Neverending children question


First time out of the vault
Hi !

I know that it has been asked a thousand times, but:

My european version of Fallout 1 is missing children.

Now I searched this forums already for an answer, but so far no topic could privide me with an answer to how to fix it.

I found a unofficial patch 1.04 for Fallout 2 so I guessed there might be something similar for the first part.

I would appreciate every help. Thanks in advande.

Blaine said:
Thank you for the reply !

But I am looking for a Fallout ONE patch. I'm sure there must be children because a walkthrough mentions one in the building of the children of of the cathedral (a flower girl).


I'm not sure, but I believe that in Fallout 1 the "children" were replaced with "loser" NPCs. You know, those slow-moving fellows in the long brown pyjamas. The flower girl certainly was, she...hang on, it was a flower boy...he's hanging out in front of the Catherdral in the form of a loser. No real purpose, though.

PS: I'm not sure if this is true for the unpatched Fallout 1. Be sure to install the path.
Someone over at the duck&cover forum provided me with a link to a german site which hosts a blood patch. If it works for for my fallout 1 I'll post it here so that others might benefit from it in the future.

Fallout said:
if you really want children that bad you could always just download a new version of fo1 from kazaa, or another sharing program of that sort.
That's how I got my US version of FO2.
I paid money to get my game with everything...
And realize it's an ELV version....
This way I have an original CD with which to play and a backup CD with which to install (to have the kids and all mature things)
It worked !!!

As promised, the link to the site which hosts the blood patch:

Don't bother reading, it's german. Just click on the *Blood Patch* button in the navigation bar and download the 35 Meg file.

Install it in your Fallout 1 AND / OR 2 directory. It restores gore and children in BOTH Falllout games, also providing the game with the original US patched .exe

By the way, I'm just want kids because it's part of the game and more important, it creates atmosphere and realism. I don't like paying full price for a broken game (in case of Fallout 2).

Would be REALLY neat if us poor european players could find the patch at one of the renown Fallout sites.

Back to playing Fallout 2....
Briosafreak said:
Are you sure that patch works for both Fallout games?


I played Fallout 1 briefly and all worked perfectly fine. Now I'm finishing Fallout 2 (v1.04) for the first time and so far no unexpected problems occured.

Both Fallout games use the same game engine. As far as I understand Interplay just removed specific graphic (aka children) files from the installation CDs, but not the file refenrences. So the patch basically just reinstalls the missing files.

Apparently names and "personalities" of characters are stored in seperate file(s), I guess.

Hmm, are you sure you don't have it here already? I know there is already a childrens patch on NMA somewhere, which works for both fallouts(I used it, got sick of all of those invisible voices and getting tagged as a childkiller because of burst ;)).
If it's just a bunch of graphics files, it's already here.

Oh, and Blaine, I think something was mentioned in the 1.04 patch about fixing those children, so that could be it too....
Yeah we have the childrens patch for FO2, but he is saying that particular patch is for both, i need to download it and check it, a bit later during the week.
More importent, in addition to the missing children the patch also restores FULL violence to the low (no) violence versions.

I had one copy. Scary stuff.

After some researching I came to the conclussion, that the Fallout 1.04 patch SHOULD work also on part 1. At least the missing graphics. Don't quote me, I didn't try it and applying the FULL patch (with the 1.04 patch000.dat on so on) would crash the game. I guess.

Blaine said:
It worked !!!

As promised, the link to the site which hosts the blood patch:

Don't bother reading, it's german. Just click on the *Blood Patch* button in the navigation bar and download the 35 Meg file.

Install it in your Fallout 1 AND / OR 2 directory. It restores gore and children in BOTH Falllout games, also providing the game with the original US patched .exe

By the way, I'm just want kids because it's part of the game and more important, it creates atmosphere and realism. I don't like paying full price for a broken game (in case of Fallout 2).


I can't find any 35meg file, just a 19.2megs (the one from server 1).
I can't get the patch to work. :(

Is there a nice person out there who could send me their critter.dat file? If there is, send me a PM.