Neutral Path?


First time out of the vault
I was wondering if you can be neutral in the game and get all quests at the same time?

So far, i am not neutral at all. But a friend of mine is and stands with all fraction on the positive.
What do you mean "neutral" - overall karma? I think you`d need to kill tonn of civilians to balance off all the good deeds )
Not being at war with any factions is possible.
To finish the game you can't be completely neutral, in the way of factions. Karma? Just do some bad deeds every now and then.

I don't think you can be positive with Powder Gangers and Goodsprings.. haven't tried it yet. But you can't finish the game with everyone on positive. Depending on who you choose to fight with, dictate who turns vilified toward you.
vanzizzle said:
To finish the game you can't be completely neutral, in the way of factions. Karma? Just do some bad deeds every now and then.

I don't think you can be positive with Powder Gangers and Goodsprings.. haven't tried it yet. But you can't finish the game with everyone on positive. Depending on who you choose to fight with, dictate who turns vilified toward you.

I was loved by both Goodsprings and Powder Gangers... 'til I double-crossed the Powder Ganger leader.
I was positive with goodsprings and gangers as well because I didn't do ghost town firefight I just did random unmarked quests round goodsprings. Until I decided I preferred goodsprings over gangers and down ghost town firefight, I then laid siege to NCRCF, with Boone and Rex, as well as 2 rangers I gained through the ncr emergency radio.

I felt amazing with that much force behind me, I then stormed the NCRCF and killed them all. That's what they get for disobeying NCR order.
Mr Krepe said:
I was positive with goodsprings and gangers as well because I didn't do ghost town firefight I just did random unmarked quests round goodsprings. Until I decided I preferred goodsprings over gangers and down ghost town firefight, I then laid siege to NCRCF, with Boone and Rex, as well as 2 rangers I gained through the ncr emergency radio.

I felt amazing with that much force behind me, I then stormed the NCRCF and killed them all. That's what they get for disobeying NCR order.

I did the firefight, but then did several powder gangers quests later in stolen clothes and all was forgiven... while they lived.
Just be a total kleptomaniac and pinch everything that isn't bolted down.

If they don't see you, they won't attack, but your karma will still suffer.
AWildmann said:
And for some reason you still will be considered bad even if no one saw you stealing.
I believe that makes sense, were 'Karma' something that genuinely existed.

Your Karma can be bad or good without anyone witnessing it (save perhaps Gods), reputation on the other hand cannot.
If you are lucky enough to get a silencer for the varmint rifle (and scope if you are extremely lucky) , you can execute the gangers without loosing any rep with them.
Cromlech said:
AWildmann said:
And for some reason you still will be considered bad even if no one saw you stealing.
I believe that makes sense, were 'Karma' something that genuinely existed.

Your Karma can be bad or good without anyone witnessing it (save perhaps Gods), reputation on the other hand cannot.
Well I believe that there is Karma, and if someone does something bad its gonna come around.

I just don't think it should affect the way NPCs treat you, even more if they don't have any proof or eye-witness that you have done something bad.
That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that.

NPCs should only recognise recorded and documented evil acts.

I suppose that one way this would be covered, is overall reputation.

Faction reputation strongly governs interactions with said factions.

Overall reputation governs interactions with everyone to a lesser degree, so if you are a sick bastard the faction might still have reservations about you even if you do a lot of good for them specifically.

Finally Karmic balance, which could affect how the endgame is determined based upon your unseen evil or good choices.

Then again, maybe I'm making it needlessly complex and the endgame would be better off determined only by what you actually do in game, regardless of overall Karma.
Yeah I agree, for example, said town prospered because you helped it thrive.

But shouldn't happen that it goes bad simply because you stole everything that was worth on their houses.

Karma should indeed affect a few aspects of the characters life, but not every aspect of it.
Well, if you stole all their valuable possessions, I think the town suffering because of it would be reasonable.
Cromlech said:
NPCs should only recognise recorded and documented evil acts.

Look at your own neighborhood: Rumors, hearsay, intuition and snap judgments abound. We live in a world where we make decisions based on evidence that may not be admissible in a court of law.

Sometimes you don't need to catch the guy red-handed or dust the area for fingerprints to know that he's a no-good sneak-thief. It's more along the circumstantial guise of, "hey, this guy showed up one day, and then suddenly all my worldly goods went missing. I met a traveling merchant a week later who happened to have half my stuff, and he says he got it from some random wanderer."
Begging your pardon, that is what I meant by documented. I should have sticked to 'witnessed'.

People see it happen, and they hold it against you. If someone sees it, the rumour can be passed on, sure. That way other towns might hear about you.

I would be happy with that.
Cromlech said:
Begging your pardon, that is what I meant by documented. I should have sticked to 'witnessed'.

People see it happen, and they hold it against you. If someone sees it, the rumour can be passed on, sure. That way other towns might hear about you.

I would be happy with that.

I don't have to see a drug dealer to know that drug dealers exist in my neighborhood. I don't even have to ask anybody if there are drug dealers to recognize them.

I don't have to see someone break into your home to recognize a suspicious character after you reported your home broken into.

Human beings are naturally receptive to recognizing patterns, and without the whole picture we are notorious for filling in the blanks ourselves.

The game mechanic of "karma" abstracts that to make up for a lackluster AI.

You may be technically correct that nobody saw you enter the house and you were smart enough not to sell the stolen goods in the same town, but people saw you enter the town, and people saw you leave the town, and during that time stuff was stolen: That's enough.

EDIT: This gives me an idea to "tweak" the abstraction: If it was directly observed, it affects your karma immediately. If it wasn't directly observed, it affects your karma upon discovery. So you can rob a guy blind, and still make nice to him until he discovers your sticky fingers long after you've left town.
Thinking like that it makes sense, even if you managed to have an alibi for doing something nefarious, people are gonna start suspecting.

The karma on FNV be too prompt to give you the Karma from stealing, but maybe just because there's not a mechanic for people to figure things out on their own, so it has to be done right away.
AWildmann said:
The karma on FNV be too prompt to give you the Karma from stealing, but maybe just because there's not a mechanic for people to figure things out on their own, so it has to be done right away.

That is most likely the case.
AWildmann said:
Thinking like that it makes sense, even if you managed to have an alibi for doing something nefarious, people are gonna start suspecting.

OJ Simpson has Good Karma.

Nice posts, Nalano.