Ripping And Mixing
Ripping And Mixing
Since the socket seven days, have always managed to maintain some behind the tech wave crest -- bargain -- ATI All In Wonder card on a functioning PC.
Would not have recommended ATI's back then because of the infuriating difficulty when installing their drivers on Win 95 and 98 OS'es. Had to be one stubborn square headed MF to a out last the ordeal.
Use to time record selected TV cartoon shows for some minor relations. In that part of town, my antennae had better reception in the daytime of these important broadcasts anyway.
Then, cable was an overpriced luxury.
Now, it's an overpriced necessity.
Right, ... and I can sell you options on a future bridge to nowhere in Alaska ...
Instead of zapping the commercials, use to mix in game trailers and intro's.
So of course, all the FO intro's were included.
Got the 'age appropriate' lecture when the youngest saw the abandoned teddy bear in FOT's intro. He INSTANTLY got that everyone INCLUDING the children died in that fictional apocalypse. Guess to that young intelligence, the bear had as iconic a visual impact as the runaway baby carriage in BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN. Don't worry, it was all character building, last year I had to struggle to win one out of three when networking Warhammer 40k RTS's against him.
What do I recall?
Ol' uncle 4too gave 'em some Tomb Raider leaping and shooting, and perhaps, the high lights of rat killing and scorpion dodging in FO1 from V 13 to V 15.
The surprising favorite was a furious replay of a level from Warhammer 40k - Chaos Gate.
Shear luck or accident, the point of view camera was fast, obliquely dramatic, and on the fly . The canned opposing character taunts fresh enough, they couldn't tell it was turn based.
They called it "'The Battling Blue Robots"' (both sides in heavy battle armor). They watched it again and again, as only kids can.
DDD, enjoy the temporal paradox of timed recording. When archiving, ripp-'em and mix-'em to dance out a theme like a crafted, customized music cassette.