Need help with a script

I think, the easteregg encounter is forced with Sfall. Never really looked into it, though.
Does that mean I should numerate things normally, but add that easter egg description in the end of each table? (in tables where it can occur, ofc)
You don't want to add anything about the easter egg map to the worlmap.txt. It's not a random encounter at all, but a forced encounter like Lexx said. It uses a global sfall script that looks for if you have finished the game and if you you are on the world map, it will then load map 166 (easter egg map).

So numerate your encounters normally and don't worry about the easter egg encounter.

OR wait... I see, you are talking about that line in worldmap.msg.
I'm pretty sure that is just a leftover from an attempt to make the end game encounter in a normal random encounter way.
I believe you can simply replace those "gathering" lines with your own encounter description. Or if you prefer to keep them, just send them down the list to after your own lines.
I finished it. it doesn't work anymore. Whee.

Started a new thread, if nobody can help with this the idea will be abandoned, I have no clue what went wrong.
Mediafire seems to be down, so I can't download anything atm.

As for empty encounters in the RP, the only ones I can think of was with Kaga and when you where doing caravan runs, or where there any others?
The caravans has their own encounter table and don't use worldmap.txt (and it was a script problem).
IIRC the problem with Kaga was that the game tried to place him somewhere on the map where he couldn't be placed (outside of the scroll blockers or whatever it was) so the game simply ignored him instead. Also Kaga is alone in worldmap.txt, his companions are added from his script. So no Kaga = no companions = empty map.