national plan for pandemic influenza


So there is a plan for Pandemic Influenza?

Chaos Feared in Pandemic Flu Plan
AP - 51 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - A flu pandemic would cause massive disruptions lasting for months, and cities, states and businesses must make plans now to keep functioning -- and not count on a federal rescue, the Bush administration said Wednesday. "Our nation will face this global threat united in purpose and united in action in order to best protect our families, our communities, our nation and our world from the threat of pandemic influenza," President Bush said in a letter to Americans noting the release of an updated national pandemic response strategy.

I love it- forget about federal rescue- you're on your own (a Libertarian agenda at work- Brady?)

This smells like Katrina all over again.

If you want to see their plan-
From the White House you can download the pdf here-

US bird flu plan seeks to slow pandemic By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
36 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans should prepare for travel restrictions and school closures if an influenza pandemic hits, but such measures can only temporarily slow the inevitable spread of disease, the government's new flu plan says.

The White House influenza plan released on Wednesday builds on an earlier plan to combat a potential pandemic of H5N1 avian influenza, including preparations to build a stockpile of vaccines and drugs, already under way, and work to develop newer and better vaccines.

As before, it assumes that 30 percent of the population would be infected, and that anywhere between 200,000 and 1.9 million would die, depending on how deadly the virus turns out to be.

The H5N1 avian flu virus has spread out of Asia, across Europe and into many parts of Africa.

Although the disease is still confined largely to birds, it has killed 113 people out of a recorded 205 infections since late 2003 and experts fear it will trigger the next pandemic once it becomes able to transmit efficiently among people.

As much as 40 percent of the workforce will be out during two-week-long peaks as people become sick or stay home to care for children, ill relatives or to protect themselves from infection.

"In terms of its scope, the impact of a severe pandemic may be more comparable to that of a war or a widespread economic crisis than a hurricane, earthquake or act of terrorism," the report reads.

If the pandemic hits the United States, the report lays out some specific actions while acknowledging there is still a shortage of vaccines, drugs and other supplies. The government will "deploy 'containment stockpile', if available, to any domestic region with confirmed or suspected cases of pandemic influenza," the report reads.


It does not give specifics on who would get vaccinated first or who would be the first to get scarce antiviral drugs.

Some Democrats immediately attacked the plan.

"A flu plan that doesn't say how to distribute vaccine is about as useful as a hurricane plan that doesn't say how to rescue people from a flood," Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy said.

President George W. Bush, whose approval ratings have been sagging, has been under pressure to show his administration can deal with a catastrophe in the United States after being widely criticized for responding slowly to Hurricane Katrina last year.

The federal government's plan would "limit non-essential passenger travel in affected areas and institute protective measures/social distancing and support continued delivery of essential goods and services," the report reads.

"Measures at our borders may provide an opportunity to slow the spread of a pandemic to and within the United States, but are unlikely to prevent it," it adds.

The sheer volume of traffic, as well as diplomatic, social and economic considerations, would also make it difficult to close borders.

The federal government will also issue guidance to people on what they can do to protect themselves from flu. This includes basic handwashing, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, and staying at least three feet (one meter) away from others during a pandemic.

"Measures to limit domestic travel may delay the spread of disease," the report adds. "These restrictions could include a range of options, such as reductions in non-essential travel, and, as a last resort, mandatory restrictions."

But the report adds that while such measures might buy time, they are unlikely to reduce the number of people who get sick or reduce the overall effects on a community.
I love the phrsaseology in that article. It sounds like he WANTS an outbreak, just to show people that "he can handle it".

Here's the kicker.

THe virus that everyone is talking about is the H5N1 version of the bird flu, that kills over 50% of the people infected.

The report predicts that only 1.9 million will be infected, or roughtly 1/6 the population of New York City. Of these 1.9 million, only 200,000 will die of it.

And this is their worst case scenario?

What is it with the administration and "wishful thinking"?

Other examples-
The war in Iraq is nearly over
They (the Iraqis) will great us as liberators
The War will pay for itself with exported oil
The Hurricane will not hit New Orleans
The Levies will hold!

And the net recommendation from the report, "you're on your own."

Libertarian agenda here? At least its honest about its own incompetence.
I watched The Stand recently. Pretty shitty series, but scary stuff. I'm going to stay away from people when it strikes, anyway.
Bird flu shmird flu.

