NCR playtrough... pretty stupid? SPOILERS

Mojave Wolf

First time out of the vault
One week ago I finished my NCR playtrough and it let me with a strange question inside my head: What about the Platinum Chip?

If you haven't noticed that, after entering Mr. House's Lucky 38 Casino you receive that message from Ambassador Crocker which allows you to start the NCR Main Quests. You can go talk to him without even entering The Tops!
The NCR quests have NO relation with the Platinum Chip, actually, the NCR DOESN'T EVEN KNOW about it. You can just ignore the Ring-A-Ding! and proceed helping the NCR taking the Dam!

The Platinum Chip is completely ignored in this playtrough!

Bam, endgame. NCR wins, woo-hoo!
But Benny still has the Chip, Benny still has the power to take over New Vegas and the Mojave.
Even if the Legion captured Benny, what did Caesar choose to do with it? Did he know how to use the Chip?

Actually if you had played through the legions quest, you would know Casear wants to destroy the bunker of securitrons.
Yeah, he wants to do it, but he seems not to know how to destroy it. That's why he calls the Courier. And you can't be sure if Benny was captured in NCR's playtrough.
The platinum chip is kind of a McGuffin. You don't really need it-- the only one who really needs it is House and Caesar, because of the Securitrons.

Though I am not sure right now if you can finish the game without doing anything with the chip. Didn't tried it yet. /edit: Just reading in the first thread that you don't need it. :P Well, that's pretty good then. Kind of reminds me of the ring in Arcanum.
I always get the Crocker message after I kill/let scape/Kill Benny while having sex with him (in my Legiom run HAHA) so I have never try not do anything with the chip.