New California Dreaming - A Fallout Fic


First time out of the vault
The Fallout Universe belongs to someone other than me. No infringement is intended, no profit is to be made and I'm just not worth the hassle of suing anyway unless you want a share of the wages of an underpaid Civil Servant.

This is a revised version of New California Dreaming which I've updated to include information gained from Fallout: New Vegas, it can also be found on and Twisting the Hellmouth the latter version being the one I recommend because of better formatting and hyperlinked references

The Fallout games are set in a post-apocalyptic United States years after the Third World War wiped out most of the population of the planet (most of those that did survive had been inside gigantic Nuclear Bunkers called Vaults) and left most of the country a blasted, radioactive wasteland. However this is not our future, the Great War of 2077 happened in a parallel Earth which diverged from ours after World War II and the pre-war culture and society was different enough to ours to make it an almost 1950's version of the future... with nuclear bombs dropped on it. This story takes place in the ruins of Washington DC and the surrounding region (known as the Capital Wasteland) the setting for Fallout 3 (set in 2277) however it starts two months earlier than the game does and features original main characters one of whom is from the West Coast where Fallout 1 (set in 2161) and Fallout 2 (set in 2241) took place.

In Fallout 3 the descendents of the old United States Army, now known as the "Brotherhood of Steel" are revered for holding back the atrocities of the wasteland. Fighting Raiders and Mutants. On the East Coast they are seen, and see themselves, as Knights in Powered Armour fighting for truth and justice... on the West Coast however they're usually called the "Steel Plague" after they launched a war of aggression against the New California Republic seeking to annex the only free nation in the wasteland.

Now into this mix of mutated monsters, murderous savages, divided loyalties and ideologies you can now throw in the remnants of the old corrupt United States Government itself in the form of the brutal, genocidal and self-serving Enclave, defeated on the West Coast but back in force and back to their old tricks in the East.

In the wasteland life is cheap, slavery is the norm and even cannibalism is common. Murderous psychopaths loot, rape and pillage at will, preying on the weak. There is no real law and order, no justice... no hope.

Welcome to the world of New California Dreaming, welcome to the Capital Wasteland in 2277.



The Wasteland - Virginia – June 2277

Coyle wasn’t certain if his assailant was a raider or a slaver, her clothes at least said destitute wastelander for what that was worth, but regardless it was pretty damn certain she wasn't firing on all cylinders because instead of running away she had instead pulled a switchblade from her bramin-leather jacket and adopted a threatening posture. ‘They were right’ he muttered to himself, drawing his Heckler & Koch MP9 from its holster and levelling it at her, ‘the further East you get, the lower the IQ’s drop’ he said with a resigned sigh. The knife would barely scratch the Recon Armour he was wearing, although being sans helmet at the moment she might go for his throat he supposed.

‘I'll cut you’ she said, the threat not exactly backed up by the way she wasn’t even holding the small knife properly. She had previously thrown the spear she had at him but missed by a mile, disarming herself and simultaneously annoying him, neither a good move to be honest.

Fortunately for the girl Coyle’s Mom was a superstitious type and had always told him that killing a crazy person was bad luck. Conversely his father might have argued that eliminating the loon from the gene pool before they could breed was a public service but on the other hand Dad would have also baulked at the waste of ammunition so Coyle decided to try reason instead of violence. ‘I'm aiming a firearm at you’ he pointed out in the tone he reserved for children, the insane and junior officers. ‘Go away’ he instructed her patiently, shooing her off with his free left hand.

‘You can't have my water’ the girl insisted.

‘I don't want your water’ Coyle replied evenly. ‘I'm just looking around to see if there's any whiskey in any of these buildings’ he said, now sweeping his left arm about to indicate the shattered ruins of the small town he had come across, finding it solely inhabited by a crazy female in maybe her late teens. ‘Chances are any water you've got glows in the dark anyway and I'm hoping for kids with the right number of fingers and toes someday’ he added.

The girl looked suspicious. ‘My Pa and my brothers will be here soon’ she told him, ‘you'd better leave before they get here because they're crack shots’ she declared.

Coyle was unconvinced by either statement but deciding she wasn't likely about to try and stab him any time soon he holstered his MP9. ‘See, I'm all peaceable’ he told her, ‘okay, how about if you've got any whiskey I'll buy it from you’ he suggested. ‘Or from these reputed family members that are surely now just moments away.’

‘You talk funny’ the girl observed.

‘It's called a vocabulary’ Coyle replied sardonically, ‘and that word means...’

‘I know plenty of words including that one’ the girl responded, clearly aggrieved by his implicit accusation she was some dumb tribal or something. ‘I meant your accent’ she said indignantly.

‘I'm from out west’ Coyle explained.

The girl looked doubtful. ‘You mean West Virginia?’ she asked. ‘I've known plenty of traders that came from there and they didn't sound like you’ she stated.

‘Further West than that’ Coyle replied patiently.

‘Ohio?’ the girl queried.

Coyle groaned. ‘I'll save you the next half-dozen states and skip to the one at the end’ he said. ‘I'm from California’ he told her.

The girl raised her eyebrows, she had seen a map of the old United States and knew where that was. ‘Are you with the Brotherhood of Steel?’ she asked. ‘I heard tell from some folks they hail from way out that far.’

‘No I'm not from the fucking Brotherhood of Steel’ Coyle responded angrily before his expression shifted to a look of intrigue. ‘Are there any of them around here then?’ he asked, looking very interested all of a sudden.

‘Why do you want to know?’ the girl queried. ‘And is the knowing worth anything to you?’ she asked.

‘How many caps for the information without me having to answer the first question?’ Coyle replied.

‘Fifty’ the girl told him.

‘You're kidding’ Coyle responded, ‘it's worth beating it out of you to save that much money.’

The girl looked alarmed. ‘My Pa and brothers...’

‘Yeah, yeah’ Coyle interrupted her dismissively. ‘Twenty-five’ he counter-offered.

‘Forty’ the girl replied. ‘And I'll let you have three bottles of whiskey for fifteen caps each’ she continued. ‘It's the good stuff, goes down smooth’ she promised.

‘I'm not going to drink it’ Coyle responded flatly. ‘Thirty-five for the information and another thirty-five for the whiskey, that's sixty-five caps all together’ he said.

‘That’s seventy’ the girl responded angrily, ‘you trying to cheat me?’ she asked.

‘It seemed less immoral than beating the crap out of you and saving all the money’ Coyle replied with a shrug. ‘Okay seventy and put that damn toothpick away, if anyone saw me handing you a load of caps while you're pointing it at me they'd think I was letting you mug me and my reputation as a badass would take a nosedive.’

The girl looked around the deserted ruins and wasteland beyond. ‘Who the hell is going to see you out here?’ she asked reasonably, putting the switchblade away.

‘Hey you might not think it but there's radscorpions from here to San Francisco that would sting themselves rather than take me on’ Coyle deadpanned. ‘And deathclaws tell their kids that if they’re naughty I'll come and eat them.’

The girl looked Coyle up and down. ‘Yeah, right’ she said eventually, clearly unconvinced by the veracity of his admittedly unlikely claim.

‘Would you believe they warn them I'd give them the worst indigestion ever?’ Coyle asked with a grin, he thought he was funny at least. ‘So where's the whiskey and where did you see the Brotherhood?’ he asked.

‘Show me the caps first’ the girl insisted.

Coyle nodded back the way he had come walking into town earlier. ‘Back there with my bike and the rest of my stuff’ he said.

‘Your what?’ the girl asked in surprise.

‘My bike’ Coyle repeated himself, ‘my motorcycle’ he said. ‘You didn't think I walked three thousand miles to get here did you?’ he asked rhetorically. ‘That's why I need the whiskey’ he explained, ‘I'm nearly out of fuel and I didn't want to have to put the good scotch in the tank.’

‘You've got a working motorcycle?’ the girl queried in obvious amazement at such a notion.

Coyle laughed, it never ceased to amuse him how backwards things really were once you left the borders of the NCR far behind. Whilst it was true that most of the travelling was done by steam-train back home, with still only a few old fusion-powered cars and trucks on the road, ethanol burning internal combustion engines weren’t even all that rare these days. You could even find filling-stations owned by the Wright Corporation on a few of the main highways, the originally Reno-based family-owned business was expected to overtake Crimson Caravan as the wealthiest business empire on the West Coast within a few years. ‘It's taken a battering getting here but it still works’ he confirmed.

Twenty minutes later Coyle had counted out the seventy caps from the bag locked in the left pannier on the back of his bike and after handing them over had received the whiskey which he was now pouring into the fuel tank. He had tested a mouthful, saying this was only to verify what proof it was of course, and though he hoped it wouldn’t eat through the bottom of the tank if anything it was better quality than the stuff he had been running it on back in civilisation, some redneck in these parts must have a hell of a still he decided. ‘Okay so where's the Brotherhood?’ he asked, putting on the Recon-Armor helmet which had been hanging from the handlebars. He had already put on his backpack which had been resting on the seat.

‘Ninety miles East, you’ll find them in the Capital Wasteland’ the girl told him. ‘They used to call it Washington DC before the war but it got blasted good’ she said.

‘You should see the LA Boneyard’ Coyle responded, climbing aboard his bike. ‘They had enough warning to shoot down a lot of the Chinese Bombers and Missiles heading for the East Coast’ he noted. Adytum, a town within the sprawling ruins of the Boneyard, had grown over the years since it joined the NCR but it still only covered a fraction of what had once been Los Angeles, the old metropolis remaining mile after mile of twisted, blasted wreckage for the most part.

‘I've never seen guns like that before’ the girl noted, indicating the two rifles in the leather scabbards strapped to the sides of the machine.

‘I could tell you what they were but I'd have to kill you’ Coyle told her in amusement, the FN-FAL wasn’t really anything special, apart from the fact this one had a night-vision scope fitted, but the M72 Gauss Rifle was probably worth enough for people to hunt him down for it. He had considered not bringing it on this mission at all but if he was going to conceivably ever end up exchanging fire with some prick in powered armour he wanted to be firing something that wouldn’t bounce off.

The girl looked awkward. ‘I could show you the way’ she offered, ‘I mean if you paid me’ she said.

‘Shouldn’t you check with your Pa before playing tour-guide?’ Coyle asked with a chuckle.

‘He's gone, my brothers too’ the girl admitted.

‘I'm shocked’ Coyle replied, ‘you really had me convinced’ he lied. ‘I can find my own way thanks’ he told her.

‘I know all the traders around here, and where it's safe to hole up for the night’ the girl responded, ‘my Pa used to scavenge all over the place, and rode with loads of caravans, he told me all about it’ she said earnestly.

‘Didn't he tell you not to accept rides from strangers too?’ Coyle inquired.

‘You seem okay to me’ the girl replied, ‘I mean you didn't shoot me or anything and you paid up like you said you would... although you did try and screw me out of five caps’ she noted. ‘So what's your name?’

‘My name's Coyle, and for all you know the only reason I didn’t shoot you was because I'm out of bullets’ he pointed out. ‘You're too trusting to be out here, I could be a slaver, or worse, for all you know.’

‘Pa said I was a good judge of character’ the girl replied defensively.

Coyle looked at himself in one of the mirrors fitted to his handlebars, dirty, unshaven, he badly needed to clean his armour and his hair had so much crap in it you could barely tell he was blond. ‘You obviously don't judge on appearance’ he observed.

‘If I can get to Canterbury Commons, that's in the Capital Wasteland’ she explained, ‘my Pa knew a man there who worked with some traders, I might be able to get a job’ the girl said. ‘I'd never get that far on my own, I've got my little brother’s old rifle but it's busted so bad it's not even worth carrying because anyone looking at it would know it was broken’ she continued, ‘and I've only got a few bullets for it left anyhow because I sold the rest’ she told Coyle. ‘I worked at a bar next town over till last week but I wouldn't go with the customers so the boss threw me out.’

‘Everyone's got a fucking sob-story’ Coyle complained, ‘okay, if you promise to stop telling me yours I'll take you along but if you get us lost I'll sell you to a slaver or maybe some cannibals’ he vowed.

‘No you wouldn't’ the girl replied confidently, then frowned ‘I won't sleep with you’ she told him seriously.

‘You smell worse than I do and I got laid a couple of days back anyway so I’m still choosy’ Coyle retorted. ‘Now don't go thinking you get to take a load of crap along, my shocks won't like carrying two of us anyway’ he told her.

‘I've just got a small bag back there where we met’ the girl told him. ‘And I need to collect my spear too’ she added. ‘I got a mole-rat yesterday, there's still some left if you want to eat’ she offered.

‘I've seen you throw that spear, did it die of old age?’ Coyle asked sarcastically. ‘Shit, I'll push the damn bike down there, save some gas’ he said, getting off and starting to wheel his motorcycle back to where they had come from.

‘What does that number painted on the back of your helmet mean?’ the girl asked him, following on.

‘It's how many super-mutants I've killed in hand-to-hand combat’ Coyle replied wryly.

‘I don't believe you’ve killed thirteen super-mutants with your bare hands’ the girl responded.

‘My opinion of your intelligence is going up’ Coyle told her, ‘pretty soon I'll think your IQ is that high.’

Not knowing what an IQ was the girl ignored him. ‘So what does thirteen mean?’ she asked.

Coyle sighed. ‘Thirteenth Infantry Battalion, Army of the New California Republic’ he told her. ‘Arroyo Volunteers.’

‘Who's Arroyo and what did he volunteer for?’ the girl wanted to know.

Coyle stopped pushing the bike, and stared blankly into space before shaking his head sadly. ‘They called us the “Arroyo Volunteers” because almost everyone in the Battalion was from the town of New Arroyo’ he said. ‘The number meant a lot to us so we all signed up for that unit when they asked for recruits to fight in the war’ he told her.

The girl looked at him intrigued. ‘What war?’

‘You ask a lot of questions’ Coyle complained, starting to push the bike again.

‘What war?’ the girl persisted.

‘The war between the New California Republic and the Brotherhood of Steel’ Coyle replied, deciding he could either answer, be badgered about it or shoot her and while the latter option has its positive side he really could use a local guide.

‘So you used to be a soldier and you're from a town in California called New Arroyo’ the girl said. ‘Well at least you're not a dumb tribal’ she said.

‘My mother was a tribal’ Coyle responded, turning to glare at her. ‘I get to call tribals dumb if I want, you don't’ he told her sternly.

The girl broke eye contact. ‘So do you have any tattoos then?’ she asked, lots of the primitives did ‘was your Pa a tribal too?’

‘I've got a couple of unit tattoos on my right arm’ Coyle answered, ‘a rattlesnake on my left forearm, my father was from a vault and you don't get to ask any more damn questions for the next two hours’ he declared.

The girl pouted. ‘You haven't even asked my name’ she moaned.

‘It would make it harder to beat you to death if I knew it’ Coyle muttered.

‘It's Allison’ the girl told him quickly. ‘Allison Brenner.’

Coyle thought about that for a while then eventually smiled. ‘No, as it turns out it wouldn't be any harder to beat you to death now I know it’ he decided happily. ‘You'll have to wear my backpack if you're going to sit on the back of the bike’ he told her. ‘And hold on tight because I don't want to lose it if you fall off.’

An hour later Allison still couldn’t ask any questions but as they rode down a relatively intact stretch of Route 66 and she gradually got used to the idea of travelling this way she did learn one more thing about him, he liked to sing.

Well East-Coast Raider Girls are hip
I really dig those spikes they wear
And the Reno girls, with the way they talk
They cuss me out when I’m out there
The Mid-West Reaver Daughters really get you in their sights
And the mutant girls, with the Rads they take
They make their boyfriends glow at night

I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California

He was onto the second verse when they ran into a gang of Raiders and Scout-Sergeant Cassidy N Coyle of the New California Rangers got to demonstrate why the Republic chose him over all the other volunteers to find out what the hell the damn Brotherhood was up to out East.


Note from the Author:

I'm going by the fallout timeline including the unreleased game Van Buren (what was originally to be Fallout 3) which has the "Brotherhood of Steel going to war with the New California Republic some time after the events of Fallout 2. The BoS had better weaponry but the sheer size of the NCR population (700,000 citizens, a vast number for the era) means that its military made up for in quantity what it lacked in quality and the war stretched on for years.

My original character Coyle is a veteran of the of the war who transferred from the NCR Regular Army to the elite New California Rangers (paramilitary police who roam the wastes wiping out raiders and slavers and looking out for enemies of the Republic). His father was one of the Vault 13 survivors and his mother a tribal from the original Arroyo, both rescued from the Enclave by the Chosen One in 2242 (thirty-five years before Fallout 3, he's in his early thirties by this point).

The NCR knows that the BoS have sent people to the East and they want to know what they're doing, suspecting the Brotherhood is looking for advanced weapons to obtain some new advantage. As far as Coyle is concerned the Brotherhood is no better than the Enclave, they attacked his country (New Arroyo having joined the NCR) and tried to overthrow its democratic government to turn it into a neo-feudal state under their rule so he's definitely not above plinking random BoS guys with his Gauss Rifle.

The currency in Fallout 1 (set in 2161) consisted of bottlecaps taken from Nuka Cola bottles. As civilisation re-established itself on the West Coast however real coins made of gold and silver replaced them (the gold being mined from Redding) and by Fallout 2 (set in 2241) caps were no longer used as money there. However the East Coast is not remotely as well recovered from the war in terms of re-opening mines and factories so caps are still used as money in the Capital Wasteland as of 2277.

The 10mm Heckler and Koch MP9 submachinegun is a constant fixture of the Fallout games. The 7.62x51 NATO FN-FAL however only features in Fallout 2 where it is noted to be back in production as the new NCR service rifle. In Fallout 3 the standard US assault rifle is the R91 firing the considerably less powerful 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge.

There are a ludicrous quantity of whiskey bottles to be found around the Capital Wasteland, it was that that made me think of Coyle riding a motorcycle running on the stuff. The Wrights were bootleggers from New Reno in Fallout 2, I had the notion that they changed their business plan and realised there was money to be made in supplying fuel to the growing economy of the NCR. Wright Ethanol in quantity enabled the Republic to bring back the Internal Combusion Engine in decent numbers.[/b][/i]
The story continues...



The Wasteland - Virginia – June 2277

In a bygone age Coyle would have been a karaoke ninja, or at least that's what he thought as he started the second verse of his version of an old classic.

The West Coast has The Glow
And the girls all get so tanned
I dig a fur bikini... OH SHIT!

Fortunately the three Raiders manning the makeshift barricade around the slow bend in the road were apparently expecting a trade caravan of shambling brahmin, rather than a motorcycle doing a respectable thirty miles an hour, because they seemed almost as surprised at the sudden appearance of the machine and its passengers as Coyle was at nearly crashing straight into them. They did however have an advantage in that their response was mild shock rather than jerking a handlebar to the left and causing a bike to topple over sliding along the roadway on its side like Coyle did, Allison being catapulted off, rolling and somersaulting away.

