Need advice on a setting.


First time out of the vault
Hello i'm pretty much new here this is my first post.
Anyways the reason i am posting is that me and a friend want to write a game in c and we decided to make a rpg i was thinking(being a huge Fallout fan) of a post-nuclear setting but with vampires ..I know it is a silly ideea but still not many people are probably going to play this so i figured what the heck.

so here goes nothing

The year is 2045,40 years after a global catastrophy happened.Nobody remembers what happened,all that is known is that rockets were launched and genetic viruses were released upon the world.The world has changed much,people have been living in underground vaults and have been sealed off from the rest of the world, others have barely managed to survive on the surface and have suffered serios mutations or worse.But one of the most shocking events is the sudden apeareance of vampires around the world,now not having to fear mankind as the global population has been decimated.Different vampire factions have made their existance known to humans,some whom are more willing to cooperate with the human civilisation,others who keep to themselves and prefere to consider humans as a source of food.They seem to be somewhat resistant to radiation and their ability to hibernate for long periods of time have helped vampires to survive.Mutants themselves have gathered into communities and factions and are trying to fit in the world and be accepted as human beings.
Europe is probably the most afected region in the world as genetic viruses and bombs have throughly decimated the population who was taken by surprise.The goverments are disolved and the state institutions have turned into private corporations.Much has happened that has changed mankind forever,many say that man is doomed and that there is no hope,but still the
struggle for survival takes place each day so perhaps there is still hope.

Anyways this is just the main ideea of the setting nothing concrete yet.I'd appreciate any feedback.Thanks in advance.

P.S. sorry for the grammar it is too early and as you probably guessed I am not english hehe
Silencer said:
This belongs in the Fan Fiction forum, doesn't it?

Fan fiction is for completed works, General Fallout is for discussion of post-apocalypse setting, theories, etc., so this is fine.
While Im not too into Vampires, Ive got to admire someone who works to set up their own fan devised world (even if itll lean on FO some).
Good luck with it all.
Well thanks Psycho.
Anyways to anyone who is interested and is willing to help me write the story&setting the game will be mostly text based with some hand drawn artwork included (made by a friend).
I want to make something similar to Wasteland&Fallout but also with Vampires(which will be a playable race).
The action takes place in Europe and the player will be able to visit most of the countries.We are mostly doing this because we want to increase our programming skills and also because this is what we want to do :P .
I am very serious about creating a good solid setting and a very interesting story so i want to make sure i don't go wrong anywhere that is why i posted here looking for help&critics.
Actually, this forum is for Fallout discussion. This belongs in General gaming discussion, as the "post-apocalyptic vampires" idea really has nothing to do with Fallout.
I gotta admire you guys who make your own game world's. Very ambitious to make it in C++ too. If you even need inspiration I must add look into history/legends/games. You'll find plenty.

I bet you had the Night Person trait in Fallout didnt you?

The Vault Dweller
Roshambo sorry i thought this was for "Theories on the post-apocalyptical setting, critters, etc."
Besides i am not sure how vampires will look in the game yet ( i know i want them to be a playable race) someone gave me some advice for vampires to be one set of mutants whose mutation makes their blood contain some special enzyme, required by the second set of mutants that need to drink it to live/survive etc.

So any feedback suggestions etc. will be greatly appreciated thx.
I think it would be VERY interesting if you made Vampires so they needed to drink "human" blood to survive, BUT they weren't any different from normal humans.

No extremely rediculous perks like you see in the movies, maybe a couple small perks, but come on. How boring is the typical vampire. He needs blood to survive, and he is stronger/faster/quicker and has mind control powers. Where is the fun in that?

If he was just a normal human with some genetic mutation where he needed to drink "human" blood to survive (and maybe a couple small beneficial mutations) that would be very interesting, I think.

Outweigh the vampire population to human population 2:1. So humans are constantly struggling to survive, but since vampires aren't stronger/faster/quicker/mind control, the humans can actually defend themself.

