Dear Dark,
Please refrain from implying that I do not know what I am talking about. Please stop trolling and please stop insulting me.
YOU need to be clear, concise and precise when it comes to all things technical if you want to carry a conversation on my level. If you are going to converse with me you had also better brush up on your English as most of what you have said makes no sense what so ever.
My logic is flawed you say? How dare you assume that my experience in the tech industry (as a profession) pales in comparison to your knowledge.
I have tried reasoning with you, I've given you valid responses to your statements yet, I get insulting and defensive responses mingled with broken English.
xdarkyrex]His logic seems to work like this:
Idiot uses computer, idiot fails, therefore: software is bad. ad infinitum.
When did I EVER indicate that customers or others I have dealt with on a technical basis are idiots? How did you EVER arrive at the conclusion that I assume that the lack of intellect by someone using security software somehow equates it being broken?
Have you worked in the computer repair/build/Internet industry? Have you had the experience of seeing computers come in the door broken? Have you had to explain to customers that Norton, McAfee, Trend Micro or what have you broke their computers to the extent that portions of Windows have to be reloaded?
In case you are about to respond completely bypassing reading and comprehending what I've said previously, let me break it down for you...
Security software such as Norton Internet Security or Trend Micro PC-cillin can and most likely will fail at some point after being installed. This software as well as other security suites historically will break after an automatic update. This software will mistakenly block common ports such as port 80, 25 or 110. Those ports responsible for mail and Internet communications.
Often times those finding themselves in the position of having to deal with a broken security program uninstall the software using windows add/remove programs utility... Unfortunately the program is not always uninstalled properly leaving behind services and other portions of the program in tact that continue to block the ports in question. Sometimes the only recourse is to re-install TCP/IP in Windows after removing the security software and all of its remains.
"Computer code is as only as smart as the person that created it."
Hell, don't take my word for it... Try doing a quick google search for firewall issues. And please don't try pawning that off as users that don't understand how their security software works. I know first hand how bad security suites can get.
As stated by others here, security suites are not an essential to your computers life. At my workplace we have no need for security software on individual work terminals... What is the point? We know enough to not open an attachment contained in an e-mail unless we are absolutely sure its clean (usually malicious code does not make it past the Barracuda firewall). We know how to safely navigate the web... It does not take a genius to be safe on the web without security software that may break with or without the end users help. Right now, I am not running any security software on this computer. Windows firewall is off, do your worst.
Remember, someone wishing to gain access to your network needs a motive... Do you have uncanny amounts of money? Secret files that in ones possession would make he or she powerful? Chances are, you are like me and just wish you had those things. So why would someone waist their time to break through a NAT firewall to get to little ol' you? I may be American, but, I'm not that afraid.
Edit: One addendum to my statement above Dark... You personally may use a security firewall for your own purposes. That is fine, there is nothing wrong with that. You believe you have the technical prowess to resolve any potential issues that may arise and thats great!
My initial statement was a valid one. Just because you have a reason to use security software doesn't mean that others will see value in that reason in regards to their own situation. Many assume that security software is a must because the world is out to get them and that is simply not true.
I fear you will not understand me again, and I you... So let us shelve this and stay away from it being an issue between us. No?
Edit again... Why do I always get into arguments with folk about technical related issues here? The last one was with DarkLegacy regarding if Vista had OpenGL or not... Oy