Need save file for The Enclave


First time out of the vault
Long time ago I played Fallout 2 almost thru. Now I want to finish it but my save files or gone(lost in a crash).

Can anyone provide me with a save file that brings me to The Enclave?
Don' tknow were I was exactly but I know that I was in a big room with turrets.
Save files does need to be exactly there but it should be in The Enclave.
Just want to see the end.
Ok, first things first.

Why didn't you write which version of the game you have? If you have applied the patch, the save games from the unpatched versions won't load, and vice versa. Do you expect anyone to go into the trouble of sending you files just to hear "Hey man, your game won't work" ?

Second, you could just as well cheat your character using FALCHE or read this nice walkthrough to find out how to beat the game in 20 minutes. Or do both.

Last but not least - you are aware that the endings vary a lot depending on the choices you make in the game? Finishing someone elses game would give you not 'your ending' , but probably comething completely different. So get a move on and finish that game.

unless you're just after the mushroom cloud cutscene...

I have the English version patched with the latest patch(I think it's 1.02d).

And I really didn't know that there are different endings.
Isn't there a way to see them all without playing the game over and over again?
BigDuke66 said:

I have the englisch version patched to the lates patch(I thinks it's 1.02d).

And I really didn't know that there are different endings.
Isn't there a way to see them all without playing the game over and over again?

uh..... The point IS to play the game over and over to get the different endings.... That is what Fallout is all about, the fact that your actions have consequences.....
Pisswash.... :evil:
BigDuke66 said:
And I really didn't know that there are different endings.
Isn't there a way to see them all without playing the game over and over again?

Unless you're apt enough to make a script for setting global variables or extract the files from MASTER.DAT, I don't think so.Again, if you want to know all the endings, look in the walkthrough.
BigDuke66 said:
Hey, I don't want to take the time and effort to play a videogame, I just want to enjoy it... uuuh... not playing it. Yeah, that's right.