Sparks flying up from both the motorcycle and his armour scraping across the asphalt, and with his left leg pinned underneath, something in Coyle’s subconscious took over and while his conscious mind had him practically screaming in shock and pain. As he scoured his way down the road his right hand released its iron grip on the throttle and it reached down to grab hold of something else.

The most exposed to view of the three raiders manning the low stockade of wooden fence-posts and beat-up metal road-signs was wearing a leather helmet with brightly coloured upright feathers fixed to it. He was only just starting to react with anything but amazement when the motorcycle finally slid to a halt and was just starting to open his mouth to cry out when it registered that the guy half stuck under the bike was now pointing a machine-pistol directly at him.

The thinking-part of Coyle's mind snapped back into focus and took control again just as his MP9 lined up with the raider, well the scruffy leather armour outfit certainly screamed “Raider” to Coyle anyway and if the guy was merely cursed with lousy dress sense then it was just his bad luck because shoot-first, introductions later was usually the best policy in the wasteland.

It wasn't the ideal firing stance so only about half the short burst of ten-millimetre jacketed-hollow-point rounds struck the raider even though they were barely five yards apart. This was piss-poor marksmanship by Coyle's usual standards and his old comrades in 1st Recon would have mocked him savagely but at the time grouping his shots wasn't exactly a high priority. With only his upper torso and head of his target visible over the barricade thanks to the angle the raider himself would have likely judged it a decent display of shooting skill if he had been a more disinterested party. As it was when the third and forth bullets impacted his jaw, shattering it before ploughing on up and through his head and eventually blowing his brains out the back of his skull, he was in no position to offer praise.

As the first raider went over backwards out of sight Coyle swung his MP9 across towards the next target, clamping his finger down of the trigger and emptying most of the rest of the magazine in a couple of seconds. Unfortunately this second raider was more concealed by the barricade, and also had more of an opportunity to get out of the way, because Coyle missed completely, only managing to put the man's head down as he dived for cover and shaking him up more than a little.

Raider three collected her wits and made a dash for the beat up hunting-rifle she had put to one side earlier. ‘Come on then’ Coyle bellowed, trying to pull his leg free while saving the last few shots in his MP9 in case either of them appeared again. If they both popped up at the same time he knew he was almost certainly dead even if he stood a fair chance of getting one before the other got a round off, ‘don't hit the gas-tank’ he hissed quietly to himself, almost in prayer as he tried to apply what limited leverage he had with only one arm available.

‘We're going to fuck you up man’ the second raider declared loudly as he drew his old Chinese made automatic pistol and waited for his girl to get ready with her rifle.

‘Bite me’ Coyle yelled back, instantly regretting his choice of words given the number of raiders who were also cannibals. His leg must be caught up he realised because he wasn't getting anywhere in his attempts to pull himself clear. ‘Screw it’ he said and fired the last few rounds over the top of the barricade before dropping his MP9 and after killing the engine, which had still been idling until then, he reached for the rifle tied to the right side of the bike which was still within reach.

The second raider waited until the third had retrieved her hunting rifle and had worked the bolt chambering a round. Although typically dismissed as being psychotics raiders had enough sense to band together and use a modicum of teamwork and he knew that if they both did this together it would work out much better. ‘He's got armour on, try and aim for his head’ he advised his female counterpart.

The raider girl nodded, they were so close her rifle should go right through the assholes helmet and end it there she realised, and the range was so short it wouldn’t even be a challenge to hit the mark.

‘How's your friend, did I clear his sinuses’ Coyle called out, baiting them.

‘Fuck you’ the second raider responded.

‘No’ Coyle said with a grin, ‘fuck you’ he declared, pulling the trigger on his M72.

Although haphazard the barricade was sturdy enough and would have stopped most bullets, certainly the 5.56mm or .32 rounds most prevalent in these parts, but it wasn't remotely thick or strong enough to stop a hypersonic gauss-rifle round and as soon as the raider verified his position by speaking again Coyle promptly blew a hole in it, and him.

The dense, small-calibre metal slug punched clean through a pair of foot-thick wooden posts, three steel road-signs and a broken piece of old furniture before it struck the raider, his metal-studded leather armour and indeed his flesh only a minor additional impairment to the path of a projectile designed to penetrate powered-armour or light tanks. Having been both slightly flattened and made to tumble by what it had already travelled though the slug tore an even more destructive path in the raiders torso than it would have done usually and by the time it exited the far side in a spray of blood the hydrostatic shock had thoroughly minced his internal organs.

‘Oh God!’ the raider girl exclaimed then instantly realising her folly dodged sideways as a second gauss-rifle round shot through the barricade where she had just been. ‘Eek’ she cried out, moving again as a third and then fourth slug from Coyle’s M72 followed her movements.

‘Stay still’ Coyle yelled at her, ‘It's hard to find 2mm EC ammunition in the wasteland and it’s a waste to use it wasting wasters like you’ he declared, starting to find the situation suddenly much more entertaining.

Smart enough to stay quiet the raider girl got down as low as she could and started to crawl away, maybe if she got clear she could get an angle on the son-of-a-bitch, shot him and get that damn super-gun herself she hoped.

Sometimes you've just got to take a risk Coyle decided and put down his gauss rifle now using both arms to try and free himself, pushing with all his might as he pulled on his trapped leg. He felt something tear and hoping that it was just his pants being ripped he finally managed to free himself, retrieving his M72 as he initially sat up then readied himself to pop to his feet, rifle up and ready to fire if he had a shot.

Another female voice interrupted his preparations. ‘Coyle!’ Allison called out.

‘Not now’ Coyle spat back loudly.

‘I'm hurt’ she replied, this was not too surprising a revelation to Coyle given the way she had come off the bike. She might even be considered lucky to be alive, or at least conscious, but he had more pressing concerns right now.

‘Shut the hell up!’ Coyle thundered as he stood up, his formerly trapped left leg objecting strenuously to the sudden jerky movement. Looking over the barricade the two raider corpses were visible but their playmate was nowhere to be seen as Coyle moved closer and slightly to one side to change his angle.

‘Look out!’ Allison screamed and Coyle instantly dropped and turned as a bullet cracked past his ear. He spotted the now almost totally panicked raider girl kneeling on the ground just off the road to where she had presumably crawled and watched her now desperately trying to work the bolt of her rifle again, a look of terror on her face.

With a trajectory flat as a pancake the M72 fired again, striking the raider girl right between the eyes for an instant kill. ‘Quick and clean just like you taught me Uncle Cassidy’ Coyle said to himself calmly and after looking around for a few moments in case there was a fourth one of the bastards hanging around he went to retrieve his submachinegun. He put down his gauss-rifle and took off his helmet to rest beside it before fishing a fresh magazine of ten-millimetre rounds for the MP9 from a pocket to reload the automatic weapon with. ‘Thanks for the warning’ he told Allison, walking over to her where she was laying sprawled on the roadway, the girl partially propped up by Coyle’s backpack which she still had on.

‘That really hurt, were those raiders? Are they all dead?’ Allison responded, before moaning loudly.

‘I’m pretty sure they were raiders and I'm positive they're dead’ Coyle replied. ‘Can you move?’ he asked.

‘I could be paralysed’ Allison replied.

Coyle frowned. ‘Can you wiggle your toes?’ he asked.

Allison tried. ‘Yes’ she confirmed.

‘You should be okay I think’ Coyle replied, ‘not that I know much about injuries other than knife or bullet wounds to be honest’ he admitted.

‘We could have been killed’ Allison complained, gingerly trying to sit up and finding that although she was obviously sore and bruised her limbs all still worked. ‘Riding that thing is dangerous.’

Coyle shrugged. ‘Shit happens’ he said unsympathetically. ‘Don't usually find raider barricades or ambushes this far from what passes for civilisation’ he observed, ‘nobody to steal from or murder.’

Allison rubbed her right shoulder, she had hit the road pretty hard at that point and it was probably only her brahmin-leather jacket that prevented the asphalt ripping her to shreds. ‘A couple of trader caravans use this route, they were probably gonna hit them’ she suggested.

‘Goddamit woman, if I'd known this wasn't the road less travelled I'd have been more cautious’ Coyle told her in annoyance. ‘My leg hurts like a bitch’ he muttered.

‘It's alright for you’ Allison retorted, ‘you’ve got armour on I'm not even wearing a helmet’ she pointed out.

‘If you don't mind wiping off the blood and bits of brains there's one on the raider back there’ Coyle replied, nodding back towards the barricade. ‘My bike had better not be all bent up’ he said sadly.

‘I'm not getting on that thing again’ Allison declared.

‘Then you'll either have to stay behind or run really fast to keep up because if it still works I am’ Coyle replied. ‘I forget how heavy the damn thing is’ he said, putting more weight on his still protesting left leg. ‘My other rifle had better not be bent either’ he added, his FN-FAL had been on the side of the motorcycle that hit the road. ‘Are you getting up or not?’ he asked.

‘Give me a minute couldn’t you?’ Allison requested.

‘Oh hell, take five, I'm going to see if those pricks had anything worth taking’ Coyle reponded, turning and heading back towards the barricade, limping slightly.

‘If they've got any caps on them, half are mine’ Allison told him, getting up quickly.

‘Say what?’ Coyle responded incredulously, turning back towards her with an expression of disbelief on his face.

‘We're partners’ Allison told him, ‘fifty-fifty’ she said. ‘And I saved your life by calling out when I saw that skank about to shoot you’ she noted.

‘We're not partners’ Coyle replied flatly.

‘But I did save your life’ Allison responded.

Coyle rolled his eyes. ‘You can have half of anything she had’ he offered, reasonably he thought.

‘That gives you five-sixths of the spoils, that's not fair’ Allison protested.

‘I could take all of it’ Coyle stated, giving her a dark look.

Allison crossed her arms, regretting it because she found additional sore-spots when she did. ‘Half of her caps and I get her rifle’ she said with finality.

‘Can you shoot better than you throw a spear?’ Coyle asked sardonically.

‘Yes, much better’ Allison told him earnestly.

Coyle sighed with resignation. ‘Okay you can have the rifle’ he conceded.

‘Then it's a deal, partner’ Allison declared with a beaming smile.

‘For the last time we’re not partners, friends, team-mates, co-workers or colleagues’ Coyle told her. ‘I'm the boss, you're the increasingly overpaid hired help’ he said. ‘If anyone asks I'll say you’re riding on the back of the bike to stop me getting shot in the back as a cheap substitute for better armour.’

‘People will think you own me’ Allison noted.

‘If they do I'll tell them someone threw you in with the bike’ Coyle replied with a laugh. ‘Go on, search the raider chick and try not to get too much blood on you’ he advised.

Allison nodded. ‘That was a really good shot you made’ she observed as she reached the girl and saw just how well placed it had been.

‘That's nothing, I once did a Khan raider at over eleven hundred yards’ Coyle replied proudly. ‘Last thing he never saw’ he added with a smile, partially quoting the motto of the NCR's 1st Recon Battalion where he had served for a while after his marksmanship and war record got him transferred from the 13th Infantry to more specialist work. Later with many more kills to his name, plus a reputation among the officers for being a little too maverick on occasion, he had been selected for the Rangers, one of the replacements for the hideous losses they took spearheading the offensive that drove the Brotherhood from their headquarters bunker in Lost Hills.

‘She wasn't very old’ Allison told him, the raider might be younger than she was she thought.

‘She's as old as she was ever going to get’ Coyle replied flatly. ‘Live by the sword...’

‘Die by the sword’ Allison finished for him as she started going through the dead girl's pockets You couldn't grow up in the wasteland and not end up hardened to violence and to Allison's mind the raider had brought it on herself by choosing the lifestyle she had.

Five minutes later as they continued to search the raider corpses, putting anything of value to one side, Coyle found that one of them had a couple of packs of Rad Away and after looking at them for a while threw one to the girl. ‘I'm guessing you haven’t taken one of those in a while’ he reasoned.

‘No, couldn't afford them since I lost my job in the bar’ Allison admitted. ‘I try not to drink water that I think's got too many rads in it though’ she said. ‘I filter it good’ she told him.

‘Take that stuff before we get going again’ Coyle told her, ‘I had a doc sort me out a week or so back so I don't need to take any right now’ he said.

‘Are you going to take this out of my pay?’ Allison asked suspiciously, looking at it.

Coyle looked thoughtful. ‘Well I hadn't thought about it but now you mention it...’ he began before grinning at her. ‘It's a present, from me to your future children’ he joked.

‘And now people would think I’m a well cared for slave’ Allison told him, putting the radiation cleansing pharmaceutical to one side while she checked her new rifle. ‘Did you ever own a slave?’ she queried. ‘A real one I mean?’ she asked curiously.

‘No’ Coyle replied. ‘Slavery is illegal in the NCR’ he said, not adding that when on detached duty he actually used to hunt slavers on a regular basis, either gunning them down on the spot or occasionally dragging them back for a fair trial and a fair hanging. The latter was done publicly to help dissuade others from taking up the always lucrative trade in human beings.

‘Really?’ Allison asked in surprise.

‘Yes really’ Coyle confirmed with more than a hint of pride in his voice. It was things like that which made the New California Republic so worth fighting for to his mind, it was things like that which meant that years before when the call went out to every town and settlement that the Brotherhood was trying to overthrow the Republic, and that government by the people for the people was in dire peril, that tens of thousands across the western wasteland took up arms almost immediately and rallied to the defence of their nation. Coyle wasn't blindly patriotic, he was well aware of the faults in the NCR and that corruption, stupidity or malevolence was hardly unknown amongst the senate, but at least the damn politicians back home were elected and that made a big difference.

Allison pursed her lips. ‘But who does all the shitty jobs?’ she asked.

‘People who don't pay enough attention in school’ Coyle replied with a chuckle, ‘and ghouls get a lot of the crap jobs too to be honest’ he admitted. Although outright discrimination against non-feral ghouls was technically outlawed they didn’t exactly tend to fair too well at job interviews given their appearance. The ones that found jobs in nuclear plants, or other places to radioactive for ordinary humans, could make decent money but an awful lot of ghouls ended up sweeping the streets or working in sewage plants. The NCR didn't have slavery but it did have an underclass of sorts.

‘My feet are about her size I'm taking her boots’ Allison told him, changing the subject as she pulled the leather boots off the raider-girls corpse. ‘Hey she's got a combat-knife stuck down this one’ she discovered. ‘Aww, it’s kinda blunt’ she discovered sadly.

‘I've got a whetstone you can use if you want to sharpen it’ Coyle told her.

Allison smiled then looked thoughtful. ‘You're being nicer to me all of a sudden’ she said. ‘Is this a trick to get some?’ she wanted to know.

‘No, I'm in a good mood because I'm alive and these three aren't’ Coyle replied honestly, ‘but if you feel like offering when we're both less beat up just let me know’ he added.

‘So you do want to have sex with me’ Allison declared, she knew he would.

‘You're female, grown up, not mutated and you’ve got a pulse’ Coyle replied, ‘that's pretty much my entire criteria’ he told her.

‘Well you don’t match my criteria’ Allison told him indignantly. ‘And you could have at least said I was pretty’ she complained.

Coyle grinned. ‘I didn't say you weren't sweetheart, I just don't have that as a core requirement’ he replied with a chuckle. ‘Look I'm not going to try anything without an invitation but if your high standards ever drop let me know’ he requested.

‘Are you just having fun with me?’ the girl wanted to know.

‘Apparently that's not on the cards so no’ Coyle replied, still amused. ‘Check those metal boxes over there while I check on my bike again’ he told her, he had given it a brief inspection earlier and it looked okay but he wanted to be sure. ‘And stuff the two pistols they had in the top of my backpack, I'll sell them when we find a town’ he said.

‘There's a little place maybe ten miles further on that has food and beds’ Allison told him. ‘You could rent us a couple of rooms’ she suggested.

‘Or I could rent one and you could sleep on the floor’ Coyle countered. ‘I'd offer to share the bed but you've started to put out this sexual-predator vibe that has me worried’ he deadpanned. ‘That and you need a bath’ he added, walking back towards his motorcycle.

Allison ignored his wisecracks and looked at the corpses again. ‘Are we going to bury them?’ she asked.

‘Passing cannibals gotta eat same as worms’ Coyle replied, vaulting over the barricade at a point where one of the roadsigns had been splattered with blood from a raider. ‘Get your ass kicked on Route 66’ he said, starting to laugh at his own, unjustifiably unrecognised to his mind, comedy genius.


Note from the Author:

The wasteland is a very violent place, Raiders are extremely common and like to hit Trade Caravans and unwary travelers. Brahmin are the two-headed mutated cattle of the post-apocalypse, used as sources of meat, milk and leather as well as beasts of burden.

For those only perhaps familiar with Fallout 3 the M72 Gauss Rifle Rifle from Fallout 2 (and Fallout Tactics) is a very different weapon to the Chinese Gauss Rifle featured in Fallout 3. The most commonly seen rifle in the Capital Wasteland is a .32 Calibre Hunting Rifle. Two centuries after the fall of civilisation they are not typically in good repair but they're still considerably more powerful and accurate than the likes of the war-surplus Chinese Pistol or the 10mm N99 Automatic.

The 1st Recon Battalion of the NCR Army is an elite unit featured in Fallout: New Vegas the latest game in the series. "New Vegas" is set in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281 (a few years after Fallout 3 takes place) and by that point the Western Brotherhood has been soundly thrashed by the NCR although the remnants of them are still around. Lost Hills Bunker was the main base of the BoS in California, taking it would have likely been very bloody indeed!

Thanks to extremely large quantities of nuclear fallout radiation is a constant problem in the post-apocalyptic world. Failure to take it seriously can lead to radiation poisoning and eventual death but there are pharmaceuticals that can help the survivors cope. Rad-X increases your resistance to radiation and Rad Away clears some of the radiation from your system.

You'll be finding out more of the backstory of both the main characters as the Fic progresses, including the story of Coyle's journey across the country and his (mis)adventures in the Mid-West, and I'll also be giving more of the history of the NCR and BoS (I've come up with a fanon timeline that manages to fit in FO1/2/3 and New Vegas plus a fair chunk of Fallout Tactics and Van Buren).

Oh, and yes I know that the road into DC from the west is Interstate 66 not Route 66... Coyle was just being funny
The story continues...



Front Royal - Virginia – June 2277

They pulled up a few hundred yards from what seemed to be a sizeable walled community a couple of miles off the interstate and Coyle turned off the engine. According to the ancient map he had bought with him all the way from his starting point at Vault City this town used to be called Front Royal but the sign above its gates read “Helltown” which probably didn’t do their tourist trade much good he considered.

‘Okay time to earn your guide pay’ Coyle announced. ‘What do you know about this place?’ he asked.

Allison had been hanging onto Coyle’s armour for dear life ever since she nervously got back on the motorcycle and that, in combination with her bruises, meant the muscles in her arms were aching and she was desperate to get off. She relaxed slightly and looked around. ‘Helltown’ she said, ‘it’s the main trading post before you get into the Capital Wasteland’ she continued, ‘boats hauling cargo up and down the Shenandoah River stop off here and everyone for miles around buys their supplies here because the prices aren’t too bad and the Raiders keep away’ she told him.

