@Chromevod The problem with DD is that it is just constant losses. I go down with a party to a first tier dungeon and one of the members get some semi-permanent negative trait which I then need to spend money on back in town to fix and can only do that if I have the money to actually fix it. Then I go with another party to a first tier dungeon and something shitty happens and now I lost a newly recruited hero.
I just keep losing money, keep losing members, keep stacking up afflictions and shit faster than I can remove them. It is subtle at first but after a few hours in the game of just grinding the first tier dungeon 2 thirds of my characters got fucked up afflictions which I need to fix in the church thingie and I ain't got the money for it. And going in just trying to get a quick grab of shit? I did that a few times and grinded up some money. Then I realized how bored I was and I looked at how much of the game I had yet to finish and decided that this is not worth my time.
I'm fine with losing if it is because
I fucked up. I am not okay with losing if the game just decided to use the RNG against me, something which is completely out of my control. And I especially loathe it when it is a constant. Same thing with FTL while we're at it, your chance of success against the final battle all relies on your luck at picking the right places to explore and get the kind of upgrades/crew members you need.
And of course I despise grinding. I can not stand game design that relies on you simply repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I'm fine with it being an 'option', not when it is mandatory.
So to be fair, I have an inherit bias against rogue-likes and forced grinding. To me the latter is simply badly designed. If the only way your game can get any kind of longevity is through a design that forces players to repeat the tiny amount of content it actually got because you've stacked so many odds against them that they will only inch forward ever so slightly with each hour then you ain't designed a good game.
Other rogue-likes out there also just tosses RNG at you but at least a lot of them relies on the players actual ability to play the game in order to succeed. Which brings me to a rogue-like I actually like,
Nuclear Throne. I got 713 hours in that game. It is a game that hands me my ass constantly and I love it. I have no problem with games that are difficult where you 'will' lose 'a lot'. The problem I have is when those losses are out of my hands, and a lot of times in DD it is out of my hands. And I loathe that. Whereas in Nuclear Throne it is all about gitting gud.
Oy, pretty boy, buy Nuclear Throne and loop with Melting without picking the health mutations.
Then again, if Darkest Dungeon is meant to be completely unfair and force you to grind your ass off then I suppose it succeeded at that and it isn't badly designed at all. I just don't see how anyone would want to put themselves through that experience willingly when there are so many better things in life to waste your life away on.
Oh and Chromevod, if you do decide at some point to go "fuck it" and stop playing it before you finish it and get that achievement for completing the game then I'd like to know how you feel about the game at 'that' point, and if you do finish it feel free to tell me about that too and perhaps rub it in my face.