New Berserk Game for the PS2.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Gametrailers has several trailers for the new beat 'em up Berserk game which is supposed to be released on the 7th in Japan.

The game is definitely based around the end of Volume 13 in the comic, and the end of the show. It'll feature characters never introduced in the show, such as the Skull night, and follows up to the current volumes.

So far it appears to be something designed more for fans of the series, which might explain why I've had trouble finding information on a release date.

Bradylama: Oh hey, Berserk release date is the 29th. Apparently.
Jess is hopeless: 29th?
Jess is hopeless: wtf
Jess is hopeless: it said 9th on Gamespot
Jess is hopeless: those lying fucks
Jess is hopeless: where did you hear that?
Bradylama: Somebody made a typo, apparently.
On your Games of March list and on your release dates list you have Berserk's release date as March 9th. On your preview for Berserk you have its release date as March 29th. Whats up with that? I hope its release date is March 9th. I wan't to kill mutant creatures with a big ass sword as soon as possible.


Brandon Responds: It is the 29th. Apparently, Anoop fell asleep at his keyboard again while updating our beloved release list.
Jess is hopeless: ...are you slow, Bradford?
Jess is hopeless: Sword of the Berserk for DREAMCAST
Jess is hopeless: came out in 2000
Jess is hopeless: in March
Jess is hopeless: it says RIGHT THERE
Bradylama: I know it does.
Jess is hopeless: and the date
Jess is hopeless: 2000?
Jess is hopeless: No? Nothing?
Jess is hopeless: *SIGH*
Bradylama: ;_;
Jess is hopeless: What am I gonna do with you?
Bradylama: I'm sorry.
Bradylama: Still though...
Bradylama: It comes out in Japan on the 7th.
Bradylama: A release on the 9th sounds too good to be true.
Jess is hopeless: Yes it does
Jess is hopeless: I dunno
Jess is hopeless: we'll see
Bradylama: I've looked for Berserk Release Date, and that's all I've found.
Bradylama: Oh, joy.
Bradylama: Xenosaga 2 is being released in February. =/
Bradylama: Ganespy claims the release date is the 7th.
Jess is hopeless: I am looking at the Gamespot forums here and nobody has any fucking answers
Bradylama: I have a feeling this is probably because internet gaming news people have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
Jess is hopeless: Probably
Bradylama: Better tell Tyson not to trade in Fable just yet, then.
Bradylama: Still need to get those legendary weapons.
Bradylama: Let's try going straight to the source...
Jess is hopeless: eh?
Bradylama: Sammy Studios.
Jess is hopeless: ah
Jess is hopeless: considering that Gamespot A) doesn't have boxart yet for it
Jess is hopeless: B) has it listed, but on the releases for that week, it's not there
Jess is hopeless: and C) is gay
Jess is hopeless: chances are we have been decieved
Bradylama: Hmm.
Bradylama: Berserk isn't on their front page.
Jess is hopeless: oh well, at least THUG 2 is coming out
Bradylama: Its just Guilty Gear and crappy games.
Jess is hopeless: that'll occupy me
Bradylama: Searching for berserk on their site only reveals a special move for Chan Koehan.
Jess is hopeless:
Jess is hopeless: Did we imagine this game? Does it not really exist?
Bradylama: I don't know.
Jess is hopeless: some sort of mass hallucination?
Bradylama: Those are pretty good trailers for a hallucination.
Bradylama: I didn't think we were that imaginative.
Jess is hopeless: my hallucinations are never that good
Jess is hopeless: I know I am
Jess is hopeless: but I dunno about you
Bradylama: Well, Berserk isn't in their games list, either.
Jess is hopeless: what the fucking mother fuck is going on?
Bradylama: As far as Sammy is saying, Berserk doesn't exist yet.
Bradylama: Let's check their forums.
Bradylama: Hmm, no forum for Berserk.
Jess is hopeless: This sucks
Jess is hopeless: I was really looking forward to that
Bradylama: At least there are threads for it.
Jess is hopeless: There's gotta be someone out there like us
Bradylama: Is this coming to the U.S. or not? If so, give a ballpark figure as to when...
Bradylama: So far, nobody gave him an answer.
Jess is hopeless: Figures
Bradylama: Let's try the Berserk thread in their General Discussion...
Bradylama: Gamespot did, after all, claim to have played a gameplay demo.
Bradylama: Or perhaps they just played the Import Demo?
Jess is hopeless: who the fuck knows
Bradylama: The amount of gore in the game is enough of a gimmick to attract a lot of sales.
Jess is hopeless: exactly
Bradylama: It'd be a mistake for them NOT to release it in the States.
Jess is hopeless: and FANS will be creaming themselves for it
Jess is hopeless: Berserk was no slouch in DVD sales
Jess is hopeless: Fuck, I bought them
Jess is hopeless: and I'm cheap as hell
Bradylama: Oh? =O
Jess is hopeless: Oh!
Jess is hopeless: Of course
Jess is hopeless: this was before bittorrent
Jess is hopeless: or at least MY knowledge of it
Jess is hopeless: Now I buy NOTHING
Jess is hopeless: except food
Jess is hopeless: which I can't download
Jess is hopeless: ...YET
Bradylama: Wellp, Sammy hasn't given any feedback in their own forums. Not even from Admins.
Jess is hopeless: what the fuck
Bradylama: I know.
Bradylama: Its possible that Sammy US doesn't care about it.

The game features a neat gimmick, where wherever the Dragon Slayer hits an opponent for a kill, their body will be chopped at that exact spot. It does however, do justice to the series, which features pretty gruesome combat.

Something to look out for, even if you're not a fan.
Krazzikat now works for Sammy, she helped setting up those forums you`re talking about, try to ask her.

Chuck Cuevas might be on the team of that game, since he also joined the company.