‘Pretty big place judging by the walls’ Coyle observed, they were made from corrugated steel and what looked like railroad ties and were better than eighteen feet high all the way around.

‘They say the people hid in the caverns nearby during the war’ Allison explained, ‘radiation got most of them afterwards but they still started out with more folks than most places’ she said. ‘There’s farms too, just a couple of miles south.’

‘Have you been here before or is this just hearsay?’ Coyle reasonably wanted to know, bad intel could bite you on the ass.

‘I've been here a couple of times, not for a few years though’ Allison admitted, ‘Pa made me stick with him and my brothers when we was here’ she told him, ‘he thought someone might snatch me, sell me on because they trade in slaves here too.’

‘Slavery in Virginia’ Coyle responded, ‘I guess the South really did rise again’ he observed wryly. ‘Do you think I can leave my bike in there without it getting stolen?’ he asked.

‘You can check things at the gate, pay the guard a few caps to watch it for you’ Allison replied. ‘They're pretty reliable as long as you pay enough and look like you might shoot them if they go back on the deal’ she said then paused. ‘You'll get on better if you act like a badass’ she advised.

Coyle laughed. ‘I don't need to act, it's my natural state’ he claimed.

‘I've met much bigger badasses than you’ Allison told him.

‘Chances are they were just poseurs’ Coyle replied, ‘I'm the real deal’ he said. ‘Go on, ask me how much of a badass I am’ he requested.

Allison decided to play along. ‘Okay California-boy, how much of a badass are you?’ she asked.

‘I'm so much of a badass that it they ever needed a unit of measurement for badassery they’d call it the Coyle’ he told her deadpan. ‘The only problem with that is other people just don't measure up so you’d need sub-units to make the scale useful’ he said.

‘Sub-units?’ Allison queried.

‘Yeah’ Coyle confirmed, ‘taking on a Super-Mutant armed only with a rusty penknife works out at roughly two-hundred and fifty millicoyles’ he told her, ‘three-hundred if it's totally blunt’ he added.

Allison couldn't help but laugh, it was his earnest delivery that sold the line. ‘You've spent a lot of time alone thinking this shit up haven't you?’ she asked him.

‘In my defense it's a long fucking way to the NCR and you'd be surprised how empty a lot of this country is’ Coyle replied. ‘Come on, let's get a bed for the night and something to eat’ he said, starting up the motorcycle again.

Guard towers atop the walls gave the town good warning of anybody approaching and as they pulled up again just outside the gates and got off the bike several rifles were trained at them from above. ‘State your business stranger’ a voice demanded from the other side of the gates.

‘I'm here for trade, something to eat and somewhere I can sleep without deathclaws chewing my balls off’ Coyle replied.

‘It's five caps to get in’ the man behind the gate announced.

‘No problem’ Coyle replied.

‘Each’ the man continued.

Coyle turned to Allison. ‘I'll take it out of your pay’ he told her, earning a glare.

‘Another five for the machine too’ the gatekeeper declared.

‘How about I shoot five caps worth of bullets through this fucking gate and talk to whoever gets your job’ Coyle replied flatly. ‘Ten caps for me and the girl and I'll pay twenty for you to look after my bike once we’re in there’ he bargained.

The gatekeeper thought about that. ‘Cash up-front’ he said.

‘You can have fifteen up-front, the rest when we leave’ Coyle responded. ‘It's not like we can welsh on the deal and go without paying, you'll have my fucking bike’ he pointed out.

‘Deal’ the gatekeeper agreed and after the scraping noise of a heavy bolt being pulled back the gates started to open, Coyle pushing his motorcycle on though and Allison following behind.

Three men in leather armour, one with a hunting rifle the other two with R91 Assault Rifles confronted them inside. ‘Who do I give the money to?’ Coyle asked.

‘That would be me’ the one with the hunting rifle replied, from his voice he was the one who had been talking earlier.

Coyle reached into a pocket and pulled out a small bag of caps which he passed to Allison. ‘Count out fifteen and pay the man’ he told her.

‘You can put the machine over there under the guard tower in case it rains’ the gatekeeper told Coyle. ‘The man on top will shoot anyone that tries to steal it but he’ll charge you for the bullet’ he said.

‘He trustworthy?’ Coyle asked.

‘He's my brother-in-law’ the gatekeeper replied.

‘Depending on what your sister is like that could be a good or a bad thing’ Coyle observed, ‘man could be holding a grudge’ he noted.

The gatekeeper burst out laughing. ‘He's a fat bastard that likes to eat and Mom taught her to cook good’ he said.

‘Okay I'm sold’ Coyle agreed, ‘check the tyre pressure and give it a wipe over with a damp cloth’ he told him. ‘Don't worry about the hot wax.’

‘Say what?’ the gatekeeper responded, narrowing his eyes.

‘I'm yanking your chain’ Coyle told him, with a grin. ‘Would you hurry up and pay the man’ he snapped at Allison who was still counting out the caps, mouthing the numbers silently to herself as she did so. ‘If I'd known you counted “one, two... more” I'd have found another girl’ he said.

‘You could trade her in’ the gatekeeper suggested, ‘part exchange on something nice just in from Paradise Falls’ he continued. ‘Go to the slave-pens, find Chuck and tell him Bill sent you over and not to screw you on the price’ he said.

‘Is he another of your brothers-in-law?’ Coyle asked.

‘Nah, he's my cousin’ the gatekeeper “Bill” replied.

‘From what they told me about Virginia when I was going through Ohio he could be both’ Coyle quipped, causing all three men to laugh. He was funny, paid up and had enough balls to make jokes about them so they were already warming to the stranger as Coyle hoped they would. If someone thought you were likeable and funny as well as confident enough in your toughness to wisecrack then they'd probably not try to harm you without good cause.

Allison handed Bill the caps and then passed the rest of the bag back to Coyle. Most of his money was locked in one of his motorcycle panniers but he always kept a few to hand, fifty or so, and hopefully they would think that was all he had, the small bag not worth risking getting shot for.

As the gate swung shut again Coyle wheeled his bike underneath the closest guard tower and retrieved both his rifles before unclipping the two heavy panniers and passing one of them to Allison. She felt like a beast of burden because she was already carrying his bulky backpack, a small canvas satchel containing her own property and the Hunting Rifle she had taken from the dead raider. Between all that and her clothes it was pretty obvious why people would assume she was a slave even if she didn’t have a collar on. As they turned and headed towards the buildings she found she was walking stiffly thanks to the long bike ride over the often badly deteriorated and bumpy road surface they had travelled on and she just wanted to dump all this crap off somewhere and lie flat on a soft bed. ‘My ass is killing me’ she moaned loudly, sitting on the machine for any length of time was not a pleasant experience.

‘Tell your owner he’s been doing it to you wrong then’ one of the other gate guards called out, one of those carrying an Assault Rifle.

‘Yeah, maybe he should trade you in for a boy’ Bill joked to her, laughing.

Allison was confused for a second then went bright red as she realised what they meant. ‘I'm not...’ she began.

‘At any risk of getting knocked-up at least’ Coyle interrupted her, the guards laughing again ‘unless you give a shit about their opinions just let it go’ he advised her quietly. ‘If you act like a nice docile slave then everyone will be very surprised when they're concentrating on me and you shoot them in the back’ he said. ‘it's win-win.’

The girl thought about that. ‘You'll have to replace the bullets I fire doing it’ she said, shaking off the urge to retort to the guards. ‘I remember that there's a bar with some rooms for rent up this way in the centre of town’ she said.

‘Just point me in the right direction and stay a step behind’ Coyle told her. ‘And no making eye-contact with people if you want to play this right.’

‘I've seen how broken-in slaves act’ Allison replied, the two of them heading down the street towards where Helltown became a hive of activity.

It was a pretty high-class place all things considered. The rooms for hire above the bar had locks on the doors and lockers inside them for your goods and the heavies on the front door looked big and mean enough to dissuade thieves as well as the drunks getting too rowdy. From the looks of them some of the less than select clientele in the bar might be raiders who would come to town in peace to trade and get laid but Coyle still found he was able to relax a damn sight more than he could on the road, and after securing his stuff as best he could he decided to enjoy a beer, an actual cold beer, served straight from a working refrigerator.

‘Hey stranger, buy a girl a drink?’ a girl requested, sliding up to him at the bar.

Coyle looked her up and down and suspecting that he might catch something judging by her sickly appearance he decided to stick with just the beer. ‘I've already got company’ he replied, turning to nod towards Allison who was returning from a trip to the outhouse.

‘You can get a three-way for the right price’ the girl offered.

‘Sorry not interested’ Coyle lied, ‘tell you what, here's five caps get yourself a drink on me’ he offered, fishing them from a pocket and putting them down on the bar.

‘Oh hey, five caps’ the girl responded sarcastically, ‘check out the last of the big spenders’ she said loudly, although she did snatch them up before turning to head for another possible client.

‘Who was that?’ Allison wanted to know.

‘Girls just can’t keep away from my magnetic personally’ Coyle replied, taking a swig of his beer.

‘Or your caps’ Allison replied, ‘this is a lot bigger than the bar I used to work at’ she said. ‘Prices are higher too’ she said, noting what was written in chalk on a board above the drinks cabinet. ‘So are you going to buy me a drink?’ she asked.

Coyle sighed. ‘Barkeep, bring me another beer for the mooch here and a shot of the good stuff for me’ he called out. ‘We’ll finish these then find somewhere to eat’ he said. ‘No, scratch that, we’ll find somewhere to take a bath and then we'll find somewhere to eat’ he corrected himself.

‘I think there's a place with girls that’ll wash you down if that's your kinda thing’ Allison told him, picking up the beer the barman placed down for her as Coyle paid him.

‘Sounds pricy when I could just get my slave to do it for free’ Coyle replied, savouring his cold beer.

Allison leaned over to whisper in his ear. ‘I'm not play-acting the role anywhere near that far’ she said. If she had been willing to play around with guys like that she wouldn’t have lost her old job.

‘If I thought you would I'd have bought the other chick that was just here a better drink’ Coyle replied, causing Allison to look puzzled as he picked up his shot of whiskey and downed it in one. ‘Smooth’ he said, grimacing.

With a population in the low hundreds Helltown was large enough to have a water-purification plant that took water from the river and filtered out enough of the radioactive fallout to make it worth drinking. They had a lower-grade filtering process for the water used for bathing and laundry, because it didn’t matter quite so much how many rads were in the water you were washing in, rather than taking internally, but it was still a lot less hazardous than taking a dip straight in the Shenandoah.

Coyle took his time washing off the grime of the wasteland while a real slave cleaned up his Recon Armour and washed his underwear, all part of the basic service. The deluxe service with the girls was tempting but at the bathhouse he opted for scrubbing his own back as best he could with a rag on a stick while annoying the other patrons in the stalls to the left and right with his singing until eventually a familiar voice spoke up loudly, asking him to shut the hell up because she was trying to relax.

Afterwards they found a diner of sorts and Coyle ordered brahmin steaks, Allison wanting hers well done while he requested one “a good veterinarian could save”. Coyle chewed slowly, savouring the best meal he had consumed since leaving St Louis while Allison wolfed hers down in a manner that was best explained by the fact she was pretty thin and hadn't eaten all that frequently of late. The mole rat she had successfully hunted shortly before running into Coyle being the exception rather than the rule. ‘You need a better set of clothes’ Coyle told her, ‘if you wore body armour or even decent leathers you wouldn't have been so banged up when you came off the bike’ he said.

‘I found bruises I didn't know I had when the water hit me’ Allison couldn't help but agree.

‘You've got the money I paid you before, you could buy yourself a set tomorrow’ Coyle suggested. ‘I'm going to sell off the stuff I took from those raiders and a couple of other things and try to buy some ammo.’

‘I need more bullets for my rifle too’ Allison replied. ‘Think I'll get anything for what I’m wearing’ she asked.

‘More than you would have before it was laundered anyway’ Coyle replied, before taking another mouthful of his steak.

‘How can you eat that?’ Allison asked with distaste. ‘There's blood dripping out of it, people might think you're a vampire eating something like that’ she told him seriously.

Coyle laughed. ‘You don't believe in vampires do you?’ he asked rhetorically, ‘what about werewolves or the tooth fairy?’ he added sarcastically.

‘Vampires are real, I heard from a trader one time that people out near Meresti are always going missing and being found later drained of blood’ Allison insisted.

‘I'll make sure to carve myself a wooden stake and have a bottle of Dirty Water blessed by a Priest’ Coyle joked before turning around in his chair. ‘Can I get a Nuka-Cola over here?’ he asked the young girl who had earlier taken their order.

‘How can you drink that sugary crap?’ Allison wanted to know.

‘Hey that sugary crap got me across the entire continental United States’ Coyle replied as the girl hurried over with one. She opened it for him and seemed surprised he didn't initially put his hand out for the cap until he remembered he was expected to. ‘Sometimes slips my mind that’s what the money is here’ he said to Allison, putting the bottle to his lips.

‘What do you use for money then?’ Allison queried.

‘Well we used to use caps back on the West Coast too, I mean decades ago, but once factories start springing up they're too easy to forge’ he said. ‘We use paper money and sometimes gold and silver coins’ he told her. ‘Hang on, I'll show you one’ he said, reaching for what looked like a chain hanging around his neck that hung down under his armour. He pulled it up and took it off over his head, handing it to her.

Allison looked at the gold coin with a small hole drilled in it so it could be threaded on the chain and the two pieces of what she guessed was aluminium with words stamped on them, she knew they were dog-tags having heard that Brotherhood Soldiers had similar things only a lot fancier with holograms on them. ‘Coyle, Cassidy N’ she read out, ignoring the long string of numbers underneath. ‘Your first name is Cassidy?’

‘Yes, but stick to Coyle’ he replied.

‘What does the N stand for?’ she asked.

‘Nagor, after my Mom’s brother’ Coyle told her. ‘I never liked him, or at least I hated visiting him, he kept dogs.’

Allison laughed. ‘You're not afraid of dogs are you?’ she asked.

‘No I’m not’ Coyle replied in annoyance, ‘I'm allergic to them, they make me sneeze and my eyes run’ he explained, getting the urge to blow his nose just thinking about it.

‘I get blotchy if I eat cheese’ Allison commiserated, concentrating now on the coin. It had a picture of what looked a little like a two-headed yao guai on one side along with the legend “NCR”, while on the reverse was the head of an old woman. ‘Who's she?’ she queried.

‘President Tandi, first leader of the New California Republic’ Coyle replied, before taking another mouthful of his Nuka-Cola.

Allison handed back his chain which he put back around his neck. ‘After we leave here the next place we'll get to is a little place called Girdershade’ she told him. ‘Most folks consider that to be about where the Capital Wasteland starts’ she said.

‘How much further on is Canterbury Commons?’ Coyle asked.

‘It's way over on the far side’ Allison told him. ‘We'll probably want to skirt around a few places, get off the Interstate for sure, it runs through Fairfax and that place is supposed to be full of raiders and it's pretty broken up in places anyhow so Pa said.’

The girl who had served them moved to an old radio set and switched it on. ‘Some days we get decent reception’ she said to another customer as it came to life.

An old record Coyle didn't know was in full-swing and he listened idly for a while. ‘Somebody is broadcasting out here?’ he queried.

‘GNR’ Allison replied, ‘Galaxy News Radio’ she said. ‘They say the signal gets pretty good when you're closer to the centre of DC’ she told him.

‘More civilised than I thought in these parts if you’ve got a radio station running’ Coyle commented, more than mildly surprised about it.

‘There's Enclave Radio too but most people prefer GNR for the music’ Allison said.

Coyle blinked. ‘What Radio?’ he asked curtly.

‘Enclave Radio’ Allison replied, ‘it's this guy calling himself "President John Henry Eden" and saying that the Enclave is going to restore the United States’ she told him.

‘Fuck me sideways’ Coyle said quietly, that was a revelation he wasn't ready for. The NCR knew that the Brotherhood was operating back East but people thought the damn Enclave was dead, buried and hopefully rotting in its murderous, genocidal grave. The Enclave had killed several of his own family, on both his mother's side, when they kidnapped the people of Old Arroyo, and his fathers when they took Vault 13 by storm. Maybe the reason the Brotherhood was here was to fight them, he wondered? Even the worst of the Maxson family was better than the fucking Enclave. ‘Shit’ he swore, pushing away the rest of his meal, having suddenly lost his appetite.

The music on the radio ended and the announcer calling himself “Three Dog” started going on about the Brotherhood of Steel fighting the “good fight” against the Super-Mutants who were overrunning downtown DC. He finished with what amounted to a call for the people to support the Brotherhood and maybe even give them some ammo. ‘I've got some fucking ammo for the Brotherhood’ Coyle muttered darkly. ‘Do you know where these propaganda networks broadcast from?’ he asked.

Allison wasn't sure what a “propaganda network” was but she guessed he meant the two radio stations. ‘I don't know about Enclave Radio’ she replied, ‘but GNR is inside the city and I’ve heard they put an aerial up on top of the Washington Monument’ she told him. ‘There's a lot of fighting going on around it between the Brotherhood and the Super-Mutant Army people say.’

Coyle grinned. ‘So if someone shot the aerial down, from a thousand yards say, everyone would think it was the Super-Mutants that did it’ he said. ‘Perfect.’

‘Why would “someone” want to do something like that?’ Allison wanted to know, giving him a disapproving look. GNR and Three-Dog were highly regarded by the majority of ordinary people in these parts.

‘Officially, to protect the people of the wasteland from Brotherhood disinformation’ Coyle replied, ‘unofficially, because it would be well worth the cost of a bullet just to annoy the bastards’ he added, his grin widening. Well at least it was sounding like his mission was well worth it, he needed to gather information on the Enclave, the Brotherhood and check out what the hell the Super-Mutants were up to for that matter. In the big picture the first group probably wanted to kill everyone, the second to gather up old technology, and maybe turn the people of the Capital Wasteland into serfs, and the third would almost certainly have a yearning to dip people into vats of FEV but he really needed the specifics on their respective evil schemes.

Allison frowned then looked at his rejected steak. ‘Are you going to finish that?’ she asked.

‘Aren't you worried people might think you’re a vampire too?’ Coyle queried, pushing it closer to her. ‘You are a bit pale’ he noted. His appetite had come back along with the warm glow of imagining shooting down the GNR aerial but she clearly needed the protein more.

‘They probably think I'm your dessert’ Allison replied.

Coyle smirked. ‘Do you have a problem with all dairy products or is it just cheese?’ he asked.

‘Just cheese mostly’ Allison told him, wondering why he asked.

‘Miss, can I get some whipped cream to take back to my hotel along with the girl’ Coyle asked the waitress loudly, you could usually get the stuff wherever people kept brahmins. ‘You gave me the idea’ he told Allison, trying to keep a straight face.

Allison looked at him askance. ‘At first I thought you took me along because you needed a guide’ she said, then I thought it was because you were lonely’ she continued, ‘now I'm thinking you just want an audience’ she told him.

