And not to beat a dead horse, but it’s just so frustrating to me that Vault-Tec becomes more villainous and conspiratorial with each portrayal, starting way back in Fallout 2. In the first Fallout they are nothing but a private contractor taking advantage of a bloated defense budget. They built giant bomb shelters that, though impressive and futuristic looking, were little more than security theater. They cut corners wherever they could. They knew Vault 15 was at risk of caving in. They knew the Vault doors couldn’t withstand a direct strike from a nuke, which happened to Vault 12 (somehow, despite being underground but whatever). They knew that the aquifer on the surface that Vault 13 was meant to get water from would become irradiated or dry up or whatever happened to it, I can’t really remember which, and they knew that the backup method of pumping water from underground sources would not be a viable long term solution given the fragility of the technology required to do so, eventually resulting in our broken water chip scenario that kicks off Fallout. They were warned about these things, but they didn’t care, not because they consciously wanted people to die, but because they were too shortsighted and profit-motivated to take these warnings seriously. There’s a lot of parallels between them and fossil fuel companies that were aware of the potential dangers of global warming and the direct affect their industry had on it, but instead simply hoped for the best and convinced themselves that things wouldn’t get THAT bad, because to do otherwise would mean cutting into their bottom line.
I just find the idea that people in power are uniquely evil compared to the common man to be such a boring and simple-minded concept. It divides the world into good guys and bad guys, ignoring that we’re all just animals, products of our environment, evolved to put the perceived wellbeing of ourselves and our tribe first, even when it defies all logic and would actually result in the opposite of wellbeing. But willfully destroying the very world that gave you your wealth and power is something that only the least rational people could possibly think would benefit them or their family.
Honestly, I don’t think most people in the Fallout universe really took the threat of nuclear war seriously until maybe the last couple years leading up to the war. The Cold War had gone on in one form or another for over a century at that point. It looked like the concept of mutually assured destruction would keep everyone safe (in America, at least). It wasn’t until things really started to fall apart in the second half of the 2070s that people started to realize that nuclear annihilation was a real possibility. That’s mostly just my headcanon, anyway.
This is what I based this post on from memory, but apparently it doesn’t say nearly as much as I remember. So I guess most of my post was just headcanon, go ahead and ignore it.