My little pool of ideas...


Enclave Here.
1. Vaults that aren't broken into, or raided, vaults that are break-in-able with alive inhabitants.
2. More Random Encounters! It sometimes can get boring roaming the wastes with nothing going on!
3. More detonate-able nukes, such as the one in megaton.
4. Karma actually affecting the world around you, such as if you are a evil character, some places will outlaw you, or shoot you on sight, some people will run from you while others might want to join you.
5. Flyable Vertibirds, Anyone?
6. Practical Fast Travel, Such as having to create a makeshift motorcycle to be able to fast travel, or a car.
7. You can guard caravans!
8. More Factions, Maybe a war or two.
9. Rarer Loot, And rarer loot actually meaning something.
10. The game adapts to your SPECIAL skills and perks!
11. Destroyable Environments!
12. New Mutations!
13. More Radio Stations, And Maybe a few radio stations you can activate!
14. Creepy places, such as the dunwich building from fallout 3.
15. Other Currencies, Maybe different places will have different currency and you can only buy things with said currency.
16. Maybe better VATS?
17. Living Pre-War Survivors.
18. Companions, that aren't stupid.
19. Makeshift Weapons.
20. Pre-War Simulations, Anyone? Similar To Operation Anchorage?

Well thanks for reading my suggestions, i apologize if alot of these are suggested before, its just what i thought of through my time playing the fallout series.
1. Vaults that aren't broken into, or raided, vaults that are break-in-able with alive inhabitants.
2. More Random Encounters! It sometimes can get boring roaming the wastes with nothing going on!
3. More detonate-able nukes, such as the one in megaton.
4. Karma actually affecting the world around you, such as if you are a evil character, some places will outlaw you, or shoot you on sight, some people will run from you while others might want to join you.
5. Flyable Vertibirds, Anyone?
6. Practical Fast Travel, Such as having to create a makeshift motorcycle to be able to fast travel, or a car.
7. You can guard caravans!
8. More Factions, Maybe a war or two.
9. Rarer Loot, And rarer loot actually meaning something.
10. The game adapts to your SPECIAL skills and perks!
11. Destroyable Environments!
12. New Mutations!
13. More Radio Stations, And Maybe a few radio stations you can activate!
14. Creepy places, such as the dunwich building from fallout 3.
15. Other Currencies, Maybe different places will have different currency and you can only buy things with said currency.
16. Maybe better VATS?
17. Living Pre-War Survivors.
18. Companions, that aren't stupid.
19. Makeshift Weapons.
20. Pre-War Simulations, Anyone? Similar To Operation Anchorage?

Well thanks for reading my suggestions, i apologize if alot of these are suggested before, its just what i thought of through my time playing the fallout series.

1. Depends at which point in time the game is set - if it's 200 years or more after the War, having Vaults with original inhabitants (or rather descendants of such) is highly improbable - even if that happened, why are you able to break in and nobody in the past 200 years was able to do that?
2. If done well, sure, why not. But not too many random encounters. Maps in new FO games are rather small, don't want too many stuff on such a small space.
3. No. Detonable nukes, both those from Megaton and Lonesome Road, ruined the whole concept and symbolism nuclear weapon had in the post-War world.
4. Karma should be fully removed. Your idea is okay, but in reality, that system was broken since the first game. Not much point in having it aside from, well, tradition.
5. No, Vertibirds should be removed. Enclave is dead n' gone, the little of their remaining technology should not be out in the open for anyone. In a certain plot-critical moment you might be able to ride it, sure, but I'm not sure if it's doable in the engine Bethesda's using. In reality though, not much point in it aside from "kewl factor".
6. Yep, this is a good idea. I've seen mods for FNV that add personal motorcycle and such, good stuff.
7. You couldn't do this already?
8. More NEW factions. Old factions should be given a pause (BoS, NCR etc.). War is not necessary, but if done well, why not...
9. I'd rather say more quests that award players with unique/rare loot.
10. What is this supposed to mean? Elaborate more.
Player should adapt to the game, not vice-versa.
11. Would be cool, but nigh impossible in the current engine.
12. What? New mutations? What is that?
13. More diversity in music played on radios, though that will hardly happen. Still, why not, radio stations are okay, as long as you can kill people behind those and/or disable the station itself.
14. Dunwich Building is one of the high points in FO3, so yeah, I agree with that. But then again, "less is more" is, in my opinion, the critical element in horror, so not too much of creepiness scattered all over the map.
15. Not a bad idea, but only if it is done with a necessary story explanation as to why there are many currencies, how did that come to be etc. Inserting random stuff as currencies because diversity is just adding more confusion.
16. Highly doubt that broken system can get much better, but yep, better VATS, why not. In my mind, less bugs in VATS.
17. Why and how? Only way you could make this is to have pre-War ghouls - which we already had, and it was a lackluster. Maybe some sort of A.I. but those didn't work too well either. Or to have something or someone unique like House, but then again, that requires some explanation from the game itself. Just adding pre-War survivors "for the lulz" has no point.
This also depends on which point in the Fallout continuity the game is set - if we assume Bethesda is going "forward", 200+ years after the War even having pre-War ghouls is overstretching it a bit.
18. FNV had solid companions with cool and believable backstories, which is a major upgrade from FO3's companions and most companions in the previous games. Unless you mean not-stupid-combat-wise. Yeah, that would be good.
19. Sure, those are great. Again, if done tastefully.
20. No. No pre-War simulations and shit like that. Operation Anchorage was ridiculous for many reasons and poorly done. Tranquility Lane, though not a pre-War simulation per se, was okay, but it's plot relevance is about 10 minutes in length, and there's no need for more.
In my opinion, newer games should, as timeline progresses, move away from the whole pre-War shtick and stick with the post-post-War civilization that is on the rise. 200 and more years have passed. New world shouldn't be concerned with the old world anymore, at least not much. We live in 2015, I don't see us being very obsessed with 1815. Or, 1930s.
If you think the nukes of Lonesome Road ruined the symbolism of nuclear weaponry in the Fallout universe, I think either you misunderstood Lonesome Road or you misunderstand Fallout.
Please elaborate. I fail to see how that statement makes sense, unless you're overlooking something.
Thanks everyone for all the replies, sorry i couldn't reply sooner. What i meant by the SPECIAL and perk adaptions is enemies will try to exploit your weaknesses SPECIAL-Perk-wise.
If you think the nukes of Lonesome Road ruined the symbolism of nuclear weaponry in the Fallout universe, I think either you misunderstood Lonesome Road or you misunderstand Fallout.

Er, I think Atomkilla is talking about how Nuclear weaponry in the Fallout universe is considered such a taboo, to the inhabitants it's like talking about some evil deity or something so awful, people will stare at you with horrific expression or speak in a hushed tone. To have them all over the place like trash is defeating the purpose, which I also disliked the 'detonating nukes'. The only one I enjoyed that fit the part was the Nuclear ICBM you launch in LR to create the Couriers Mile, a nightmare incarnate. In fact, I was kind of broken from immersion to actually SEE a live atomic bomb sitting in a crater around a town. Anyone with a brain, insane or not, would take one look at the bomb, do a 180, and run as fast as they can from it and hope the nightmares don't come back to haunt them.