‘They're not mutually exclusive reasons’ Coyle responded. ‘We've changed our minds about the cream’ he told the waitress.

‘I just don't think he looks lickable enough’ Allison declared, trying not to blush.

‘Oh, there's hope for you’ Coyle told her appreciatively.


Note from the Author:

The town of Front Royal on the Shenandoah River just off the I66 into DC really did used to be nicknamed "Helltown" back when it was the frontier, having that name resurrected post WWIII seemed apt. It's also in real life the site of the Skyline Caverns which is where I had the population hide out during the war this being basically how those who survived WWIII in Fallout 3 location Little Lamplight did. Nagor was a younger cousin of the Chosen One (main protagonist of Fallout 2), as a very early quest you had to find his dog.

The flag of the NCR (which I've had put on their coinage) is a mutated two-headed bear and is of course based off the real life California flag. The western states had already given up bottlecaps for proper currency in Fallout 2 by the time of Fallout 2 and the Gold Mines of Redding in the game likely supplied much of the necessary metal.

One of the missions for the character you control in Fallout 3 is to fix the broadcast equipment on top of the Washington Monument. In the game the DJ of Galaxy News Radio (pro-Brotherhood of Steel radio station) Three Dog thought it was the Super-Mutants that shot the old one down, having it Coyle that actually did it shortly before the start of the game just seems funny! The other main radio station in the Capital Wasteland is Enclave Radio, a propaganda outlet for the Enclave.

The Brotherhood of Steel was historically run by the descendants of their first leader Roger Maxson. The Brotherhood were originally isolationist but not too bad (one of the member states of the NCR was based around their headquarters the Lost Hills Bunker and was actually called Maxson) but then in the 2240's Jeremy Maxson ascended to the throne (as it were) and soon after he declared war on the NCR believing that only the Brotherhood had the right to recover and control pre-war technology and thinking that it would be a quick and easy victory... the New California Republic was not about to oblige.
I like the story thus far... and Coyle's idea of sabotaging the aerial is pretty good. Definitely want to see how far this goes.
The story continues...



Front Royal - Virginia – June 2277

Waking up feeling a lot better for a good nights sleep on a mattress surprisingly free of bed-bugs, Coyle's day had immediately turned for the worse when getting up shortly before Eight AM he immediately tripped over the prone form lying on the floor next to the bed under a rough blanket. It said a lot for how much the other guests in nearby rooms must have drunk the previous night that neither Allison’s scream at being trod on, or the hefty thump of Coyle hitting the floor hard, woke anybody else.

Fighting back the urge to yell at her Coyle got back up and started to put his Recon Armour on. ‘I'm going to find somewhere that deals in guns and ammo’ he told her.

‘I'll come along, I still need to get new clothes and a box of .32 calibre bullets’ Allison responded, having quickly gathered her senses after such a rude awakening. ‘And a helmet, I think I want a decent helmet’ she added, getting up and looking for her recently acquired boots finding them next to Coyle’s backpack.

‘Can you afford to buy all that?’ Coyle asked, pulling the top half of his armour over his head.

‘If I'm going to be riding on the back of your bike I can't afford not to buy a helmet and some leathers’ Allison replied. ‘You might have to buy my breakfast though’ she continued, studiously ignoring the expression of annoyance she guessed would be appearing on his face.

‘That'll be the last time, from now on everything I spend on you gets deducted from your pay’ Coyle told her flatly, tightening the straps on his armour so it wouldn't move around or chafe too much when he moved.

While Coyle got together the items he wanted to trade, and retrieved the bulk of his caps from one of the motorcycle panniers they had carried with them, Allison finished lacing her boots, yawned, stretched and collected one of her own bags containing her money. ‘I should have slept on the bed’ she said regretfully.

‘Your choice, I promised not to pounce on you if you did’ Coyle pointed out.

‘If I had I might have been able to turn you over so you stopped snoring’ Allison told him.

‘You'll know in future’ Coyle replied, ‘in the 13th they always put me in a tent at the edge of camp sharing with a guy named Miller because he was our demolitions guy and half-deaf from one too many explosions so the snoring didn't bother him’ he said.

‘Lucky bastard’ Allison mumbled under her breath.

My hearing's pretty good though’ Coyle advised, ‘and he wasn't that lucky, he blew his own hands off defusing a Brotherhood plasma mine’ he told her. ‘The room is paid for until ten-thirty, we'll go buy our crap, eat, come back here collect the rest of our stuff and be on our way.’

‘No lunch first?’ Allison asked, meals were a very important part of life for anyone that had missed more than a few.

‘We'll shoot something on the way into DC’ Coyle replied.

‘Not mole-rat or dog’ Allison requested, ‘can you eat dog?’ she asked curiously. ‘I mean with the allergy and all?’

‘It doesn't sit right at all, makes me nauseous real quick’ Coyle replied, putting on the gunbelt holding his holstered sub-machine gun before picking up his FN-FAL and shouldering it by its strap.

Nearly two hours later Coyle found himself in what purported to be the best place in town to buy “duds” and now frequently checking his beat-up but still functional pre-war wristwatch as he waited for the girl to get out of the damn changing room. ‘Would you hurry the hell up’ he insisted.

‘The first one didn't fit’ Allison called back, ‘I'm putting on the other outfit’ she announced.

‘We haven't got all day’ Coyle complained. Trading for ammunition a couple of stores over had taken minutes at most, he had simply pointed out what he wanted, let the storekeeper check out what he offered in part-exchange and haggled for a little while on how many caps were needed to make up the difference. They didn’t have any 7.62mm NATO for his FN-FAL but .308 Winchester would chamber just as well, being nearly identical, and he had purchased a box of that as well as some 10mm and some overpriced .44 magnum JHP which he would have passed on if he wasn't completely out of reloads for his Desert Eagle. Now he had bullets for it the Eagle was holstered at his left hip which both helped balance the MP9 on his right and hopefully made him look even meaner.

Allison pulled back the curtain and stepped out. ‘So what do you think?’ she asked, spinning around to give him a better look.

Coyle looked her up and down. ‘I think that the leather pants are okay but the top half would work better as armour if your midriff wasn't bare and if it wasn't so low cut’ he replied. ‘I mean it's working for me as a look but...’

‘I'll take it’ Alison told the storekeeper, ‘and the combat helmet, the one that's not too dented’ she added.

‘If someone slashes you across the gut with a blade don't come crying to me’ Coyle told the girl, ‘I've seen more practical outfits on raider chicks, swear to God’ he declared, raising his right hand as if taking an oath. That the storekeeper had marketed it as a “Mercenary Adventurer” outfit was downright laughable he thought to himself. Real mercs wore proper body-armour like any sane individual expecting to see combat would. ‘Just pay the man and we'll go’ he told the girl.

‘You know I've got some very nice lingerie out back if you’re interested’ the storekeeper announced, noting that for all his negativity about the girl’s outfit the guy she was with was definitely giving her cleavage an appreciative look. ‘My brother is the best tailor around here and had some satin left after a custom order for a guy from over in the Capital Wasteland’ he said.

Coyle turned and looked him in the eye. ‘I'd look stupid in it’ he said flatly.

The storekeeper blinked and looked confused for a second before pointing at Allison ‘No I meant...’

‘He's trying to be funny’ Allison told the man, ‘you get used to it’ she said.

‘I was succeeding not trying’ Coyle responded. ‘Say do you know where I can pick up a full set of Combat Armour in good condition?’ he asked the storekeeper, he had established earlier that the only ones in the store were in dire condition and would offer less protection than the lighter Recon Armour he already owned.

‘If you're heading East, and can persuade them to let you in, the closest place is probably Tenpenny Tower’ the storekeeper replied. ‘A trade caravan runs between here and there occasionally when they need something they can't get from somewhere else’ he said. ‘They've got the caps to have anything shipped in they want’ he continued, ‘the man to speak to there about clothes and armour is Anthony Ling’ he advised.

‘Pa always said they’re really stuck-up at the Tower, think they're better than everyone else’ Allison interjected, ‘you're better off going to Rivet City or maybe Megaton if you don't want to go anywhere near Super-Mutant territory’ she opined.

‘Well you're supposed to be the expert’ Coyle noted. ‘How much for the shades?’ he asked the storekeeper, indicating a pair of sunglasses on the counter.

‘Ten caps’ the storekeeper replied.

‘Eight’ Coyle counter-offered.

The storekeeper frowned. ‘Nine’ he said.

‘Deal’ Coyle agreed and paid for them. ‘Lost my last pair out near Charleston’ he said, putting them on.

‘That was careless’ Allison observed.

‘I came off my bike and broke them’ Coyle told her.

Allison took another long look at the helmet she had decided to buy. ‘Does that thing come with a guarantee?’ she asked the storekeeper.

They had attracted quite a crowd when they left town, or rather the motorcycle had as they were clearly second-billing to the show as people who had rarely if ever seen a working vehicle stared as Coyle and Allison fixed the panniers back to the bike, hooked his two rifles on the side and got on. Given that he really did like an audience Coyle gunned the engine a little more than was necessary and they roared away from Helltown with Allison clinging onto him for dear life.

Just out of town Coyle throttled back and they re-joined Interstate 66 and continued along it heading west at a more sedate and fuel-efficient pace, keeping it well under thirty even on clear stretches. Fifty caps had purchased a large jug of what he suspected after tasting it and spitting it back out was a mix of low-grade moonshine and wood alcohol and while you wouldn't want to drink it because it would very likely turn you blind it had topped off the fuel tank nicely before they left.

As they approached DC the scars of the war two-hundred years earlier became more evident. Although they had more warning here than on the West Coast, with many of the Chinese Bombers and their limited stockpile of ICBM’s shot down before they could deliver their atomic payloads, enough had got through to shatter much of the area. Blast waves had scoured small towns from the map often leaving only a few odd buildings standing that were made of sterner stuff than the norm, stone churches, reinforced concrete structures and the like.

From what Coyle had heard from talkative drunks at the bar the day before the US Military had gone all-out to protect the Capital City itself, and the wreckage of Chinese Bombers downed by interceptors could still be found in a few spots. Old tales passed down through generations of survivors spoke of a flash in the sky high over DC, something Coyle guessed was a low-kiloton airburst from its effects, with a few buildings collapsing as a result but most of the city still remaining surprisingly intact. At least the buildings were still intact anyway, almost everyone who wasn’t underground either died immediately or over the next few days and weeks as their hair fell out and they succumbed to radiation poisoning. The most likely explanation to Coyle was that although the Chinese had not managed to land a decent sized city-buster on the US Capital one or more enhanced radiation devices, neutron bombs, had nonetheless done the job of wiping the population out nicely. He also suspected from the fallout levels and the remaining radioactivity which had leached into the underground water table that some of the warheads that exploded in the region must have been dirty as hell, perhaps with the same cobalt jackets which had left The Glow back in California so dangerous even now.

Eventually they had to leave Interstate 66 because it was increasingly shattered and impassable, an earthquake inducing surface burst nuclear detonation having rent the steel and concrete roadway asunder leaving only rare sections intact for more than a few hundred yards. They then continued down local roads that were often little more than dirt tracks for a few miles further until eventually they came to rough broken terrain that required them to get off, as much for the sake of the motorcycle’s suspension as themselves. Following the path of least resistance, and banking on Allison’s belief that the going would get easier eventually, Coyle pushed the bike through a winding path through the rocks and debris finally reaching the top of a low hill.

Using the view to best advantage Allison looked around. ‘This is the Capital Wasteland’ she said confidently. ‘That's Girdershade, just like Pa described it, snuggled down there under the elevated highway’ she said, pointing off into the distance.

Coyle looked where she was pointing. ‘Those shacks?’ he queried, the place was tiny.

‘It used to be bigger’ Allison told him, ‘trade caravans used to pass by more often and there was a bar and a place to hole up for the night but then raiders moved into Evergreen Mills not so far northeast of here, and then more of them set up home in Fairfax further on so the caravans started skirting around way to the south to avoid them’ she explained. ‘If you want to keep away from the raiders, and I guess you do, we’ll want to head southeast from here towards Warrington and Tenpenny Tower and then from there we turn northeast and head for Megaton, keeping our distance between both lots’ she advised.

‘Anything in Warrington?’ Coyle asked, getting out and unfolding his map, finding Fairfax on it first.

‘I think Pa told me there used to be a trader based out of an old store who dealt with the folks who they wouldn't let into the Tower which isn't so far away, suppose he might still be there’ Allison replied, ‘and zombies’ she continued, ‘there's loads of zombies.’

‘You mean ghouls right?’ Coyle responded, ‘friendly, surly or outright crazy?’ he checked.

‘Keep your guns handy, especially if we're there after dark for any reason’ Allison advised, ‘they come out of the old railroad tunnels when the sun goes down and attack anyone they see.’

‘Feral’ Coyle decided, sane ghouls were a lot less averse to coming out during the day, at least when they didn’t have to worry about bigots gunning them because they thought they were the undead.

‘Just remember that with zombies you have to shoot them in the head’ Allison cautioned, inadvertantly putting herself in Coyles "bigot" category.

‘That's a myth, shooting them in the heart or causing enough damage generally kills them just as well’ Coyle told her. ‘The only reason they seem to be hard to kill is that feral ghouls are nuts’ he said, ‘it's just like people taking Psycho and Buffout together can absorb a lot of lead before they go down’ he explained.

‘If you say so’ Allison replied doubtfully, he didn’t believe in vampires either so she wasn't convinced he was half as smart as he thought he was. ‘Might be worth seeing if we can camp down at Girdershade tonight, ask anyone there what the local news is too’ she suggested.

‘Sounds like a plan’ Coyle agreed, pushing the damn bike up too many slopes had tired him out anyway and he needed a rest.

A sudden roar had both of them spinning around. ‘Yao Guai!’ Allison cried out and was reaching for her Hunting Rifle as Coyle grabbed hold of his FN-FAL and smoothly drew it from its rifle-holster attached to the bike.

The mutated bear was charging up the slope towards them, they had either ventured onto its hunting grounds and it was defending its territory or else it was just mean but either way nearly a thousand pounds of mutated fur and fury was heading towards them at high speed, its claws gifting it great traction as it surged up the hill.

Despite the instant adrenaline surge and his heart-rate climbing through the roof Coyle looked outwardly calm and steady as he raised his rifle, pulled back the cocking handle and lined up his shot. Grateful not for the first time that as well as the more common 5.56mm Service Rifle in general service the NCR Army also utilised a weapon firing the full-powered 7.62x51mm cartridge, Coyle aimed and pulled the trigger.

With almost twice the muzzle-energy of the more commonly encountered assault-rifles in the wasteland, such as the 5mm AK-112 or the 5.56mm R91, the FN-FAL also made more on an impression on the firer, thumping back noticeably hard against the shoulder of Coyle’s armour as he fired. With the bear only fifty yards away it wasn’t the most difficult piece of marksmanship to place the shot centre mass and the Yao Guai noticeably lurched to the left when it impacted and drove itself deep into the animals flesh, flattening and expanding as it did so, rending flesh apart.

The second round from the FN-FAL did more visible damage as it struck the animals jaw and shattered it, sending teeth, flesh and bone flying away as the Yao Guai continued its attack unabated, seemingly careless of pain or injury and reminding Coyle of facing Deathclaws, or even that nasty encounter with one of the few remaining Wannamingos that roamed the western wastes. One of his patrol had needed to hit that thing multiple times with a captured Brotherhood Turbo-Plasma Rifle to stop it before it turned them all into chunky kibble Coyle remembered, still bothered by the memory.

Coyle's third shot smacked the bear just above its right eye, punching clean through its thick skull and shattering the area around the eye socket before ploughing into its brain. The animal continued on sheer inertia for a few more seconds and had just enough time to be struck in the shoulder by a .32 calibre round from Allison’s Hunting Rifle before collapsing to the ground, still twitching.

‘I got it!’ Allison exclaimed excitedly, practically bouncing up and down with glee.

Coyle turned to the girl and rolled his eyes. ‘Oh yeah, you got it good’ he said sardonically, before checking around to see if there were any more of the damn things about.

‘I'm going to knock out some of its teeth as a trophy’ Allison declared.

‘Save yourself the trouble and pick up a couple I blew out of its head’ Coyle advised. ‘And while you're at it take the combat knife you took from the raider bitch and carve us off a few steaks’ he told her. ‘You did finish sharpening it right?’ he asked.

‘I had to do something when I couldn’t sleep because of your snoring’ Allison replied, he had little difficulty sleeping through the scraping noise. ‘Yao Guai is kinda gamey’ she said, ‘and chewy’ she added disparagingly. The mutated animal wasn’t exactly the most appetising thing to look at either.

‘You're damn fussy about what you eat for an unemployed wastelander’ Coyle opined.

‘I’m not an unemployed wastelander’ Allison retorted, ‘I'm a guide’ she defended herself, at least she was now. ‘And you won't eat dog’ she pointed out.

‘Not the same thing’ Coyle replied, ‘unless you’re allergic to bears just get used to the idea we're going to eat the damn bear’ he told her in a tone that left no room for debate on the subject. ‘And that's a lot of meat so if we can smoke any of it, or find some salt to preserve it with, it'll be Yao Guai on the menu for a while’ he told her.

‘Okay, but why do I have to butcher the thing?’ Allison wanted to know.

‘Well for a start you were the one that yelled out claiming she killed it’ Coyle replied smugly, ‘and secondly you can consider it part of the job you're so proud of too’ he continued. ‘You never asked for a detailed job description did you?’ he asked rhetorically.

Allison decided to give up arguing and reached down to her boot where she carried the knife just like the previous owner of both boots and blade had done so. ‘I'll hack off a big chunk I can cut into thin strips for jerky later before I do the steaks’ she said, heading towards the bear.

‘Clever girl’ Coyle replied. ‘Oh hell I'll give you a hand to speed things up’ he said like he was only doing her a huge favour by doing so as he drew his own knife and went to join her.

When they eventually finished carving up the more worthwhile parts of the animal, ending up with at least seventy pounds of fairly good quality meat which they stuffed in a cloth sack for now, they continued onto Girdershade to be greeted with suspicion from one resident and an enthusiastic lecture on the history and merits of Nuka-Cola from the other.

It was fairly obvious to anyone that Ronald Laren, the sole male resident of Girdershade, was desperate to the point of fixation to get into the pants of Sierra Petrovita, the sole female resident. Well it was obvious to anyone except the aforementioned Sierra anyway. She seemed blissfully ignorant of his intentions and regarded him as a friend and protector, certainly not a slightly depraved suitor of sorts.

About the only positive thing you could say for Ronald Laren was that he clearly wanted the object of his desire to give it up willingly and he hadn’t tried to force the issue physically despite the fact they were in the middle of nowhere and the only thing stopping him was presumably a moral compass still largely pointing towards north. Allison suspected that beyond the fact she was extremely attractive Sierra’s extreme kookiness had resulted in the man being quite fond and protective of her really and that deep down he might be sticking around to look after her as much as he was in the hope of finally showing her there was something in life more exciting than Nuka-Cola and her collection of related merchandise.