Nevermind the fact our country's run by right-wing populist loonies, be scared of the bird flu!

Let me indulge myself in a bit of a 4Too wannabe-ism, by posting this.
Wooz's "Government Flu"

Wooz's "Government Flu"

Thanks, will respond with an antidotal rambling.

In my early 40-something-s, doing SOMETHING, right or wrong, became an option.

As all stood tall around me, at work, and at play, I got the flu.
Three days of intense fever, and then a trip to the budget health 'club' clinic for drugs to treat the infectious secondary, opportune, alien, life forms.
Figure that I was in the right place, at the wrong time, and became a statistical candidate for severe viral reaction to that season's air borne social disease .

Doing SOMETHING, right or wrong, became being aware of flu shot opportunities.
Been able to get a flu shot most years, until recently.
Have 'better' health insurance, but do not qualify in age, or occupation to easily access, ... the now limited supply.
Perhaps there was in the political past, a 'surpluses' that were dispensed at a loss in the mid flu season.
Those were 'cheap' 10 or 20 dollars, and available at multiple locations and convenient times.

In this AMERICAN CENTURY ........

It has been clearly stated, in our capital driven media, that there is no money, NO PROFIT, in flu vaccine.
Not even a federal subsidy can guarantee a limited supply for those at most statistical risk.
The most trendy means to profit, out sourcing, does not insure a 'just in time' inventory. Foreign out sourced suppliers can fail to deliver, when the product is contaminated during manufacture, as has happened just recently.

The now limited supply.

There is money and opportunity for all forms of medical procedures in the United States of America.

Breast enlargement, and liposuction,
hair implants, and hair removal,
penile extensions, and transsexual castrations,

where ever the ''market'' leads. the self important -- medical -- industry,
the 'experts' of ''pub-ic'' health will be there, chasing the money.

I could get Viagra, and Prozac, but NOT ... a flu shot.

Perhaps as "The Great Depression" set up the nation for "The New Deal",
a "Great Pandemic" will evoke the hysteria for a born again "Public Health Safety Net-work".

This will not be a moral or medical decision.
This will be a political revision.

No revolution, because it WILL be televised.
It's Presidential signature amends lionized,
and it's pork payola, obscurely, itemized.

It will be politics.

Only if, the astrology at the cusps of arcane power interests and the MONEY are cohabitant-ly aligned.

The final wind up, Capital is capital.

With the now, institutionalized, monopolized, limited supply, we got Viagra, we got Prozac, but you couldn't "kill" to get a flu shot.

My 401 and IRA will slowly compound until looted by 'the cooks' of capital and co conspiracy taxation.
My Social Security contributions will forever languor in limp support of U.S. Treasury Bills. and ...

Us old men will die with happy hard ons.

4too doesn't need the bling.

Well said 4too.

The government's pandemic plan is a fucking joke. "Stand three free away from the person working next to you."

At least the incompetence is in writing.

Republicans, if the flu comes and you find the federal government has failed you.... Fuck you! You elected this.

Fuck..... Worst case scenario is the fucking black plague.
It seems that of the last few years, every year comes flu season, every year comes "the deadliest strain yet". Every year comes a pandemic looming over the horizon. Every year comes panic, finger-pointing, and overamped news coverage of the oncoming plague as news groups try to fill slow or dead time. Every year are massive shortages that'll be the death of us all. Then finally, every year comes... sniffles, a few scattered reports of a frail and elderly person dying, and mostly... nothing.

While it's amusing that the administration so fond of "taking action" is once again ignoring things close to home, this isn't a Katrina, it's not going to be a plague, it's the goddamn flu. It evolves, it overcomes vaccines, it picks off a few of the weak, but ultimately the best defense against it is to take care of yourself. Keep yourself in good health and you'll be set to fight it. Who the hell wants the Bush fuckups involved anyway, mercury-preserved immunizations injecting "weak" live strains into them garaunteeing they feel like shit for a week rather than just having a chance of that crappy feeling, or quarantines or any other bullshit?
PhredBean said:
It seems that of the last few years, every year comes flu season, every year comes "the deadliest strain yet". Every year comes a pandemic looming over the horizon. Every year comes panic, finger-pointing, and overamped news coverage of the oncoming plague as news groups try to fill slow or dead time. Every year are massive shortages that'll be the death of us all. Then finally, every year comes... sniffles, a few scattered reports of a frail and elderly person dying, and mostly... nothing.