But ideas are like assholes and everybody has one :lol:
Basically I really like your game and there's my 2 cents.
Of course vampires will not be like in the movies or anything like that.I'll make sure it is well balanced, vampires can have special feats and perks but also have disadvantages and the likes.
I am still not sure how to integrate vampires in the game.
I DO know that i want a variety of vampire types , some that feast on "synthetic blood" and others that prefer humans, different factions will be based on this:

Brotherhood of the Ages:A society of elder vampires who are not keen on adopting the new way(feasting on synthetic blood) and consider humans inferior looking on them as simple prey.

Anyways i am trying hard on creating the setting and i do appreciate any suggestions and feedback.
I will post a bigger small preview of the setting soon.It is kind of hard work because i want this to be original but also lean a little on Fallout.
Thanks for the advice&feedback Lostmetal !
slaytanic said:
Roshambo sorry i thought this was for "Theories on the post-apocalyptical setting, critters, etc."

Sure, if you take it completely out of context. It helps to have read the whole forum description, particularly the sentence before the one you posted.
The whole appeal of vampires is their life in the shadows. Living hidden from man, or with a mysterious air about them.

Vampires operating out in the open, in a world with a dwindling number of people loses its mystique.

What rules do you have for vampires that'll make them fit well in a post-apocalyptic environment?

Is this post apocalypse a nuclear wasteland like Fallout's, or is this a genetic nightmare, with buildings and the ecosystem relatively intact?
Bradylama you are right that is indeed one of the things that makes vampires interesting.In vampire only communities you can show your nature without fear but in human/mutant communities it is best to stay hidden.Religious factions hire vampire hunters and the likes so vampire are not exactly loved by everyone.
Vampires look like normal humans and it is very hard to spot one so it is easy to stay hidden.

As for the rules this is still a work in progress so i am not sure .. the vampire part is not even near completion and i know it will be hard to integrate them and make them appealing .. any advice and suggestions in this area are greatly appreciated.
And yes it is a nuclear wasteland like fallout,the genetic nightmare part has faded away it's only purpose was to decimate the population.

I am new to this i am not a storyteller i am a programmer, this is pretty hard for me so please excuse whatever mistakes i make.
The best idea starting out is for you to write a short story based on the game world you're creating. Even if you're not going to let anybody read it, it's good to get your main ideas down on paper.

But good luck, man. It sounds like a good idea (the setting sounds like it has similarities to Vampire Hunter D). Also, I don't know how many times I've seen game projects that I knew would fail because the lead "programmer" said, "I'm making my game in 3D Studio Max!"
"The whole appeal of vampires is their life in the shadows. Living hidden from man, or with a mysterious air about them."

Same thing goes for Bigfoot, the BoogieMan and the Lochness Monster.

Vampires are FICTION, they are not real (and dont give me any of that modern "psychic vampire" bullshit). When it comes to fiction, different aspects of things appeal do different people. It's like saying "The whole appeal of Peter Pan was staying young forever." When there's definitely more to it than that.
DevilsAdvocate thanks for the idea maybe i will do that.And yeah i know what you mean i've seen that 100 times also and it always annoys me.Trust me we will finish this game sooner or later.

Anyways this is my idea on how it would be for vampires:

Vampires did not lead a peaceful life before and they still do not lead one now.They look and act like normal humans but they do have some tricks up their sleeve.There are several types of vampires,the ones who survived the war were split into two basic groups that had different opinions on how the vampire nation should carry on.Some think that vampires should coexist with humans in peace and adopt new ways of satisfying their hunger,others who consider humans inferior looking on them as simple prey.Unfortunately most humans and even some mutants look on vampires with fear and disgust so it is still hard for vampires to live in peace with humans,thus in human/mutant communities it is best for a vampire to stay hidden and not reveal their nature.Religious factions hire vampire hunters and the likes so vampire are not exactly loved by everyone.The christian and catholic religions are the ones that are most practiced and both of them look on vampires as a plague that must be exterminated.
Vampires look like normal humans and it is very hard to spot one so it is easy to stay hidden.
The process of creating a vampire is a very simple but usually fatal one:every victim of a vampire,if it is not drained of blood completely,has an extremely small chance to rise.