At first Allison had thought Coyle was humouring the woman when he seemed to take an uncommon interest in her “Nuka-Cola Museum”, with Laren conversely thinking it was just a ploy by the stranger to get his filthy hands on Sierra by feigning enthusiasm in her crappy collection, but after twenty minutes of listening to Coyle and Sierra engaged in rapt conversation about the merits of the unfairly maligned Cherry Nuka-Cola it became apparent that the visitor from California was indeed a hard-core fan of the stuff. Eventually Laren and Allison just couldn't take it any more, looked at each other and each noting that the other had lost the will to live they quietly left Sierra’s shack to talk outside about just how vile it really was with Laren giving Allison a sage warning to never under any circumstances try Nuka-Cola Quantum.

Eventually as Laren built a fire in order to barbeque Yao Guai steaks on later Coyle emerged from Sierra's hut with a grin, a frosty Ice Cold Nuka-Cola from the woman's refrigerator and the news that Sierra was making up a marinade for the meat consisting largely of her favourite beverage mixed with vodka. While the meat was prepared Allison and Coyle quizzed Laren about the area and asked if he had heard any interesting rumours, he admitted they didn't get many visitors but that a guy he knew called Grady was doing a job for him and was expected to return any day from DC with a package and maybe some information if they were going to be back anytime soon.

As they ate Ronald Laren pretended to like the marinated steaks immensely. Allison not having anywhere near such strong designs on her own companion's body stated point-blank that she wouldn't have thought it possible to make Yao-Guai meat even less tasty and with Laren looking on with a longing expression he more usually directed at Sierra she threw another steak that hadn't been drowned in Nuka-Cola on the grill, the sun starting to set over the wasteland as the meat sizzled and Coyle wrote down the recipe for Mississippi Quantum Pie in his notebook.


Note from the Author:

Wearing some kind of body armour in the wasteland is a wise precaution. Coyle currently owns a set of relatively lightweight Recon Armour but is expecting trouble hence his hunt for the much more protective Combat Armour that was US Army standard issue before the Great War of 2077. Allison meanwhile has purchased herself a Mercenary Adventurer outfit. The Desert Eagle in .44 Magnum is a common handgun in Fallout 2 (on the West Coast) but isn't seen in Fallout 3 (you can obtain .44 Magnum Revolvers though). Tenpenny Tower is the hang-out for the wealthiest people in the Capital Wasteland, it's a good location to shop at.

Yao Guai are the aggressive mutated bears of the Capital Wasteland. They aren't as dangerous as Deathclaws however and especially not as dangerous the almost unstoppable west-coast Wannamingo. Other dangerous hazardous fauna of the wasteland include Radscorpions, Giant Rats, Giant Mole Rats and Mirelurks. Some of these creatures are the result of genetic mutation caused by exposure to radiation whilst others are due to the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) that also created Super Mutants.

Ghouls are humans who were subjected to too much radiation and were unfortunate enough not to die. Some have turned feral, becoming insane and attacking any human they see whilst many others still possess their reason and are perfectly okay to deal with. Unfortunately their appearance has resulted in considerable anti-ghoul sentiment with them being branded "Zombies" as a term of abuse and some people actually believing that the only way to kill one is a shot to the head like in old horror movies. In the NCR ghouls have the same citizenship rights as regular humans but the New California Republic is fairly atypical in its enlightened attitude.

Evergreen Mills and Fairfax are two raider strongholds in the capital wasteland. If you go to either location large numbers of heavily armed raiders will try and kill you so given that Coyle and Allison are trying to reach DC proper unharmed (by way of the trading settlement of Megaton) the route Allison suggests is wise.

The tiny settlement of Girdershade is towards the far western edge of the Capital Wasteland. It's really too small to exist as a viable community and it being an old trade trading post in terminal decline is my fanon explanation for its existence. The two residents are eccentric Nuka-Cola fanatic Sierra Petrovita and Ronald Larin who only sticks around because she's there.

In Fallout 3 DC itself is in much better condition than it should be after a nuclear war, whilst conversely two centuries after WWIII the Capital Wasteland should look a lot more recovered as regards plant-life than it does. My explanation to try and make sense of it are Neutron Bombs wiping out the people but leaving many of the structures intact in central DC, and extremely long-lived isotopes from Salted Bombs rendering the area lifeless afterwards for a lot longer than a normal nuclear blast would.
The story continues...



Girdershade - Virginia – June 2277

Sierra waved them off in the morning whereas Ronald just sort of stuck his head out of his shack, grunted in their direction and went back to bed. The ground was firm and even enough to ride on in the direction they were heading so after a quick inspection of the tyres Allison and Coyle got onto the motorcycle and headed off southeast, taking a winding course towards Warrington.

After a couple of miles dirt tracks gave way to stretches of metalled local roads making the going much easier on both the machine and its passengers. As the sun rose higher in the sky Coyle found a long uninterrupted straight and opened the throttle up a little more, accelerating up past fifty and terrifying Allison who begged him to slow down which he did reluctantly after her pleading became louder and more desperate. They slowed down to what seemed like a more sedate thirty-five for a while, although even that was notably faster than Allison had ever travelled in her entire life until she met Coyle, and eventually as they neared Warrington Coyle pulled up to a halt on top of a rise so he could look around and get his bearings.

‘Christ, this country is in a bad way’ Coyle observed, getting off the bike after Allison had already done so, taking off his helmet hanging it on the handlebars. The radiation had killed off much of the vegetation as far as the eye could see and without the grass and scrub to bind the earth together the rains had gradually washed away much of the topsoil leaving rock outcroppings as a common feature.

‘You can't grow much around here’ Allison noted, talking off Coyle's backpack and her own bags and putting them down next to the bike. ‘A lot of the trade that comes in is food from the plantations down near Fredericksburg’ she said, ‘once they've got it moved overland on the old I95 to Quantico it's put on boats and taken from there up to Rivet City’ she explained. ‘The plantations are worked by slaves, a lot of the people taken by the slavers based out of Paradise Falls probably end up getting whipped to death down there eventually’ she added sadly though it was better than ending up a slave in The Pitt where your life-expectancy was months at best.

Coyle sighed, if he had a company of Rangers to hand he’d feel inclined to do some old-school emancipation in these parts, show the slavers what life was like at the other end of the whip, maybe even lynch a few as a stern warning to the others. As it was however he was both thousands of miles from backup and way out of his legal jurisdiction in any case. The NCR didn't claim to be heir to the US Government, they left that to the Enclave. ‘Quantico was a big Marine Corps base, wasn't it hit pretty hard in the war?’ he asked.

‘You could pick up a lot of rads if you spent too long there but they don't do the run all that often, maybe a few boatloads every couple of months’ Allison told him. ‘Rivet City trades stuff that people scav from the DC ruins for the food coming in’ she said, ‘because DC is so intact someone is always finding something valuable’ she continued. ‘There even used to be a market for the electric motors and nuclear batteries in cars but there were so many salvaged and sent north to the townships up near Baltimore, or south to Fredericksburg, that after a while the price dropped to nothing and people switched to trading things that made enough caps to be worth risking running into Super-Mutants or Raiders.’

‘I guess capitalism always finds a way’ Coyle observed, looking around. ‘Well this is still America’ he added with a smile. Even before the formation of the NCR, trade caravans running across the wastes had already started to tie California back together, if the profit margin was good enough you could always hire enough mercenaries to keep the raiders away.

‘Pa always said the city would have been stripped clean years ago’ Allison commented, ‘but it was too radioactive for anyone but ghouls for a long time after the war and then the Super-Mutants started appearing and the raiders started cutting off the land routes one by one’ she said.

Coyle nodded. ‘What about the Brotherhood?’ he queried.

‘They fight the mutants a lot, and sometimes they kick the hell out of a raider band that gets too big for its boots, but there ain't too many of them so it's more like they keep a lid on things than ever solve the problem’ Allison replied. ‘Still every dead mutie or raider is a public service.’

‘I doubt the Steel Plague is doing it for the public good but I guess the result matters more than the motivation’ Coyle replied. ‘You said the other night that Rivet City is an old aircraft carrier?’ he asked.

‘Yeah, huge damn great thing just off shore according to Pa’ Allison confirmed. ‘Every so often some raiders or a few super-mutants try to get in but it's like a fortress and the city guards have a lot of military weaponry so it never comes to anything’ she said. ‘The only way in is over a bridge they swing across’ she told him before looking at the height of the sun in the sky. ‘We should get moving if you want to try your luck getting into Tenpenny Tower and then make it to Megaton today’ she advised. ‘I don't know how many of the roads are good enough to travel quick on.’

‘We should be okay, we'd have to make really crappy time, and probably push the bike a lot of the way, not to make it before the sun starts going down’ Coyle replied. ‘You're used to getting around at walking pace’ he noted, taking a cloth from his pocket to mop his brow before reaching for the backpack and retrieving a bottle of purified water, taking a swig before passing it to the girl.

‘Going to be a hot day’ Allison observed, taking a drink herself before handing it back.

‘It’s the humidity I don't like’ Coyle told her. ‘It gets hot back home but the air is a lot drier so it doesn't make you sweat as much’ he recalled. ‘You're going to get damn warm in that leather outfit’ he observed. It was fairly form-fitting, not giving her skin much room to breath, and it was almost black.

‘I'll be fine’ Allison told him, she was a lot more used to the climate. ‘What did you think of Girdershade?’ she asked.

‘I had a tool-shed bigger than that town’ Coyle replied, returning the water-bottle to his backpack.

‘No I meant what did you think of the people?’ Allison explained.

‘One's not playing with a full deck, but she's sorta sweet and I like her choice in hobby so she's okay, and the other is a sexually frustrated jerk’ Coyle opined.

‘She's pretty don’t you think?’ Allison asked.

‘Worth looking at’ Coyle agreed, ‘I'd have made a play for her if I thought she would have noticed and Laren wouldn't have pulled that sawn-off shotgun on me’ he said. ‘I can see why he stuck around so long though.’

‘You know it's kinda romantic’ Allison said with a smile. ‘Ronald pining away, love unrequited for a woman that doesn't see it’ she continued. ‘he's close to heartbreak I could tell.’

Heartbreak?’ Coyle spluttered. ‘If there's anything wrong with him it's not heartbreak it's blue-balls’ he declared.

‘I knew there wouldn't be any romance in your soul’ Allison told him disparagingly.

Coyle snorted. ‘Romance?’ he repeated with derision, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. ‘To a hillbilly like you romance is having your cousin telling you that “you've got a real purty mouth” and then taking you Brahmin tipping’ he declared, doing a bad impression of her accent.

‘I'm not a hillbilly’ Allison vehemently denied.

‘Okay, so where are you from then?’ Coyle asked.

Allison looked awkward. ‘The Blue Ridge Mountains’ she admitted, ‘but that doesn't make me some redneck’ she insisted.

‘Over in Ohio they called you people from the Virginias radnecks because of all the contaminated water they say you drink to try and grow an extra finger’ Coyle joked. ‘It's for the banjo playing I heard’ he added, chuckling.

Allison glared at him. ‘Yeah well...’ she began, trying to think of something she knew about California she could disparage, ‘surfing sucks’ she declared.

Coyle bawled with laughter, Allison flushing red with a mix of anger and embarrassment. ‘You're an asshole’ she told him sternly. ‘You call me names and make jokes about where I'm from and I’ve never done anything like that to you’ she said, ‘I mean apart from when I called you an asshole just then’ she corrected herself.

‘The moment we met you threw a fucking spear at me!’ Coyle reminded her. ‘Oh shit you're not going to cry are you?’ he groaned, looking at her expression. ‘Look, you're right, I’m an asshole’ he conceded, ‘is that enough of an apology?’

‘I'm surprised you don't threaten to just leave me out here, or sell me to a slaver, or let the next Yao Guai we meet eat me’ Allison responded irately.

‘What would be the point, you know I'm not enough of an asshole to actually do any of that now’ Coyle replied, well he hoped she did.

‘Just stop making jokes at my expense’ Allison told him sternly.

Coyle grimaced. ‘I'll try but I can’t make any promises’ he replied honestly then adopted a serious expression. ‘But I can promise that even if I do yank your chain a little, and make jokes at your expense sometimes, that if anyone else does I’ll knock them on their ass’ he told her.

‘You know when I told you before I knew plenty of words’ Allison replied, ‘well one of them is hypocrite’ she told him. ‘Now get on the darn bike’ she ordered, reaching for the bags.

‘Yes Ma'am’ Coyle replied, quickly doing as he was told and putting his helmet back on.

‘I don't care if you’re paying me, or if you think you're smarter than me’ Allison told him, putting the bags back on rucksack first, ‘I won't take your crap’ she declared before climbing back on the motorcycle behind him. ‘And you'd better knock anybody on the ass that calls me names’ she added.

‘I think I've created a monster’ Coyle muttered to himself, kick-starting the bike. ‘And I didn't even have to dip her in a vat of FEV’ he added sadly.

There wasn't much going on in Warrington, or indeed all that much left of Warrington to be honest, Coyle considered, but approaching an old trading post they did get to witness an interesting fight between a pair of giant radscorpions, each almost the size of a small car, and a large deathclaw which didn’t seem all that bothered by being outnumbered. Moving a lot faster and with considerably greater agility than you might expect from a creature that size the deathclaw shrugged off multiple strikes of venom and repeatedly slashed at one of the the oversized arachnids until eventually claws that would rend steel plate won out and the first succumbed to the cumulative injuries it had taken, collapsing to the ground.

Sitting on a large rock while Allison chose to stand Coyle watched as the deathclaw turned to its remaining foe, thick dark blood dripping from its claws and ferocious teeth bared in challenge. ‘Ten caps on the radscorp’ he said as they watched the fight from a safe distance.

‘You’re on’ Allison agreed, she knew that the deathclaw had already taken a lot of damage but those things were tough beyond belief. Multiple Assault Rifles were often needed to bring one down quickly, you could empty the magazine from a handgun point-blank into its head and achieve little more than make it really pissed off.

The two mutated creatures slowly circled each other, the deathclaw was likely by far the more intelligent of the pair but they were usually too aggressive to use any form of tactics and frankly didn't need to for the most part. The radscorpion periodically struck out with its tail, and snapped its claws aggressively, but the deathclaw was unimpressed and either avoided or ignored the other creature’s attacks for what seemed like thirty seconds or so before it must have grown bored, or else even more bold, and once again went on the offensive.

‘Wanna make it twenty?’ Allison asked sweetly.

Coyle frowned, he had been banking on all that venom coursing through the deathclaws veins having finally caught up with it by now but the damn thing just kept on going like an old radio with a fission battery inside. ‘Okay, ten more’ he accepted the raised bet.

Allison grinned but the expression was short-lived as the Giant Radscorpion managed to clamp a claw on the Deathclaws right leg and ripped off a sizeable chunk of flesh. ‘Crap’ she moaned as the creature almost collapsed due to muscle and tendon damage and then backed off. She must have subconsciously reached for her rifle because Coyle waggled a disapproving finger at her.

‘If you're thinking about cheating and putting a couple of rounds into the radscorpion I'll do the same to your guy and my rifle is better than yours’ Coyle told her with a chuckle.

‘Well you must have thought of cheating too to know what I was thinking’ Allison defended herself. ‘We're going to have to shoot the winner whoever it is’ she noted.

‘Yep, no laurel wreath for the champion’ Coyle agreed. At least it shouldn't take too much ammo to finish the victor off, they were both pretty banged up by now. ‘Shit!’ he exclaimed as the deathclaw suddenly managed to regain the initiative with a powerful slash of its claws that half severed the radscorpion's sting.

‘Come on!’ Allison yelled out excitedly, ‘get that ugly bug’ she implored the deathclaw.

‘You know further south in the territory Caesar's Legion is based in they have these fights in big arenas. Old sports stadiums that are still standing’ Coyle told her. ‘Usually deathclaws against radscorps or yao guai’ he continued, ‘sometimes a few slaves with spears get thrown in instead to entertain the crowd as they get ripped to pieces’ he added with obvious disgust at the notion.

The deathclaw finally got in a killer blow and the second giant radscorpion fell dead or dying onto the wasteland soil. ‘To the victor belongs the spoils’ Coyle said dejectedly, getting up from the rock and reaching for his FN-FAL on his bike as Allison practically bounced up and down in triumph.

‘It's seen us’ Allison told him as the deathclaw turned and set eyes on them, no longer distracted by its two defeated foes.

Coyle took aim as the deathclaw started limping towards them at a fraction of its normal top speed, slowed by its injured leg and the cumulative effect of the radscorpion venom. ‘You cost me twenty caps’ he growled, letting it get closer before putting two rounds in its upper chest and then delivering a coup-de-grace headshot that finally felled it. ‘Plus the cost of the bullets’ he added bitterly.

‘You can get good money for a deathclaw hand’ Allison declared brightly, her own mood much better. ‘Up to twenty-five caps sometimes’ she told him. ‘And the poison glands from a radscorpion go for maybe thirty apiece’ she added enthusiastically.

‘Well that'll pay to replace my ammo and then some at least’ Coyle replied. That was in fact a fair chunk of change for the venom but he knew in some places it was used as the base for an effective anti-venom while in others people dipped spear-points or darts in the stuff to add a little extra effectiveness to such weaponry.

‘Fifty-fifty split?’ Allison queried. ‘We might be able to sell them on straight away at the traders.’

‘Sounds fair enough I suppose’ Coyle agreed. ‘Before you get too near that deathclaw put another round into it’ he warned.

Allison looked at him askance. ‘I'm not dumb, you always assume the thing is playing possum’ she said and taking her hunting rifle headed for the deathclaw, shooting it almost point-blank between the eyes for no reaction before taking her knife and starting to saw off its right hand, humming a little tune as she did so.

When they got to the trader they got less caps than they hoped for but on the plus side Coyle did get to buy some extra ammunition and a bag of some kind of local mutated fruit which tasted a lot like a peach but had the texture of an apple. Allison swore it was perfectly edible and ate one first to prove it before Coyle did so, after which he ate two more in quick succession before they headed off again, not having eaten any fruit in a while.

Finally pulling up outside Tenpenny Tower in the early-afternoon Coyle could only assume that it must have been built to a much higher structural standard than the other buildings that had once surrounded it because the apartment block stood alone, it dominated the local wasteland and was the main landmark for miles around. A few snipers up on the penthouse floor could easily pick off anyone approaching the building with hostile intent, and a sturdy concrete wall ringing the building at ground level added to the security offered by the well-equipped guards that greeted Coyle when he managed to offer a bribe high enough to be let in. They were greeted by the Security Chief, a man named Gustavo who struck Coyle as being experienced and professional, though not of course quite professional enough not to be willing to take a few caps for opening the main gate for a couple of strangers.

While Allison gawped at the cleanliness and good-condition of the building once they got inside the musak playing from the hidden speakers nearly drove Coyle straight back out again. He held his nerve and treated it as just another obstacle to be overcome and trying to ignore it he went looking for the trader recommended to him back in Front Royal, finding the unsurprisingly well-dressed Anthony Ling in his store on the buildings ground floor which he had named “New Urban Apparel”.

