character.
I'm not sure about this, maybe it could be implemented... maybe and if it is it must be optional. But why not try the idea out?

Locations: Rural Massachusetts, Boston and surrounding areas.
Yeah that's probably where it's supposed to be so let's work from that.

Returning Enemies: Super Mutant, Raiders, Talon Company

No super mutants, they shouldn't really have been existing on the east coast at all and if they now must exist in this one as well not as any larger faction or group of people. Raiders should not be there like in fallout 3, they should rather make factions that raid certain parts like in FNV. Inscripted or highly unlikely attacks by some form of raiders or highwaymen could be used to some degree but not as it was in F3. Talon company could exist if this is a continuation of F3


Vault 113: The vault that the player is from. 16 years ago when the player was a year old, the players father, the lone wanderer, followed in his fathers footsteps and took his only child to a vault to be safe. After, the lone wanderer vanished without a trace. Now, the vault, due to being one of the only vaults in the area still active, is sought after by the BOS. This vaults goal was the same as Vault 101, but the newer overseer was less afraid of the outside than Vault 101 overseers.
As i said, not sure about the still being active and holding the player thing, but it works.

Vault 115: A vault in the outskirts of boston that was abandoned years ago and is now filled with raiders. The original inhabitants left only 115 years after the bombs dropped. They used their G.E.C.K to set up a town nearby.
115 years seems to be longer than most vaults, and abandoned and occupied by raiders is always something that can be implemented.

Vault 120: A vault inside of boston that is still active, but hostile to anyone from the outside world.
Inside Boston? Whith the institute in the same city? No way that could last this long.

Vault 123: A vault that was meant to house important government officials to later open and join the enclave. Due to unfortunate luck, one of the atomic bombs landed directly on top of the vault and caved in the atrium and entrance, trapping everyone inside. Due to lethal levels of radiation, all of them are feral ghouls.
Yeah, seems like a plan they should do that.

Vault 124: A vault that, while seeming compete, did not have a door. The inhabitants were meant to try to survive without the door, but they succumbed to raider attacks eventually. It is now filled with Raiders.
One of the vaults in the Capital Wasteland didn't seal shut if i remember correclty and they all died incredibly fast from radiation, I'll doubt that a vault without a door would survive long enough for raiders to take an interrest.

Vault 126: A vault that was never completed. Only the entrance, some halls and atrium were built. The rest is just caverns. It is filled with Super Mutants.
No, please no super mutants. :( But the half-ready vault is good.

Vault 127: A vault that held over 400 people, but contained only 40 beds. This caused the vault to riot, and many left.
Makeshift beds is not an option? And it's better to live outside in the super destroyed irradiated wasteland then sleep on a not all to good bed? Or on the floor on some cloths? Really? Just wanders of into hell without a plan beacuse of that?

Vault 128: A vault that was filled with teenage boys from a local high school. Intentionally, the vault, rather than being filled with entertainment sources, is filled with porno mags and holotapes. The intention was to see how a group of 150 teenage boys with raging hormones would be able to handle their sexual desires. As planned by VaultTec, the teenage boys all turned to other ways to release sexual desire. Many became gay, others raped others, and some became depressed. Due to the way the vault was built, there was no way to open the door from inside. Due to this, all 150 boys never produced offspring, which caused the vault to be unoccupied later on.
This one i like, hilarious :D

Vault 129: Same as above, but instead, 150 Females. The same outcome occurred as with the boys vault.
Yeah why not.

Secret about 128 and 129: They are connected by a secret tunnel that was intended by vault tec for the teens to eventually find, allowing boys
and girls to meet up again. However, it was never found.
No it's to nice to be thought up by Vault tech.

What about a vault in where one gender is really old and the other rellly young? Like one were all men are 40 and all women 10 or younger. Maybe Vault-tech planned to see just how long it tooked before people turned to pedophiles and all the moral problems... and possibly one with vice versa? Sick and interresting..
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