vanzizzle said:To finish the game you can't be completely neutral, in the way of factions. Karma? Just do some bad deeds every now and then.
I don't think you can be positive with Powder Gangers and Goodsprings.. haven't tried it yet. But you can't finish the game with everyone on positive. Depending on who you choose to fight with, dictate who turns vilified toward you.
Mr Krepe said:I was positive with goodsprings and gangers as well because I didn't do ghost town firefight I just did random unmarked quests round goodsprings. Until I decided I preferred goodsprings over gangers and down ghost town firefight, I then laid siege to NCRCF, with Boone and Rex, as well as 2 rangers I gained through the ncr emergency radio.
I felt amazing with that much force behind me, I then stormed the NCRCF and killed them all. That's what they get for disobeying NCR order.
I believe that makes sense, were 'Karma' something that genuinely existed.AWildmann said:And for some reason you still will be considered bad even if no one saw you stealing.
Well I believe that there is Karma, and if someone does something bad its gonna come around.Cromlech said:I believe that makes sense, were 'Karma' something that genuinely existed.AWildmann said:And for some reason you still will be considered bad even if no one saw you stealing.
Your Karma can be bad or good without anyone witnessing it (save perhaps Gods), reputation on the other hand cannot.
Cromlech said:NPCs should only recognise recorded and documented evil acts.
Cromlech said:Begging your pardon, that is what I meant by documented. I should have sticked to 'witnessed'.
People see it happen, and they hold it against you. If someone sees it, the rumour can be passed on, sure. That way other towns might hear about you.
I would be happy with that.
AWildmann said:The karma on FNV be too prompt to give you the Karma from stealing, but maybe just because there's not a mechanic for people to figure things out on their own, so it has to be done right away.
AWildmann said:Thinking like that it makes sense, even if you managed to have an alibi for doing something nefarious, people are gonna start suspecting.