Ling looked Allison up and down first when they entered, the girl having taken off her helmet as soon as she walked in. ‘Those boots just don’t go with that outfit’ he told her, ‘and have you ever considered something that might be considered an actual hair-style?’ he asked condescendingly. ‘The wasteland urchin look is so 2260's’ he opined.

Allison's jaw dropped and she reached for her hair before finding a mirror and looking at her reflection. It didn't look too bad did it, she wondered? Maybe I could try getting it cut short, or those pigtails raider-girls sometimes wore she thought.

‘Are you here seeking a new look for the young lady?’ Ling asked Coyle. ‘For a small fee I'm sure Susan Lancaster our resident courtesan could assist with fashion suggestions’ he suggested. ‘Or grooming advice’ he added.

‘No, I think she looks fine as she is’ Coyle replied.

‘Really?’ Allison interjected, a beaming smile spreading across her face.

Coyle frowned. ‘Well he could be right about the hair’ he conceded, causing Allison to look in the mirror again, ‘but no we're here for me’ he told Ling. ‘I'm in the market for a nice set of Combat Armour in A-1 condition and I was told in Front Royal that you stock high quality merchandise’ he said.

Ling smiled. ‘I'm glad to see that my establishment's reputation has spread so far Mr...?’

‘Coyle’ he told him. ‘I'm afraid it'll be part-exchange for the Recon-Armour I’m currently wearing if that's okay?’ he checked.

‘Hardly unusual in these economically depressed times I’m afraid’ Ling responded sadly. ‘When trade was more lively in this part of the world there was so much more spare cash around, and even wastelanders and mercenaries often owned two or even three full sets of apparel’ he said nostalgically, ‘unfortunately those horrid raiders have had a deleterious effect on commerce.’

‘Times are hard’ Coyle sympathised.

Ling nodded. ‘Fortunately many of our residents made their fortunes beforehand, ensuring we in the Tower can still afford to live the lives we deserve’ he said with a smile. ‘Why our very own Edgar Wellington II made an absolute mint from the trade in salvaged electronics before things turned for the worse’ he noted.

‘This place is amazing’ Allison enthused, starting to look around. ‘Pre-War clothes!’ she exclaimed, looking with interest at a pink summer-dress.

‘I'm afraid Madam would have to bathe before I allowed her to try anything on for size’ Ling responded apologetically. ‘Nothing personal I assure you, it's merely that the dust and grime of the wasteland is so ever-present beyond these four walls’ he said.

‘Okay’ Allison replied, she wouldn't want to get something so pretty dirty anyway.

‘So what deal can you give me on the Combat Armour?’ Coyle asked, ‘I'll need a helmet too’ he added.

‘Well I can give you a generous hundred caps for your current ensemble and the Combat Armour and Helmet will set you back another two-hundred and seventy-five’ Ling offered.

‘This Recon Armour and the helmet are in good condition, they're worth a hundred and twenty-five at least’ Coyle replied.

Ling shook his head. ‘I'm afraid that while your current ensemble does seem to be relatively undamaged by combat those unsightly scratches do lower re-sale value’ he told him, indicating the surface scars.

‘We came off our motorcycle a couple of days back’ Allison explained.

Ling raised his eyebrows. ‘A motorised vehicle?’ he queried, ‘is it still in your possession?’ he asked, intrigued.

‘It's outside’ Allison told him.

‘And it's my bike not our bike’ Coyle stated. ‘It's not for sale if that’s what you were going to ask’ he told Ling.

‘Pity’ Ling replied. ‘Well seeing as you are clearly a man of greater personal wealth and refinement than I first thought perhaps I can be more generous in the hope that we may have dealings again’ he said, banking on the notion that someone with a functioning motorcycle might prove a useful contact in future. ‘Shall we agree to two-hundred and fifty?’ he offered.

‘Can I inspect the Combat Armour and Helmet first?’ Coyle asked. That much would make quite a dent in his ready cash but it was worth it to him.

‘Of course Sir’ Ling agreed with a smile, moving to retrieve them from a storage cupboard where they were hanging up. Coyle looked them over and although worn and dented in a few places they were in more than reasonable condition.

Coyle handed a bag of caps to Allison. ‘Pay the man’ he told her, starting to strip off his Recon Armour with, to Allison’s mind, Ling paying a lot more attention to that than he seemed to be her starting to count caps onto the counter. That did help explain the storeowners interest in, and knowledge of, fashion at least she decided.

After buying the armour Coyle wanted to leave straight away but Allison was desperate to stay a little while longer and suggesting they might be able to pick up some useful information from people at the Tower's own bar they made their way there after Ling directed them towards it. When he saw the exorbitant price of the drinks Coyle nearly dragged Allison straight back out again but the pleading expression on her face made him relent and he shelled out for two beers which were served by a robotic barman of all things.

They had been in there a few minutes, occasionally chit-chatting with another bar patron and taking their time with their drinks when a woman's voice interrupted them ‘So you’re the visitors with the motorcycle everyone is talking about’ she asked.

Coyle turned and couldn’t help but instantly adopt as winning a smile as he could muster. ‘That we are’ he replied to the extremely attractive young lady in a great dress she filled out admirably. ‘Everyone usually calls me Coyle but you can call me Cassidy’ he told her, ‘and you are?’ he asked.

‘Susan’ the woman replied, smiling back. ‘Susan Lancaster’ she told him.

Allison looked from one to the other, he told her to call him Cassidy, she thought irately. Susan Lancaster? Wasn't that the girl who Ling said was the local courtesan, she remembered. That meant she was just a damn hooker but with a better job title Allison knew. ‘And I'm Allison’ she said, ‘Allison Brenner’ she announced.

‘Charmed’ Susan replied, her tone indicating she was anything but. ‘So whereabouts are you from?’ she asked Coyle.

‘He's from California’ Allison told her. ‘Isn't that right Cassidy?’ she asked rhetorically, putting a great deal of emphasis on his first name.

‘Well you've come a long way’ Susan told Coyle, ‘much further than your companion judging by her accent’ she added, very provincial she thought.

‘I needed a local guide’ Coyle explained.

‘Oh, I assumed she was someone you picked up in a bar or a slave market to keep you company’ Lancaster remarked. ‘Of course a man of means would likely have chosen a more fetching companion in those circumstances’ she added.

Allison glared at her. ‘Or perhaps he's not as shallow as some and prefers girls with more in their heads than their blouses’ she said coldly.

Susan Lancaster smirked. ‘They do say the hired help is getting uppity and forthright these days don't they’ she observed caustically.

‘Yes and they say the hired whores think they're a lot better than they are these days too’ Allison responded, smirking back.

Coyle decided to pay close attention to his beer. Say what you like about male aggression and testosterone but a barfight between two men was a hell of a lot more civilised than this he thought to himself.

‘Staying long?’ Lancaster asked him, now pointedly ignoring the jumped-up wasteland girl.

‘No we were just about to head out to Megaton weren't we Cassidy’ Allison replied for him, stressing her use of his first name once more.

Coyle looked at her. ‘But you were the one that wanted to...’ he began. ‘I'll just finish my beer’ he said as Allison delivered a glare that was in danger of burning through his new armour. Susan Lancaster was nice to look at, but she looked pricy, he doubted he'd get a freebie in the sack and it would make for an easier life if he didn't piss off his guide too.

‘Such a pity, look me up the next time you’re at the Tower’ Lancaster told Coyle, ‘now you've been here once you hopefully won't need a guide to find us again’ she suggested.

‘His sense of direction is awful’ Allison stated, ‘he was heading to Nevada and ended up all the way over here’ she said. ‘Probably best if he's always got a good guide to steer him away from danger’ she suggested, pointedly looking directly at the "Courtesan".

Coyle downed the last of his beer. ‘And with that insult to my navigational skills we're going’ he said.

Allison slowly and deliberately finished hers, eyes fixed on Lancaster the whole time.

A few minutes later as they got back on the motorcycle outside Coyle couldn’t help but comment that he'd seen considerably less vicious knife-fights to which Allison replied that if he did come back here one day then he would be better off screwing Ling because it would be cheaper and less likely to leave him with something requiring antibiotics.


Note from the Author:

I hope people like how I'm trying to flesh out the economy of the Capital Wasteland and make it all make more sense than it does in the game. Having the area survive by trading salvaged technology to the less desolate regions surrounding it in return for food is the only way I could see it making any sense at all. Rivet City is well positioned to trade via water and we know that canonically some water trade does occur into the Capital Wasteland because of the existence of the ferry the Duchess Gambit which brings in Punga Fruit from Point Lookout. Additionally the recipe for Mirelurk Cakes (a specialty in Rivet City) calls for breadcrumbs and there isn't any bread being produced in or around DC. For that matter the other two kinds of fruit commonly found for sale, Mutfruit and Crunchy Mutfruit, must be coming from elsewhere too.

Caesar's Legion mentioned in passing was another faction in the abortive Fallout game known as Van Buren. They had adopted the styles and habits of Ancient Rome and had an economy based on mass slavery and conquest. Deathclaw vs. Giant Radscorpion fights in old sports arenas used in colosseums definitely seems their thing!

Tenpenny Tower near Warrington is where the wealthiest folk in the Capital Wasteland can be found. Their money must have come from somewhere originally so having the likes of Edgar Wellington III being the inheritor of the profits of a successful salvage business is just my fanon explanation.

Anthony Ling owner of the clothing store New Urban Apparel situated in the tower keeps a good stock of better quality garments and body armour, including the Combat Armour Coyle purchased in part-exchange for his previous Recon Armour. Having "nouveau riche" ex slaver and upwardly mobile courtesan Susan Lancaster clash with Allison just struck me as a funny exchange especially with Coyle uncharacteristically cowering into his beer.
The Story Continues...



Centreville - Virginia – June 2277

Coyle took Alison's advice that they wanted to stay well away from both the known raider stronghold of Evergreen Mills, roughly to the north of Tenpenny Tower, and the other large gang holed up in the Fairfax ruins to the east. They had therefore taken a course that hopefully maximised the distance between themselves and local bands of murdering thugs as they headed towards the settlement of Megaton.

On the way they passed through what had once been the site of the Battle of Bull Run, or “First Manassas” as Allison insisted on calling it, stopping there for a few minutes to stretch their legs as it had been a bumpy, uncomfortable ride on rough tracks and broken roadways. Coyle was frankly surprised that the girl knew that much history but when she mentioned her folks had fought the “damnyankees” in the “War of Northern Aggression” he realised just how long they held a grudge in these parts, although not before he earned a mouthful of invective for undiplomatically pointing out it was the Confederates that shot first at Fort Sumter.

Centreville itself had apparently been almost totally flattened by an airburst detonation nearby, not that it was too large a town to start with and likely wasn't actually targeted itself, it had just suffered from being close enough to DC to have an awful lot of Chinese bombers overhead when the Third World War broke out, one stray warhead exploding too close for the town to survive.

‘It's only another seven or eight miles to Megaton’ Allison told Coyle as he pulled the motorcycle up again just on the edge of what had once been the town. ‘Why are we stopping?’ she asked as Coyle indicated they were going to get off.

‘I need a leak’ Coyle explained as Allison let go of him and climbed off the motorcycle first.

‘Oh, okay’ Allison replied, taking off his rucksack and her own helmet as he headed towards the twisted remains of a tree. The rucksack was heavy and the straps bit into her shoulders a lot normally but it was even worse when they went over a bump, it would bounce around and jarred against her back.

When Coyle finished answering the call of nature, wishing he could wash his hands afterwards but not having enough water to waste on hygiene, he turned back towards the motorcycle and found Allison rubbing her back before she started doing stretches. Limber, he thought as she bent over and touched her toes. ‘Nice ass’ he informed her, walking back. The tight leather pants were very flattering he decided although she was still a little skinny he thought.

Allison jerked full upright again and blushed bright red. ‘I wasn't giving you a show’ she informed him curtly.

‘I still appreciated it, intentional or not’ Coyle replied, looking around. ‘There's not much competition around her in terms of nice scenery anyway’ he added. ‘You say that DC itself is mostly intact?’ he asked.

‘Yeah, there's like a big arc of wasteland like this surrounding it all the way around’ Allison told him. ‘I can't believe how fast we got here from Tenpenny Tower’ she said wondrously.

‘I doubt we got much above fifteen miles an hour’ Coyle replied, ‘you should have seen me rack up the mileage on some of the interstates in the Midwest, between towns they’re still pretty intact’ he told her. ‘Flat roads, straight as an arrow’ he continued. ‘Of course you do sometimes have to run like hell because there’s Raiders and still some Reavers to watch out for too’ he continued. ‘I only just got away from a souped-up dune-buggy once’ he recalled.

‘Reavers?’ Allison queried.

‘Think raiders with a serious technology fetish’ Coyle explained. ‘There used to be a lot more of them, according to what people told me when I was up near the Great Lakes anyway, but that was maybe a century ago,’ he said. ‘They're just scattered bands now, good weaponry but not that numerous.’

‘I wish I'd travelled as much as you’ Allison said wistfully.

‘Oh yeah, I've been shot at in post-apocalyptic tourist destinations all over the country’ Coyle replied sardonically. ‘It's been part relaxing vacation and part soul-searching road-trip where you get in touch with your feelings alone on the open highway’ he said. ‘I should take up poetry, become the Jack Kerouac of the wasteland’ he declared.

‘Smart-ass’ Allison responded, putting the rucksack back on first followed by her helmet. ‘Are we going or not?’ she asked, inpatient to get to Megaton.

‘That all depends on them’ Coyle replied slowly.

‘Them?’ Allison asked him in confusion.

‘The two guys and the chick, all wearing leather armour, about a hundred yards off who I'm watching over your left shoulder’ Coyle told her. ‘Don't make any sudden moves’ he instructed her. ‘At least one of them has a rifle’ he said.

‘Is he pointing it at us?’ Allison asked nervously.

‘No, which is why I don’t want you to reach for your rifle or one of mine on the bike’ Coyle told her calmly. ‘If they get closer I'll be able to shoot them up with my MP9 if it comes to it’ he said, the submachinegun holstered at his right hip lacked effective range but in an up-close-and-personal firefight it was very handy. His Desert Eagle on the other hip conversely could put a target down faster, and would punch through their leather armour like it wasn’t there, but it wasn't a fist full of shooty mayhem like the MP9 was firing full-auto.

‘Hey’ Coyle greeted the trio loudly, raising his left hand in a wave whilst keeping his right near his submachinegun. He was still wearing the sunglasses he bought at Helltown so lowering his left hand he took them off as another friendly gesture, eye-contact was very important he knew.

‘Hey yourself stranger’ the one with a rifle responded in a friendly enough manner. ‘Is that your machine?’ he asked, ‘We saw you and the dust you were kicking up half a mile off and thought we’d come see’ he said.

‘It's mine’ Coyle confirmed.

‘Don't see too many working vehicles around here’ the other man in the group observed, he was carrying a spear and had a 10mm pistol holstered on his belt, the girl with them armed likewise. ‘I once saw a couple of four-wheel-drives race down south though’ he said. ‘The guy that runs Fredericksburg puts on a show sometimes, big money riding on the winner’ he noted.

‘Sounds like I should maybe head down there and take a look myself one day’ Coyle replied. ‘You hunters?’ he asked.

‘Yeah’ the one with the rifle confirmed. ‘You in the market for some meat?’ he asked. ‘We’ve got extra for sale’ he said.

‘You've got a weird accent mister’ the girl carrying a spear told Coyle.

‘He's from California’ Allison explained.

‘She yours as well as the bike?’ the one with the rifle asked, indicating Allison.

‘She's not for sale if that was going to be your next question’ Coyle replied before Allison could object to once again being assumed to be Coyle's property not just his guide.

‘I couldn’t afford her anyway’ the hunter said with a shrug. ‘I'll bet she ran to three-fifty maybe four hundred caps at least right?’ he asked curiously.

Allison would have scowled but despite herself she was pleased that anyone would think she'd be worth that much. Slaves usually went for around two-hundred and fifty or so in the Capital Wasteland she knew.

‘Nah not even half that much’ Coyle replied deadpan, this time Allison did scowl. A gentleman would have said five-hundred she thought to herself indignantly.

‘Sounds like you're a man that knows a bargain when you see it then’ the hunter with a rifle said. ‘We've got some meat to sell if you’re interested’ he told Coyle again.

‘I don’t want to eat any more of that Yao Guai’ Allison spoke up.

‘You'll eat what you're damn well given’ Coyle snapped back harshly.

‘One of those that never shuts up even after you've taken a strap to them right?’ the male hunter with the spear and pistol reasoned.

‘Nah, she gets punished by me not taking the strap to her’ Coyle replied, oh she'll chew my ear off for that line later he knew.

‘What we're selling is much better than Yao Guai’ the female hunter insisted. ‘It's the best kind of meat around, bagged us a fresh one not two hours ago.’

‘Mirelurk?’ Allison asked enthusiastically.

‘Even better’ the girl replied with a smile.

‘Here, try some’ the hunter with the rifle said, offering a small piece of dried meat to Coyle who took it politely and tasted it.

Coyle chewed for a short while then spat it out. ‘Long pork’ he said, fixing the hunter with a stare before putting his sunglasses back on with a flourish that helped misdirect the trio's attention from him also putting his right hand nearer his MP9, ready to draw it fast if necessary.

‘Pork, oh I haven't had pork in years’ Allison said enthusiastically. Pigs were rare and incredibly expensive compared to brahmin, the poor things were too tasty to survive in numbers though some were reared by farmers in the Blue Ridge and fetched a high price.

Long pork’ Coyle repeated, putting more emphasis on the first word. The three hunters suddenly all looking much more nervous and jittery.

Allison looked at the hunters then her companion. ‘Coyle?’ she queried.

‘Our friends here are in the Soylent Green trade’ Coyle stated coldly.

‘What?’ Allison responded.

‘The strange meat they're selling is people’ Coyle told her flatly.

Allison’s eyes widened. ‘They're cannibals?’ she exclaimed, staring at them. They looked so normal, she thought in surprise.

‘Well I don't know if they sample their own goods but they're definitely capitalists taking advantage of a niche in the market for free-range humans’ Coyle commented wryly.

‘We don't want any trouble’ the female hunter said with obvious concern. They much preferred wastelanders who couldn't fight back, not tough-looking guys in combat armour carrying a submachinegun.

‘Shut up Louise’ the one with the rifle told her. ‘We're leaving’ he declared firmly.

‘I have a problem with that seeing as how if I let you go then that makes the next poor slob you kill and butcher my fault’ Coyle responded, his left hand now moving almost imperceptibly slowly towards his Desert Eagle.

Allison became alarmed, they were seconds away from a firefight and her rifle wasn't to hand. ‘Cassidy, don't’ she pleaded.

