Fireblade said:Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't these Neo-Nazis themselves be considered 'race traitors'? I seem to recall from reading Shirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" that while deviants were allowed at first, over time people who exhibited glaring personality defects in and of themselves were eliminated as well. Not that I brushed up on Nazi philosophy or anything, but wouldn't a meth junkie be considered a waste on society, and hence would be desirous to remove them from the 'hard-working' white mainstream?
Rather ironic.
Yes, actually the eugenics movement in the 1920s was often about trying to remove those individuals that present such likely defects as alcoholism, sexual perversion, drug use and other forms of social deviancy.
A meth junkie would be seen as a person who would likely pass on a genetic predisposition towards addictive behavior or, because of the effect of drug use, might create flawed offspring.
This was widespread, even in the US-
These vocal groups advocated laws to attain their aims, and in 1924, the Immigration Act was passed by majorities in the U.S. House and Senate. It set up strict quotas limiting immigrants from countries believed by eugenicists to have "inferior" stock, particularly Southern Europe and Asia. President Coolidge, who signed the bill into law, had stated when he was vice president, "America should be kept American. . . . Biological laws show that Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races."
This was also the basis for Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes to allow allow the legalization of sterialization of retarded individuals says, "One generation of idiots is enough."
If your are interested in the American Eugenics Movement-