Need help with T-51b PA build (a really really good one)

Agent 9

First time out of the vault
I guess this is the right place to post this... Okay, so last year for Halloween I made a T-51b costume (this one) but it was never finished as I made it in under two weeks, and was lazy after. I based it partially off of a screenshot of Rhombus's PA in FO 1, but due to time constraints, just slapped it together (it is still around, and gets use now and then :D )

Right Now I am working on T-45d (I hate the design too, but need a little more experience in making a decent quality costume) it is turning out good so far as I have a 12" sub woofer in it (with a decent amp) so that probably cancels out the stupid design of the suit (not my fault, Bethesda's fault, LoL)

Well, anyways, After I am done with the T-45d costume I want to take a break, then start making a really really good (full/ complete) suit of T-51b, probably at least partly/ mostly out of metal. I am planing a metal frame for it so it can support its own weight, but that's an issue for later...

--I need as many references for T-51b PA as I can get (I really don't like the Fallout 3 take that much) so only the older (correct) version please. , as well as advise for how to make what can't be seen. Once I get started I'll post pics.

My ultimate goal for this: Poor Man's Power Armor 8-)
Thanks for trying to help, and don't worry neither of you has come across as rude. The FO3 version looks like it has some infection that made it bloat up and change shape... what were they thinking?

I've been discussing it a bit on this thread with some other people here I knew it'd be a pain to find to find different reference on (good ie: FO 1&2) T-51b.

At the beginning I thought about re-making the T-51b (really good and complete) but I was also considering making the Advanced Power Armor/MK.II from FO2. That may be easier to find reference, as a member here made this awesome (almost complete) 3d model of it that looks really good/ accurate. Seeing as I haven't made APA MK.II yet, it would be a fresh and new build for me (more fun)

It is not perfect, but a good basis. I can/will use other Helmet references.
The very least I will do with this project is make at least one entirely complete metal PA helmet, and the "framework" for the PA. the rest is dependent on how well I can work with the materials/ how much I am motivated (I think I'll be well motivated). I am not going to waste my time making some cheap fiberglass/ plastic suit, real metal or bust for me

I think I don't have permission to make a poll
If someone could be so kind as to add a poll to this (admin?) it would be greatly appreciated. Something like this, you can change/ add where you see fit.

Title:" Vote for what "classic" Fallout Power Armor I should build (FO 1&2)"

"T-51b Power Armor"
"Advanced Power Armor/ mk.II"
Yea, T-51b would be totally awesome... I think something like the Van Buren Tech demo model of T-51b, but a little "tweaked". that is the closest thing I've seen that looks like the little NPC's in FO1&2

AAAAAAhhhh!!!! This is becoming really complicated (fast).
I was trying to come up with at least some ideas for the "framework" of the suit. It should be able to support some if not all of the weight, and be able to assist movement (maybe, but not required)

Here is an initial rendering of a very preliminary design (one of many) Green- frame connected to body___Red-Pistons___Yellow/Blue- separate upper leg beams___Cyan-Lower leg section and upper assembly___White- foot base

The problem is that the material for this has to be quite strong, the pistons (have to be bigger than represented) and have to have a LOT of power behind them if it will be able to support/ move everything.

The other problem I'm seeing even with the other designs I thought of is it is really hard if not impossible to turn (walk right/ left/ turn in a circle) the way they are setup, eventually I'll find some way around that...

I think that no matter what I do I'll have to have the motors/ hydraulics controlled by some decently complicated board (assuming I go that route, those active assist things would be bulky, complicated, and expensive). That would have to have pre-programed movements (walk forward, quarter turn, sit, ect...) If I do that I'll put the controller interface inside a Pipboy 2000 hooked up to the suit by a unplugable cable (how cool would that be) sadly I don't think any of that will happen though. :cry:

There are of coarse passive technologies I can employ to only aid in movement, and weight distribution. These are far more practical considering this has to be portable, and not too cumbersome. But I'll need some help in finding the best ones that could be used.