‘Listen to the lady, there's three of us and she ain't packing’ the male hunter with the spear and pistol advised, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

‘Then make sure not to waste your bullets shooting them in her direction’ Coyle suggested, he didn't want her to get hurt anyway.

‘He won't do it’ the one with the rifle said confidently. ‘He can't get all three of us, how fast could he be?’ he asked rhetorically.

Coyle wasn't quite willing to draw first, even if he did think they deserved getting shot at, he wasn't above goading them into starting the fight though. ‘Looks to me like the one with the most balls is the chick’ he said, ‘she's taking a hell of a risk travelling the wasteland with you two wimps’ he told the male hunters.

‘Take it easy Barney, he's trying to provoke you’ the female hunter told the one with the rifle.

‘Barney?’ Coyle exclaimed. ‘You're called Barney’ he continued with derision. ‘Oh I bet that name strikes fear into the hearts of your victims’ he said sarcastically.

‘Shut the fuck up’ the one called “Barney” responded with a snarl, brandishing his rifle in a more threatening manner.

‘Make me’ Coyle replied with a smirk, got him he thought as the hunters expression shifted from concern to anger and the rifle started to swing around.

Allison had previously theorised exactly why Coyle had a tribal rattlesnake design tattooed on his left forearm and it wasn't too large a surprise to her when he smoothly drew and fired the Desert Eagle right into the face of the hunter with the rifle before the man could even aim. The bulkier and heavier MP9 was slower to yank from its own holster but he still managed to raise it and pull the trigger before the other male hunter could fully draw his 10mm automatic, the barrel of the pistol just clearing the holster when a long burst from Coyle’s submachinegun stitched a line from his crotch up to his chest. At this range the leather armour the hunter was wearing wasn't nearly enough to save him, although he took longer to die than his friend who was already twitching with his brains blown out the back of his head by the .44 magnum JHP.

The girl looked terrified and was still desperately scrabbling for her own pistol when Coyle swung both his Desert Eagle and the MP9 in her direction. His expression was cold and unfeeling as he prepared to end her life. The second of her companions to be shot was still heading for the ground, it had all happened so fast.

‘Don't kill her!’ Allison cried out.

The girl froze, hand on her pistol but no longer trying to draw it. Looking into Coyle's eyes, or rather his sunglasses, she started to shake. “Shit” Coyle thought, if she had just pulled that automatic he could have shot her, problem solved. ‘Take your fucking hand off the iron and drop the spear’ he ordered.

The girl “Louise” did neither, she just kept shaking looking like she might be about to wet herself or something. ‘Don't kill her Cassidy’ Allison begged.

‘Drop the spear and take your hand off the gun’ Coyle said more slowly.

‘She's scared’ Allison said redundantly.

‘She should be because if she doesn't do what she's told I am going to kill her’ Coyle replied evenly, both of his handguns still aimed squarely at the girl, triggers half squeezed.

‘It's okay, he won't shoot you if you do what he says’ Allison told the girl as soothingly as she could, this wasn’t helped too much by the fact her own voice was trembling however.

‘For the sake of accuracy it's only less likely I'll shoot you if you do as I say’ Coyle stated. ‘And for the record I am also not a patient man’ he growled.

Allison realised she needed to do something, she retrieved her own hunting rifle and ended the stand-off in a direct manner. Keeping out of Coyle's line-of-fire she moved closer and smashed the butt of her rifle against the girls head as hard as she could, sending her to the ground unconscious with blood soon starting to flow from a nasty wound on her head. ‘I think I hit her too hard’ Allison observed with a frown as Coyle holstered his MP9 and moved over to relieve the hunter of her weapons.

‘You'll get better at judging that with more practice’ Coyle replied, he seemed utterly calm and unconcerned about the fact he had just killed two men.

‘You wanted to kill them’ Allison said accusingly as Coyle checked the two corpses for anything else worth taking.

‘Where I come from people who hunt other people for food face a trial and a rope if we catch them’ Coyle replied, looking through Barney the Hunter's pockets and finding a lighter which he pocketed himself. ‘No judges or gallows here so I figured frontier justice was the way to go’ he said.

‘You sound like a Regulator’ Allison told him in a tone that indicated that wasn't exactly meant as a complement.

‘What's a Regulator?’ Coyle queried, finding a handful of .32 rounds for the rifle and pocketing them too.

‘They hunt down and kill criminals and then they cut off their fingers for souvenirs according to Pa’ Allison told him. ‘Pa said they some of them he met weren't really much better than Raiders’ she said.

Coyle nodded. ‘Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?’ he quoted.

‘What?’ Allison replied, she hadn't understood a word.

‘It means who will guard the guardians’ Coyle translated. ‘That's the problem of vigilante justice, there's a lack of accountability’ he said.

‘Don't talk tribal to me I don't speak it’ Allison told him.

Coyle sighed. ‘That was Latin’ he explained. ‘Never mind’ he added sadly.

‘So who are you accountable to?’ Allison asked him.

‘Other than my own conscience I suppose I'm still accountable to the NCR Rangers but I’m a long fucking way outside my legal jurisdiction’ Coyle admitted. ‘The badge isn't much use beyond maybe stopping a bullet if I was really lucky’ he said. His Ranger Badge was somewhere at the bottom of his rucksack, at least that's where he had left it.

Allison looked at the corpses. ‘Their armour is worth something’ she told him. ‘We might get a couple of hundred caps for those two sets’ she said, again now thinking more like the practical wastelander she was as the adrenaline drained away. ‘Maybe less because of all the holes and the blood on that armour’ she continued, indicating the hunter that Coyle had killed with the MP9.

‘The girl's armour is still okay, strip her’ Coyle replied.

‘Strip her?’ Allison repeated, looking at him and raising her eyebrows.

‘We're going to leave her out here with a spear and just her underwear and let the wasteland judge her’ Coyle announced then paused. ‘Oh hell, I'm feeling generous, we'll let her keep her boots and a knife too, give her a better chance than I'll bet she gave the poor bastards she hunted for food’ he added.

Allison thought about that. ‘That doesn't sound too unfair’ she said eventually. ‘I'll bandage her head’ she announced, thinking that would be a decent thing to do.

Coyle stripped the two corpses trying not to get too much blood on himself. ‘Not much ammo on these two’ he said as he worked. ‘Only about forty caps between them’ he added.

‘She's got fifteen more caps, only six spare bullets for her pistol though’ Allison responded, doing much the same with the unconscious girl.

‘Take her gunbelt and her automatic, you could do with another piece’ Coyle told her. ‘If it looks like it's worse than the one this guy over here had swap it for the better one and we'll sell the garbage on’ he said.

‘What about her caps and stuff?’ Allison queried.

‘You knocked her out and you're stripping her, her shit is all yours’ Coyle replied. ‘You can have all of this pricks .32 ammo for your rifle too’ he added.

Allison stopped doing what she was doing and blinked as she realised something. ‘How did you know it was human meat?’ she asked suspiciously.

‘I never told you what happened to my last guide did I?’ Coyle asked. ‘I ate her liver with some two hundred year old tinned beans and a nice bottle of Cherry Nuka Cola’ he told her deadpan before grinning. ‘I wasn't really sure until I saw their reaction but I always heard that we taste a lot like pork and it being human not pig seemed more likely in this hellhole’ he said. ‘They never denied it and I'd think people would don't you?’ he asked rhetorically.

‘I guess so’ Allison conceded. ‘So you didn't really eat your old guide and wash her down with Cherry Nuka Cola then?’ she asked with a chuckle. ‘I just want to know for certain’ she said.

‘What kind of savage do you take me for?’ Coyle responded irately, objecting to the slight on his character. ‘Everyone knows it's Nuka Cola Quartz with human liver, drinking it with Cherry is like having red wine with fish’ he said with distaste.

Ten minutes later they were finished, and with their booty of sorts tied to the bike they rode off towards Megaton. The girl came to shortly afterwards with a splitting headache, finding herself almost naked and next to the similarly stripped dead bodies of her companions.

She howled and then cried for a while before noticing that her spear and knife were lying on the ground nearby. She picked them up before letting her headache subside and then started to walk westwards towards Fort Bannister where she knew the Talon Company mercs were based. They were assholes but they weren't crazy like the raiders holed up closer in the old Jury Street Metro and if she offered to screw a couple of them they might take her in, or at least throw a few caps her way in payment.

In the Capital Wasteland you did what you needed to in order to survive.


Note from the Author:

Reavers were a faction from Fallout: Tactics set in 2198, a powerful well-equipped group they were defeated by the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel. In the midwest region featured in Fallout: Tactics several groups utilised vehicles including Dune Buggies and I couldn't help but imagine Coyle on his motorcycle being chased by one for a while on his journey across the country.

In Fallout 3 you often encounter groups of Hunters looking for food in the wasteland. Most are after Mole Rats or Mirelurks but occasionally you meet a few that have taken to hunting people instead. They'll offer to sell you "Strange Meat" when you run into them, if you have moral objections to their choice of career this is a signal to start shooting! The Regulators are the self-appointed law of the Capital Wasteland, they pay a bounty for dead criminals (raiders, slavers, cannibals etc.) but you have to prove the kill by presenting them with a finger cut from the corpse.

Talon Company are a mercenary outfit operating in the Capital Wasteland who aren't particularly choosy about who they work for or what they do. They're based at an old US Army facility called Fort Bannister which lies to the north of the raider base at Evergreen Mills. Allison and Coyle are currently nearing their destination, the large walled settlement called Megaton lying just to the west of DC.
The Story Continues...


New California Dreaming - Part VII

South of Oakton - Virginia – June 2277

The shattered remains of what had once been Interstate 66 going into DC loomed on the horizon as they neared their destination. The raised freeway had been broken in places into a series of collapsed segments by what Coyle guessed was a surface-burst nuclear detonation somewhere nearby, a localised artificial earthquake which the concrete structure just wasn't well-suited to withstand.

In seeking to keep their distance from the raider gang in Fairfax they had been forced to go over some very rough tracks and even the occasional rocky field during the last few miles of the journey and, although the motorcycle seemed to be handling it better than might have been expected, the riders themselves hadn't exactly enjoyed the trip.

As they neared the ruined Interstate, with the town of Megaton not too far beyond according to Allison, they found themselves facing a particularly displeasing prospect of a ride over a patch of even more broken ground and despite the fact it would mean pushing the bike up a not especially gentle slope Coyle decided it was time to get off and walk.

‘Coming up to six-thirty’ Coyle said, checking his wristwatch before he resumed pushing the motorcycle up the slope.

‘Not far now’ Allison replied, ‘we don't want to be out here at night’ she said earnestly. The bulk of the really nasty things in the Capital Wasteland mostly came out at night and they could also get a lot closer before you spotted them which was bad news given how fast a deathclaw could move.

‘A decent meal followed by a couple of beers sounds good right now’ Coyle decided, damn this thing weighs a ton he thought to himself, pushing the bike up the hill they were ascending.

‘Pa always said that The Brass Lantern in Megaton was a good place to get eats’ Allison told him ‘Lots of trade caravans still pass through this way because it's a safe place to stay overnight, re-supply and wash up if you don't smell so good so the town caters for visitors pretty good’ she noted.

As they neared the top of the slope Coyle heard distant yelling, a thunderous echoing explosion and then the familiar sound of gunfire. ‘Not so safe today maybe?’ he observed wryly, pulling his FN FAL from its saddle holster and pushing the bike onto its side. ‘Leave everything with the bike except your guns and we'll go take a look’ he told Allison who complied, putting down her bag.

Moving slowly and cautiously Coyle headed towards the top of the rise first, his assault-rifle ready for action and his companion following a few yards behind. As he neared the summit he squatted down to keep low then eventually crawled to a position where he could see what was going on without showing himself, a human silhouette was easy to spot on the skyline.

From his new vantage point it looked like the settlement was under attack. A large band of raiders had apparently tried to take the entrance by storm but judging by the number of them lying dead on dying in front of it that had failed miserably Coyle decided.

Coyle watched with interest as a raider tried to move from behind some rocks to a better firing position but he barely got five yards before a sharpshooter positioned on a platform above the town entrance put a bullet into him. ‘Nice shooting’ Coyle said appreciatively before he was surprised by the sight of a short burst of laser fire being directed at the other raiders by a robot positioned right in front of the gates. ‘Well that's something you don’t see every day’ he muttered to himself as Allison moved next to him also laying low.

‘Dad told me about the robot, they call it Deputy Weld’ Allison told him. ‘I didn't think raiders still tried attacking Megaton’ she said. ‘They've never got through the walls’ she added.

‘Well looks like they're determined to this time’ Coyle replied, frowning.

‘It's the water-purification plant, even more than what they can steal’ Allison told him. ‘If you control the water supply you control the whole area, everyone has to kiss your ass’ she explained.

Occasional bursts of automatic fire coming from the settlement were also doing a fine job of keeping the raiders pinned down, again it was well-aimed leading Coyle to the conclusion that they must have at least a few very skilled and indeed well equipped marksmen defending the township. ‘They must have tried a surprise attack when someone opened the outer gates but the people inside were too alert’ Coyle reasoned.

‘Why haven't they pulled back if the plan failed?’ Allison wondered.

Coyle looked thoughtful. ‘They're positioning themselves so the ones that have rifles can put down cover fire’ he said, looking at the disposition of the raiders. ‘Come sundown they'll shoot out any lights and then have another go’ he told her.

‘Why don't they close the outer gates?’ Allison asked, the inner gates weren't nearly as strong.

‘Take a closer look, I think that explosion we heard was someone detonating a decent sized bomb which jammed the mechanism’ Coyle replied, ‘see how that lifting gear connected to the jet engine they're using as the gears is a mess’ he told her. ‘It wouldn't take much to fix it but you'd have to do it from outside which means getting shot by some psychopath.’

‘What are we going to do?’ Allison asked.

‘We're going to hope that the good people of Megaton reimburse me for the ammunition I’m about to shoot into the raiders down there’ Coyle replied calmly. ‘You stay here and watch my back’ he told her.

‘I can help, I'm not a bad shot’ Allison responded.

‘You'll help me by staying here and yelling out if some asshole I haven't seen is trying to flank me’ Coyle told her. ‘I'm going to move around to a better firing position, I think I can probably shoot at least half of them in the back from over there’ he said, pointing to another spot that better overlooked both the entrance to Megaton and the raiders attacking it.

Allison nodded slowly. ‘So how many people do you kill in an average day?’ she asked him semi-seriously.

‘I don't wake up in the morning intending to hit a quota or anything, I just keep running into dudes that badly deserve having a chunk of hot lead shot in their ass’ Coyle replied defensively. ‘I only killed three guys and one crazy bitch with a machete crossing the whole of Wyoming’ he said, before frowning again. ‘Of course that was a high proportion of the people I actually met crossing Wyoming’ he admitted.

Down where the action was the leader of the raider gang attacking the town was pissed that his first plan hadn't worked one-hundred percent, but at least the outer gates were fucked-up like he intended. Getting the stupid assholes who were trying to dig their way into that still closed vault nearby to give up some of the old landmines they were using for blasting had cost him most of his stash of caps but it was worth it if they could get inside that town, Boppo knew for certain.

Holing up in that school and hitting the trade caravans heading for Megaton had been a sweet gig for a while but the town itself was the motherlode. It would take months, maybe years to get into that fucking vault, but cracking Megaton just took one guy with the brains needed to work out how to get inside and a couple of dozen dumb-fucks to do the dangerous shit Boppo knew.

‘Save your ammo you assholes’ the leader of the raiders yelled out angrily. One problem with bossing a bunch of crazies was that they sometimes got so excited they'd use up all their bullets and then be screwed when they really needed them, Boppo thought to himself sadly, like when they hit the inner gates tonight.

That prick inside who called himself the sheriff and mayor, Simms, was going to get his when the sun went down Boppo thought determinedly. He went around in that stupid hat playing lawman like a badge meant anything out here anyway, what a load of crap. That Chinese Assault Rifle he carried was nice though, it was going to be a great feeling taking it from his corpse the raider knew, grinning at the prospect.

Jericho wasn’t going to get off so light though, Boppo decided, all those years raiding together as wolves and the turncoat bastard decides to retire and sets up home with the sheep, he thought with derision. Yep, Jericho was going to get taken alive and then he was going to get fucking crucified, his corpse placed over the entrance until it rotted to nothing. A few of the other townsfolk might join him if they wouldn't accept the new management too, maybe that kid that belonged to Simms included? It would really show people you meant business if they had to walk under a dead kid to enter Megaton. No, fuck that name, it was going to be Raidertown from now on he thought with a grin.

They should make decent money from the slaves they'd take, although Boppo already planned to keep that girl Lucy West for himself. He had seen her once when he scouted the town in disguise a month back and that sweet piece of ass was definitely going to keep him entertained for a while. Running into Jericho in there had been a surprise at the time but fortunately for the raider Jericho had been drunk and was too distracted coughing his guts out after decades of heavy smoking so he didn't recognise his old buddy Boppo in a wastelander’s clothes.

The sun would be setting in a couple of hours and then Boppo would end this. He had riflemen in the right places to give cover fire when the other raiders made their move and he still had enough mines left to blast through the inner gates. Most of his gang only had pistols or the occasional sawn-off shotgun but once they were in close that wouldn't matter and his own combat shotgun would be fun fun fun once he got into the town. A few frag grenades going off would have them quaking in their boots, women screaming, children crying... shit, it was going to be a hot time in the old town tonight.

Having moved into position and lying prone half concealed by a rock Coyle took aim at one of the more distant hunting-rifle armed Raiders hunkered down perhaps two-hundred and fifty yards off. This one was only partially visible but unlike many of the others she would be able to take proper cover once the raiders realised there was a sniper behind them so Coyle wanted to take her out first, most of the rest weren't so fortunate as regarded protection from the rear.

Coyle took a breath, held it and squeezed the trigger on his FN-FAL. The report of the single shot was distinctive but it was still lost amongst the sounds of several other weapons of different calibres being fired and nobody seemed to notice when the 7.62mm round blew a hole in the raider-girl’s torso just under her right arm, going through a lung before practically blowing her heart in two.

Lining up his next shot on a closer target Coyle shot a raider wearing what looked like an old motorcycle helmet in the back of the head, the bullet deformed by the improvised head protection but not slowed or deflected anywhere near as much as it needed to be to stop it turning his brains to mush after slamming through his skull.

It was when raider number three was shot dead centre between his shoulder blades, the man collapsing beside one of his friends who yelled a warning, that Boppo realised there was now some son-of-a-bitch behind them whacking his crew one by one. He watched as a fourth member of the gang, the one who had raised the alarm in fact, was gunned down and then started screaming at his remaining raiders to get down.

‘Ducks in a barrel’ Coyle said to himself with satisfaction as he took aim on a raider wearing some ugly spiked armour who was looking around trying to see where the bullets were coming from. The man probably saw the dust the FN-FAL kicked up in front of itself when it was fired again but the supersonic round was already going through his chest before he could tell anyone.

