This thread is basicaly going to be a dumping ground for various pieces of random art we make here, I figured that with the FIFE art contest its a good time to see what we can all come up with.
Anyway for starters I just made this tonight, it's pretty rough but not bad for a quick throw together. I've learnt a little bit more about texturing (UV Mapping) and rigging the object to a skeleton.
Name: Eye-Sprout (based on an egg plant )
Could be used as a critter or just general scenery to add some mutant plant life to maps.
Eh eh, good 'ol eggplant. I downloaded your .avi and I'm impressed by the eye you made.
I'm planning to do something for this contest too... Even if it might not be something Fallout related. I'm considering something different. A quick thing I put together this last Sunday:
Wild_qwerty: are you still working on your lovely Eye-Sprout? I think we could use it for BGE, if you agree and if you make it more odd and mutated (now it still looks more like a daisy flower).
Also, what about some mad scientific exposition - you can´t just put it in the universe, this way sucks (maybe some genetic mishmashing like in EPA - in this case I would be able to manage that mad flower-mutant to our work).
By the way, I´m pretty unsure about its attack animations/modes and form of combat (thrashing player by the eye? omg! what a poor plant ), but it´s probably not relevant for now.