I need some ideas/ thoughts/ links to stuff that could be incorporated into a "light weight" (not bulky) framework. With any luck then i'll build the armor pieces, attach them to the frame, and then put some kind of neoprene/ rubber between and attached to the separate metal plates. Sounds like a really fun challenge.
Building it actually powered is going to be really, really hard. I'd skip that. I'd also look into medieval plate armors, especially gothic ones. They were guite heavy, but surprisingly not that uncomfortable. A lot of weight rests on the hips and legs. If you really go for full or partial metal, you should take a look at that.
Also, you should build the APA MKII. It's awesome.
Hassknecht said:
Building it actually powered is going to be really, really hard. I'd skip that. I'd also look into medieval plate armors, especially gothic ones. They were guite heavy, but surprisingly not that uncomfortable. A lot of weight rests on the hips and legs. If you really go for full or partial metal, you should take a look at that.
Also, you should build the APA MKII. It's awesome.
Indeed it will be hard to make my own power part (probably too hard) but f I did I would program a set of movements into a controller so if I push "walk foreward" it walks forward and when I tell it to stop it plants both legs on the ground. That wouldn't be as hard to accomplish as with sensors and all that jaz, but it would limit movement severely. Do you know where/ how I can buy one of those leg things, and how much (one that can actually function with a lot of use/ abuse, not some cheapy HAL 5) Maybe I should start a fundraiser and buy one(NMA bake sale anyone? LoL)

I am looking into metal casting at the moment for the smaller things and pieces. I looked at plate armor making before, but need to go further in depth with that and get some stuff so I can make smooth curves and such.


I was wondering how I should finish the suit, I'm thinking the third one. This will affect what processes/ materials I choose to employ to make it:
1- super smooth and shinny (ie: off the assembly line, bot painted; so the whole thing looks like chrome parts on your car :D )
2- perfectly smooth and perfect paint job (ie: a fresh one right off the assembly line)
3- a bit roughed up (kinda like FO 1 level of wear, still mostly painted, but with imperfections [bullet marks and such])
4- beat to shit (ie: been through hell, no/ little paint) [I don't really like this one]

I was thinking about making a partial frame and hanging the armor plates off that, it would keep the pieces from moving around, and hold most of the weight (which would be hinged or something so they open up, I go in, then close it and look like one piece) maybe some kind of push latch with the push part being flush with and the same color as the rest of the suit (for opening up the pieces and keeping them closed)

I am going to make the T-51b first (my fav classic) and if I finish that before the end of 2011 I'll start the APA MK.II.
I'd go for a little wear at most.
Yeah, building a partial frame and attaching the hull to that would be best. Make the torso as rigid as possible to avoid having much weight on your shoulders.
This is looking good, in Lost Foam Casting you basically make a foam object pack it in "green sand", pour the molten metal in, remove sand cast, and walah a nearly perfect replication of your object (the foam is evaporated entirely). This'll be great to make the helmet, the detail parts, and parts of the frame. :D

Only problem is I need raw materials (probably Aluminum, though not pure) and a melting furnace/ crucible that can melt enough metal to make the parts... :|

Fundraiser? lol... Probably better to try and get a sponsor, or a metal caster near by that can help me... anyone in the Chicagoland area that has the equipment/ wants to help? or maybe be a co-buyer of the tools? (If I make one I could probably make two... maybe)
Enclave APA is my all-time favorite, but that T-51b you're working on sounds good so far.
Melting and casting... That sounds like it's gonna be complicated.
For some parts it might be inevitable, but I think you should try forging most parts out of sheet steel. Heat it up and hammer away :D
The helmet is going to be really complicated. Maybe you should use fiberglass or something like that for it.
Man, you're going to need a huge workshop for this :D
I would go the un-asssisted/un-powered route, some suspenders on your shoulders would take a lot of the feel of weight off the apron/lower torso area. Leggings could be just strapped to the back of your calves. The chest armor, you could hang above your suspenders. Then more strapping to your arms for that area of the armor. This route would at least preserve mobility by seperating the armor into chest/arms/apron/leggings.

Just a thought. Man a real powered suit would be so much cooler but IDK what yor budget/engineering exp. is.