Hows that ?
I think your forum sig. is hilarious.

As for your game idea, awesome. Sound like a good innovative addition to the always great post-nuclear setting.
Thanks Lost Metal.
It is a bit hard to integrate the vampires in the p-a setting but i'm getting there slowly.Also i wrote the main storyline which i personally think it is awesome and all the people whom i showed it to said the same thing.If anybody is interested in making quests and helping out in any way please fell free to scream at me letting me know.

A web site will come sooner or later but that is not my main interest now ( i do not want to show off stuff now that i will probably scrap later).
Ok so if anybody is still interested in this i thought i should do an update on things. We have decided to use the fallout pnp S.P.E.C.I.A.L system but modified to work well for vampires.We are still trying to balance it out.I am still looking for people who are willing to make quests and now i am also looking for people who want to give advice on what they would like to see.
Ok so this is how the setting and the main plot looks like :

1.1 Setting: The year is 2065, 40 years after a global catastrophe occurred. It happened so fast that people barely got to see the flash of light coming towards them. Hundreds of millions died and all that mankind had struggled to achieve was shattered into oblivion. Cities were gone in just a few short seconds wiped away by the devastating power of nuclear warheads. When it was over all was quiet, it would seem that mankind was annihilated, but there were some that made it to safety and managed to survive somehow during all this.
The world has changed much, some people have been living in underground vaults and fallout shelters and have been sealed off from the rest of the world, others have barely managed to survive on the surface and have suffered serious mutations or worse. But the flow of shocking events is not over as vampire communities and factions have started to emerge around the world. Different vampire factions have made their existence known to humans, mostly because it would be much harder then before to keep their existence a secret. Some are more willing to cooperate with the human civilization, others who keep to themselves and prefer to consider humans as a source of food. They seem to be somewhat resistant to radiation and their ability to hibernate for long periods of time has helped vampires to survive. The once beautiful continent of Europe has now turned into a radiated wasteland. The radiation levels vary throughout the desert, the safest places being the places furthest away from ground zero, where the bombs went off.
Radiation has affected the way the world was once in many ways. Animals as well as humans have all changed in one way or another due to the mutagens which led to the creation of new unique species. Mutated humans are referred to by others simply as mutants, each one being unique in one way or another as the radiation had different effects on each person exposed to it. Mutants are not welcomed in some human settlements but not all, they have their own cities and communities in which they try to survive by working together.
Europe is probably the most affected region in the world as genetic viruses and bombs have thoroughly decimated the population who was taken by surprise. The governments are dissolved and the state institutions have turned into bickering factions struggling for survival. Much has happened that has changed mankind forever, many say that man is doomed and that there is no hope, but still the struggle for survival takes place each day so perhaps there is still hope.

1.2 Story:
"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
-T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

-Before the disaster took place the United Nations were funding a project code named Aurora that was supposed research any threats mankind could be exposed to and develop countermeasures. The project consisted of a variation of different utilities designed for use in case of any disasters that were stored in an underground facility from where they could be used. One of the projects of this facility was developing a non-nuclear warhead that would be able to eradicate all structures and life on several thousand kilometers and also get rid of any radiation effect's thus purifying a complete wasteland of all radiation. When the great holocaust started the facility was abandoned and all it projects were abandoned. But the missile was already completed and ready for use at any time.
-The player finds out about a military organization (which was part of the Aurora project) that was created especially in event of a nuclear holocaust by several countries. This organization has deep underground vaults that were equipped to sustain human life for long periods of time. The organization has somehow managed to remote access the warhead and has activated it targeting Europe. The goal of this organization is to wipe out all life forms that have been exposed to radiation and get rid of the radiation covering the continent, and then they would emerge from their vaults and rebuild the world.