Need Help have a Major Bug can't make Critical Hits


First time out of the vault

I have a major problem with my Fallout 2. I simply can't get any character regardless of savegame or new game to score critical hits anymore. The only way I can get them is if I use a character editor and give myself the sniper perk. But without it even with a crit chance of 35% and aimed hits at the eye I will not get a single critical hit out of 100 shots.

I have reinstalled everything several times and it still isn't working (that would be fallout 2 + RP 1.2 + sfall 2.2a). I have used falche 2 and Fallout 2 Savegame Editor to test if this affects all weapons and unfortunately it does. So I'm at a complete loss. If anyone knows what could be causing this I would be greateful for suggestions.

Perhaps you're trying to get critical hits within the first four days of gameplay? IIRC, in F2, critical hits are disabled until day 5 since the beginning of the game.
Chris Parks said:
Why in the world is that??? :shock:

I guess it's supposed to even out the chances of getting through the Temple of Trials, or prevent Dude from killing Cameron with a lucky blow I guess.
Ardent, that's some major expert knowledge mate! After sleeping for 5 days all characters can do criticals in all my savestates! Many thanks for the help!
fortyseven said:
Ardent, that's some major expert knowledge mate! After sleeping for 5 days all characters can do criticals in all my savestates! Many thanks for the help!

No problem, fortyseven :) Glad I could help.

I don't even remember where I've read about this 4-days critical hit block, but I believe it must have been here somewhere.
From Per's guide:
There's no point to using targeted blows in Temple of Trials or just afterwards, since critical hits are disabled for the first day of game time. Critical failures are disabled for the first five days.

Though as you noticed, sniper/slayer perks do work always.

Awesome mod btw, Ardent.
qbadger said:
From Per's guide:
There's no point to using targeted blows in Temple of Trials or just afterwards, since critical hits are disabled for the first day of game time. Critical failures are disabled for the first five days.

Though as you noticed, sniper/slayer perks do work always.

Ah, so it was Per :) I don't know how I made four days out of one, but I wish I could do that in real life :wink:

Awesome mod btw, Ardent.

Thank you very much! :D