my small change on damage formula and hth evade perk

Yea, it probably can be fixed.
The attack mode is stored at offset 56d2b4, and the value can be retrieved in damage calcaulation.

For using weapon in right slot
thrust = 3
swing = 2

For using weapon in left slot
thrust = 1
swing = 0

The numbers are related to the attack mode setting in the weapon proto file, so if switch thrust and swing, then the numbers will be switched.

When the character attacks, you can check what kind of weapon he is using, if he is using a knife, then give it a bonus.
I'd say the Bonus HtH Damage perk needs a fixup. It currently gives +2 to maximum damage and nothing else, which is eh. It'd be better if it gave, say +3 to minimum AND maximum damage.
Cubik2k said:
There is a suggestion on Fallout Modding Wiki to make those modes to work:
swing - as critical damage or reduce armor class (increase hitting the target) (i.e. reduce AC of armor by -5% or more)
thrust - as armor piercing (i.e. reduce DR of armor by -15%)

I like this suggestion. It seems pretty strange to me that there is NO apparent difference between swing & thrust for certain melee weapons such as the knife/hammer etc . In the case of the hammer, IIRC, thrust even costs more AP but doesn't do any difference in damage bonus!!
Magnus said:
I'd say the Bonus HtH Damage perk needs a fixup. It currently gives +2 to maximum damage and nothing else, which is eh. It'd be better if it gave, say +3 to minimum AND maximum damage.

Here is the code, you also need to modify the perk data in perk table, you can find some infomation in Kanhef's post
00478492     8BC1           MOV EAX,ECX				;load char ptr
00478494     BA 0B000000    MOV EDX,0B				;melee dmg stat index
00478499     E8 AA6A0300    CALL fallout2.004AEF48		;get total melee dmg
0047849E     894424 04      MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],EAX	;store min dmg
004784A2     90             NOP
004784A3     90             NOP
004784A4     90             NOP
004784A5     90             NOP
004784A6     90             NOP
004784A7     90             NOP
004784A8     90             NOP
004784A9     90             NOP
Cubik2k said:
dmg_multi = ammo_multi * critical_multi

does that mean that ammo res is added to the critter res stat and then multiplied to a percent?

edit : specificaly how is negative vrs positive ammo dr values handled?

edit2: adding seems ok,not much dif with ap or jhp that way tho
