Neon Genesis Evangelion


I don't know if any of you guys are fans of this anime but I heard some great news the other day it seems they are going to be releasing 4 new movies. I have not got many details yet all I know that they will be based on the season one and set to be released in q4 2007 and 2008.

I really can't wait I recommened anyone that is into anime and has not seen this go and rent or buy they box set.
I wonder if it might help kill the live action film project that Weta Workshop has worked on?
I hope so because that would be bad as a uwe boll film. I hope hollywood stay the fuck away because this is something I don't want raped.[/quote]
Awesome. 8 hours of storytelling even more convoluted and half-baked than the show. I can't wait.
Petition to kill Serifan on grounds of liking anime.
Serifan said:
God damm it why does everyone want to kill me. No really I wanna know :)

Well, I'm sure that anyone else that liked anime would be up for a killin', maybe...

i like (some) anime. Rosh liked (some) anime.

neither of us got killed last i checked.
Well at least I am not the only one, I find some anime to have more story and action then most hollywood movies I just don't understand why people would deny themselves the pleasure
I like some anime as well obviously, along with many others here, including Wooz I suspect.

Hotaru no haka/Grave of the Fireflies is on SBS at 10:30 tonight and should be well worth watching. I would be interested to read other's take on it.

Whenever I think of Serifan I think of the phrase 'kicking a puppy', which is only coincidentally related to the old av with the hybrid artwork.
To be honest, I didn't think Grave of the Fireflies was all it was cracked up to be. I don't remember what it was about it, exactly, that made me not feel anything for those kids. Maybe it was the way everything was presented so matter-of-factly. I dunno.

Is this what it takes to get Bradylama to reappear?

Everybody loves a good Bar-B-Q.
SuAside said:
a Boire Beaucoup, you mean?
To drink a lot? Eh, we always have BierBQs (BeerBQs).

Anyway, Grave of the Fireflies was a pretty good anime. And one of the few I can stand to watch.
Quality cinema. I think it was probably better that it was animated and Japanese, as the restraint was effective and believable to me. A Hollywood version might have more action and story, but it would also be terrible.
Sander said:
SuAside said:
a Boire Beaucoup, you mean?
To drink a lot? Eh, we always have BierBQs (BeerBQs).
yeah, well, BBQ's are often an excuse to drink too much, hence Boire Beaucoup's. ze french heritage.

never heard of BierBQ, but it fits as well (but only when it's not done with craptic dutch beer, k?).
SuAside said:
yeah, well, BBQ's are often an excuse to drink too much, hence Boire Beaucoup's. ze french heritage.

never heard of BierBQ, but it fits as well (but only when it's not done with craptic dutch beer, k?).
Not all Dutch beer is of the Heineken/Amstel level. Grolsch and Hertog-Jan, for instance, are excellent. And my preferred pilsners.

Then again, my preferred beer is always a Geuze. Preferably a Geuze Boon Marriage Parfait.
yeah, i know. H-J aint bad.

my prefered 'everyday'-beer is Duvel (or sometimes Leffe). the more special stuff is Chimay (or other trappist/triple) and obviously Westvleteren whenever you can get your hands on it.

PS: pretty skillful derailing, don't you agree?