Not exactly correct here-

Influenza was first described by Hippocrates as early as 412 b.c., and the tiny virus has spent the succeeding centuries shifting, drifting and wreaking havoc. Humanity has been seeking ways to eliminate the threat since the first pandemic was recorded in 1580."[2] "The fact that flu is caused by a virus was a British discovery, made in 1933 by scientists of the Medical Research Council (MRC)."

The most known outbreaks are caused by antigenic shift, when two strains of influenza recombine forming a lethal new strain. The most famous outbreak (and the most lethal) was the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic (type A influenza, H1N1 strain), which lasted from 1918 to 1919, and is believed to have killed more people in total than World War I. While the war casualties accumulated over several years, the pandemic took most of its toll over a period of weeks. Lesser flu epidemics included the 1957 Asian Flu (type A, H2N2 strain) and the 1968 Hong Kong Flu (type A, H3N2 strain).

Known flu pandemics
1889-90 - Asiatic (Russian) Flu, mortality rate said to be 0.75-1 death per 1000 possibly H2N2
1900 - possibly H3N8
1918–20 – Spanish Flu, 500 million ill, at least 40 million died of H1N1
1957–58 – Asian Flu, 1 to 1.5 million died of H2N2
1968–69 – Hong Kong Flu, 3/4 to 1 million died of H3N2

Although there were scares in New Jersey in 1976 (the Swine Flu), worldwide in 1977 (the Russian Flu), and in Hong Kong (as well as in other Asian countries, namely continental China, as became known later) in 1997 (Avian influenza), there have been no major pandemics subsequent to the 1968 infection. Increased immunity from antibodies, and the development of flu vaccines have limited the spread of the virus, and so far prevented any further pandemics.

The Hong Kong Flu, a minor pandemic, killed 34,000 in the US alone.

While it's amusing that the administration so fond of "taking action" is once again ignoring things close to home, this isn't a Katrina, it's not going to be a plague, it's the goddamn flu. It evolves, it overcomes vaccines, it picks off a few of the weak, but ultimately the best defense against it is to take care of yourself. Keep yourself in good health and you'll be set to fight it. Who the hell wants the Bush fuckups involved anyway, mercury-preserved immunizations injecting "weak" live strains into them garaunteeing they feel like shit for a week rather than just having a chance of that crappy feeling, or quarantines or any other bullshit?

I am not so sure I agree with this either. Even if a pandemic was no more lethal than the Hong Kong outbreak we are talking 34,000 dead- that's a lot of folks.

Spanish flue killed off nearly 2.5%- 5% of the world's population and affected nearly 20%.
In US, about 28% of the population suffered, and 500,000 to 675,000 died. In Britain 200,000 died; in France more than 400,000. The death rate was especially high for indigenous peoples; entire villages perished in Alaska and southern Africa.

That's pretty damn bad. Considering that Avian Bird flue is over 50% lethal, imagine 10% of the world's population lost in a Pandemic like the Spanish Flu? 14% of the US population dead- what's that, about 42 million people?

Here's the thing, if a flu outbreak where to happen that plan would be followed until it was clear that it the plan was crap and not working- sorry about all those folks who died before we figured that out. But the program should at least-
(1) a realistic worst case scenario based on past precedent.
(2) sufficient confidence building that shows the state is both capable and effective in handling this. The report does not do that.

In otherwords, it's more incompetence.
I believe I read some article in a popular science about how it will be possible to breed a vaccine in petri dishes, making it possible to mass-produce it (perhaps) before an outbreak.

I haven't heard anything about it since then though.
I fear more that rogue agents of some pharmacorp might set loose a killer virus to drive up sales and generate ad revenue than H5N1 actually being the thing that kills anyone.
So you've confirmed what I said about no recent outbreaks (though that may be relative, I personally don't see 1990 as very recent at all).

And I still see nothing to contradict my main three underlying points of what I wrote: hysterical news media cries wolf every year creating an uproar for ratings regardless of how dire or not the situation may be, that a person is best off not relying on the government for action to save them from these things especially after the damn fools voted him in knowing full well how apathetic his administration is to things outside their agenda, and that taking care of yourself drastically increases your chance of survival as the flu takes mostly the weakest.

Wooz said:
If it takes Nashville along with it, I'm for it.
That got a good laugh. I agree, same goes for Atlanta or Salt Lake.