Coyle heard something behind him and spun to find himself looking at a raider he had missed pointing a crappy looking revolver at him, before he could swing his assault rifle around the raider pulled the trigger and Coyle felt and heard a bullet smack into his Combat Armour and ding off. “Next one is going in my face” thought Cassidy Coyle as the raider took better aim.

A bullet hit the raider in the shoulder causing him to scream and drop the pistol, Coyle nearly had his assault-rifle pointed in the right direction to do some more lethal damage when a second bullet from the same direction hit the raider in the throat, his screams turned into a spray of blood as he reached futilely for his neck to try and stem the flow of blood from the ragged hole that had been shot right through it.

Coyle turned and saw Allison seventy or eighty yards off with her hunting-rifle shouldered. ‘Jesus, she really can shoot’ he said to himself in surprise before remembering what he was supposed to be doing. While a raider bled out almost right next to him, the distracting sound of blood gurgling was soon drowned out by the NCR Ranger's FN-FAL firing again.

Unfortunately for Boppo raiders on the whole are far too undisciplined to deal well with a situation like the one they now found themselves in and when a second sniper started firing on them, Allison having decided to take an extra couple of pot-shots herself, they broke and ran.

Getting up from what cover they did have was not a sound tactical move however. The guy up on the platform above the entrance was the first to take the opportunity to bag an easy kill but then the two other people shooting from inside the town opened up in earnest with their assault rifles and raiders started to drop like flies.

‘Stay down you idiots’ Boppo howled out to no avail as his gang was ruthlessly gunned down.

Allison had already killed one man today, she had spotted the one sneaking up on Coyle and had made the call to help her west-coast companion directly rather than just warn him. Now with the raiders such easy targets she shot another one, a girl in pigtails this time who might be about the same age as she was. It wasn't as hard as she thought it would be, just aim and pull the trigger like you did hunting for food, maybe the bad feelings about killing someone came later she decided as the adrenaline flowed and she tried for a third.

If his ammunition hadn't been so hard to come by Coyle might have potted a few more himself but other for gifting himself one extra-sweet opportunity shot that presented itself he settled for watching other people shoot the raiders in the back as they fled. He did however notice one of them who hadn't tried to run away and who instead had crawled to better cover during all the confusion.

When all the raiders were either on the floor dead or dying, or in a small number of cases had managed to get away, Coyle watched the inner gates slowly open and a pair of men cautiously emerged. They had their assault rifles shouldered and ready, one was wearing dark leather armour, much like the cannibal hunters he and Allison had met earlier in the day, but the other was wearing a cowboy hat and a long duster coat.

‘Watch out there's still a live one!’ Coyle yelled in warning as the raider looked like he was about to make his move.

Boppo tried to bring up his combat shotgun but before he could start shooting Mayor Simms in the duster had already started pulling the trigger on his Chinese Assault Rifle. The first two shots missed but the third in the burst of fire the Megaton lawman had sent his way caught the raider right between the eyes, one of the other raiders still close enough to see had turned back when he heard Coyle call out his warning and watched Boppo go down. When he reached their base at Springvale Elementary he would tell everyone that the old boss had “died like a bitch”.

‘Nice shooting’ Coyle called out.

‘Who the fuck are you?’ the one in the leather armour responded suspiciously.

‘I'm just a guy that wants to get into town to trade’ Coyle replied.

‘Why did you help us fight the raiders?’ the one in the cowboy hat asked. ‘Not that I'm complaining about that or the warning you understand’ he added.

‘They were just in my way’ Coyle replied, ‘I'm getting up now, don't shoot at me or I'll shoot back and I've already proved I'm good at that’ he said, starting to get up so he could be seen, holding his rifle over his head.

‘Walk towards us slowly’ the one in the cowboy hat told Coyle who obliged. ‘There's at least one other shooter out there’ he noted.

‘Allison, come join us and keep your finger away from your trigger’ Coyle yelled out.

‘Okay’ Allison called back.

‘Names Simms, Lucas Simms Mayor and Sheriff of this town’ the one in the hat told Coyle when he arrived. ‘So who are you?’ he asked.

‘Coyle, Cassidy Coyle, visitor to this town’ Coyle replied with a smile. ‘No thanks necessary but if you don't mind we'll help ourselves to anything that belongs to the raiders we killed’ he said.

‘Sounds fair’ Simms agreed.

‘I got three’ Allison declared as she approached, she noted that the sharpshooter up on the platform now had his rifle trained on her. ‘Well two for definite and I think the one I winged went down over there’ she said, pointing towards some rocks.

‘I got nine’ Coyle told them.

‘With how many bullets?’ Simms asked, intrigued.

‘Eight’ Coyle replied. ‘I wasn't going to fire again after I was sure they were all turning tail but couldn't resist the shot when two of them lined up as they ran away’ he said.

‘Bullshit’ the guy in the leather armour declared.

‘I can prove it’ Coyle responded. ‘My FN FAL here puts out twice the muzzle energy of what you're using’ he said, indicating his rifle and then their own Chinese-made Assault Rifles ‘the crappy armour these guys are wearing doesn't even slow it down’ he told them proudly, good quality NCR engineering he thought happily.

‘Plenty to share out anyway Jericho’ Simms told the other man wearing the leather armour. There were dozens of dead raiders scattered around and the protectron robot Deputy Weld wasn't going to get a share of the spoils.

‘I want the ammo I fired reimbursed too’ Jericho told Simms.

‘Not a problem, I'll give you a box of replacement 5.56mm from the armoury’ Simms told him.

‘Right, then I'll start stripping the ones I killed’ Jericho declared, walking towards a pair of raiders he had practically cut in half with his assault rifle earlier when the raiders first tried to storm the gates.

Simms held out his hand to shake which Coyle took. ‘Much obliged’ the sheriff told him.

‘Don't mention it’ Coyle replied.

‘This your woman?’ Simms asked, indicating Allison.

‘She's my guide’ Coyle told him. ‘I'm not from around here’ he added redundantly.

‘You from out west?’ Simms asked.

‘Any further west and you're in the ocean’ Coyle replied.

‘I'm Allison Brenner’ Allison introduced herself, ‘my Pa used to come here to trade’ she said. ‘Jack Brenner was his name.’

‘Walked with a sort of bouncy limp’ Simms recalled. ‘That the feller?’ he asked.

Allison smiled and nodded. ‘Some people called him Jackalope because his name was Jack and he...’

‘Loped’ Coyle finished for her.

‘I don't interrupt your stories’ Allison protested.

‘Mine are funnier or more exciting, usually both’ Coyle replied.

Allison glared at him. ‘Jerk’ she said.

Simms looked from one to the other, if it wasn't for the different surnames he'd think they were married. ‘You say you came here to trade?’ he asked Coyle.

‘Yes, and for food and a bed for the night’ Coyle replied.

‘That won't be a problem, in fact I reckon the town owes you both a free meal and a beer’ Simms told him.

‘That's mighty nice of you Sir’ Allison replied, beaming.

‘Least we could do, those damn raiders are a pain in the ass’ Simms stated. ‘Seems like more and more of them all the time’ he said. ‘Course after word of this gets around I reckon we won't see a raider gang try and attack Megaton again for a while’ he decided.

Coyle turned to Allison. ‘If I show you the raiders I took out you start clearing them out of anything valuable and I'll go fetch our stuff and the bike’ he said. ‘Is there any market for raider armour?’ he asked Simms.

‘There's a trader that comes around every so often named Crow that'll buy it’ Simms replied, ‘if you sell it to Moira in the town store Craterside Supply she'll trade it on to him’ he said, ‘I don't like to ask, or interfere with a mans livelihood, but I reckon he sells it back to the raiders.’

‘I'll strip 'em too then’ Allison said.

‘Turning out to be a profitable day’ Coyle observed. ‘What are you going to do with the bodies?’ he asked Simms curiously.

‘Haul them a ways off and let the wasteland have them’ Simms replied.

‘I'll give you some help with that once I’m back here with our stuff’ Coyle offered, ‘don't want corpses stinking up the place or attracting wild animals so close to town’ he said.

‘You do that and I'll stand you another drink myself’ Simms told him.

The robot walked over. ‘Welcome to Megaton’ it said. ‘Friendliest town around’ it declared.

‘A warm reception always guaranteed’ Simms announced, as Coyle turned and looked over the bodies again with a wry smile on his face.


Note from the Author:

Megaton is a walled community built around an old crater that serves as a trading hub of sorts. It's mainly constructed from old pieces of aircraft and has a very haphazard design and appearance. What it also has is a Water Processing Plant that produces the safe drinking water that is in short supply in the Capital Wasteland so the desire of raiders to take over the place is understandable. However as well as the walls Megaton is protected by a number of well-armed citizens with the double gates defended by a pre-war Protectron robot they've named "Deputy Weld" and a sniper positioned high above the entrance called Stockholm.

Boppo the raider who led an attack on Megaton some time before the start of Fallout 3 is mentioned on the data logs you can find in the raider base in Springvale Elementary School situated near Megaton. It says he was shot in the head by the Megaton town Sheriff Lucas Simms but doesn't say much more.

The still sealed Fallout Shelter Vault 101 lies close to Megaton. The raiders based at the school were trying to tunnel into it via the basement using Land Mines as blasting charges. Having Boppo know Jericho, the ex-raider who now lives in Megaton working as a hired gun is entirely my invention, I just thought it was a nice touch.

The trader Crow who was mentioned by Simms does, like the other caravan merchants, visit the large raider camp at Evergreen Mills as part of his trade route. I saw that as indicating that the ongoing market for raider armour in the Capital Wasteland is entirely due to them purchasing the stuff back to equip new raiders with (who else would want it?). The Megaton town store, Craterside Supply is run by Moira Brown, other noteworthy places to visit in Megaton include outdoor eatery The Brass Lantern and the bar called Moriarty's Saloon.

In real life Oakton is north of Fairfax on the other side of Interstate 66, I'm placing Megaton in that area for that reason (geographically it seems about right). I've been trying to work to the actual map of the area as well as the Fallout 3 Map, the distances are therefore much greater between eveywhere than they are in the game (which shrinks the region by a factor of sixty for gameplay reasons).
The Story Continues...


New California Dreaming - Part VIII

Megaton - Virginia – June 2277

Coyle woke up lying on his side on a bed in an unfamiliar room and with one of the worst hangovers he could remember, not that his recall of past events was currently so great to be honest. He tried moving his head but the splitting headache that provoked made him reconsider fast. Being perfectly still for a few more minutes at least was a good thing he decided.

Straining his hazy memories of the previous night he remembered a big celebration with the townspeople celebrating the raiders being driven off, he remembered being bought several drinks by grateful locals after Simms explained the strangers role in the fight and he had a vague recollection of getting up on a bar and singing Danny Boy with the owner but after that it was just a blur.

He wasn't wearing his armour but moving his head as little as he could he could now see it next to the bed, along with what looked like the rest of his stuff including the metal panniers from the bike, his rucksack and his rifles. His distinctive “Parties Only” Hawaiian shirt was hung on a nail driven part-way into one of the wooden joists that was supporting the metal walls of the room and the familiar hard lump under his pillow was likely his Desert Eagle placed for quick availability meaning he hadn't been completely hammered when he went to bed.

There was also, he now realised, someone else in the bed spooning up to his back.

‘Oh for the love of God be female and of age’ Coyle said quietly to himself. He remembered trying to charm his way into the pants of the girl who worked at the Brass Lantern after a few beers and having her two brothers warn him off so he hoped it wasn't her because he didn’t want to get into a fight with them, or even worse face the fine old southern tradition of a shotgun wedding.

Coyle turned over slowly, not wishing to either re-trigger the searing pain in his head, or wake whoever it was until he had a better idea of their identity. ‘Keep still’ a familiar voice mumbled at him. ‘Tired’ it said.

Okay, it was Allison Coyle was now aware, not entirely certain of what he should be feeling about that, although he didn't think the occasional waves of mild nausea he was suffering from was linked however. This was definitely a problem given that he suspected she wasn't the type to think that sleeping with a guy was merely recreational with no emotional strings attached. Moreover he had no idea if they actually had done anything anyway. ‘Okay if I was too drunk to remember I was probably to drunk to do much’ Coyle reasoned optimistically.

‘Be quiet’ Allison told him and cuddled up to his back some more, now putting an arm around him.

Allison’s eyes suddenly snapped open and she became rigid as a statue. “Oh crap”, she thought to herself, realising she was in bed with Coyle who appeared to be naked, from the waist up at least. Then after a couple of seconds she realised that she was too.

‘Good morning’ Coyle said awkwardly.

Allison didn't reply straight away, she was trying to remember the previous night and failing miserably. ‘Morning’ she replied eventually.

Coyle would have loved to have simply asked her but if they did have sex and he indicated he couldn't remember she might burst into tears or something, women could be very odd that way. ‘Are you comfortable?’ he asked, fishing for clues.

‘It's a nice soft mattress’ Allison replied, did he mean was she okay with them having sex, she wondered? Was he going to want to do it again?

Coyle slowly turned over. Oh he must want to do it again Allison decided. Had he taken advantage of her before? She didn't even know but she did know she could get giggly and flirty when she was drunk. It might have even been her idea, she did sorta like him, a lot she admitted to herself, even if he was a serious jerk sometimes.

Think Cassidy think, Coyle thought to himself as he turned over. They were under a sheet but the girl appeared to be as naked as he was and she didn't shoo away when he ended up facing her and getting a nice view in the process. ‘How are you this morning?’ he asked.

‘I've got a hangover’ Allison replied.

‘Me too’ Coyle told her, she looked like she expected him to do or say something. Okay this should answer the question once and for all, he decided, biting the bullet and moving to kiss her hoping for a reaction then stopping as he realised something. ‘You can hit me for saying this’ he said, ‘but I can't remember what we did last night and I've just noticed I’m still wearing my baggies’ he told her.

Allison looked back at him. ‘I can't remember either’ she admitted, reaching down. ‘My panties are still on too’ she said, checking.

‘We got very drunk’ Coyle said redundantly.

A memory came back to Allison. ‘I remember you were snoring, I think I turned you onto your side which stopped it but you kept rolling back and in the end I propped you up.’

‘So we didn't have sex?’ Coyle checked.

‘I don't think so’ Allison replied.

Coyle was relieved but decided a slightly more chivalrous response than “Thank God” was called for. ‘Good, I'd hate to think I'd ever laid a pretty girl and didn't remember it’ he said instead, it was about as good as he could manage with a headache.

Allison smiled and then she remembered she wasn't wearing a top and she pulled the sheet over herself. ‘Turn around’ she told him forcefully.

‘Already seen them now, not much more than I'd already seen thanks to that low-cut outfit you wear but that horse has well and truly bolted now’ Coyle told her, turning over again nonetheless before getting out of bed. ‘Do you remember you borrowed one of my cleaner T-Shirts to wear at the party last night?’ he asked.

‘Yes’ Allison replied.

‘I can see why you took it off, it's on the floor with something that I hope is some kind of sauce on it’ Coyle told her. ‘You can keep it but I'd suggest you wash a few times before wearing it again’ he advised.

‘Don't put that on again, everyone said you looked stupid in it’ Allison told him as he reached for his Hawaiian shirt.

‘Like I care about their opinions’ Coyle replied before pausing and turning back to her. ‘What do you think about it?’ he asked.

‘It's hideous’ Allison told him honestly, he must care about my opinion then she thought to herself, pleased about that.

Coyle sighed. ‘Okay I'll put on something else’ he agreed, opening up his rucksack and looking for his old T-Shirt with “Kowabunga Tribe” printed on it.

They had rented one of the rooms above Moriarty's Saloon, supposedly at a discount but it still wasn't that cheap as far as Allison was concerned. The room was theirs for a couple of days and the town seemed safe enough so Coyle left his combat armour behind and after they were sure they could keep breakfast down they headed to the Brass Lantern.

Despite the lack of armour Coyle still wore his two overlapping gunbelts with the MP9 and the Desert Eagle ready in case he needed them, but that was as much because going unarmed made him nervous and tetchy as it was that he imagined there was any real prospect of violence. Allison had her badly misnamed “Mercenary Adventurer” outfit on, she desperately needed some more clothes, but the combat helmet she usually wore with it was also left in their room.

‘How's your head this morning?’ Jenny Stahl asked in amusement as they sat down on the stools across from her at the outdoor eatery which was situated towards the bottom of the crater the town was structured around. She had seen ghouls with better complexions she thought as the pair of travellers asked for a light breakfast. Gob the ghoul barman at Moriarty's Saloon didn't look as bad as they did right now Jenny decided.

‘It would be better if that crackpot wasn’t preaching so loudly over there’ Coyle replied, looking at the plate of mutated fruit slices set out in front of him with a lack of enthusiasm. Not too far away a religious nut was vocally worshiping an undetonated atomic bomb of all things, singing the praises of radiation.

‘Confessor Cromwell is a good man’ Jenny told him, ‘not that too many of us embrace his religion you understand’ she added.

Allison swallowed a piece of the familiar crunchy fruit she knew from home. ‘I never believed Pa when he said there was an unexploded atomic bomb here left over from the Great War and people worshipped it’ she said. ‘Now I’m wondering if his tall tail about Mirelurks having kings is true as well’ she continued doubtfully, trying a piece of the other fruit she hadn't tried before which Jenny Stahl had called “Punga”, it wasn't bad she decided.

‘I met some ghouls in Kansas City that used to worship an atomic bomb they called Plutonius and were praying for his return’ Coyle told them. ‘Of course they were immune to radiation unlike that dude who is being very unkind to his DNA by standing in that puddle of irradiated water the bomb is lying in’ he said. ‘Why the hell doesn't someone at least diffuse the thing?’ he asked.

‘It might upset the Church of the Children of Atom and besides which it hasn't gone off in two hundred years but it might if someone started fiddling with it’ Jenny Stahl told him. ‘So you're not going to mention how pretty my eyes are again this morning then?’ she asked sweetly.

‘It's still true but it was more fun saying it with your brothers staring daggers at me’ Coyle replied with a smile, actually in better light she wasn't as pretty as he had thought she was last night. Just above average maybe but after a few beers she had looked damn good.

‘You're lucky the Sheriff was watching out for you or they might have taken you outside and beaten you up when you tried to get me to dance with you’ Jenny told him as he forced down a couple of pieces of fruit.

‘Yeah, sorry about that’ Coyle apologised.

‘I don't mind happy drunks’ Jenny Stahl told him, ‘it's mean ones I don't like’ she said, her eyes flickering across to where the guy called Jericho was entering the Clinic, possibly seeking some painkillers as he had been knocking it bad last night too. For a second it looked like she was recalling a bad memory, Allison noticing and wondering what it might be.

Megaton was basically a large crater with the town built into the sides of the hole and high walls around the rim to protect it. The walls and the buildings were made of sections of several different large aircraft, military and civilian and despite the haphazard nature of the construction, you couldn't really call anything so chaotic a design, it seemed sturdy enough. As a trading hub of sorts plenty of people passed by this way, so to Coyle’s mind it was a good place to hang for a few days to try and find out more about what was going on in DC. If both the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave were established somewhere around here, and there were Super-Mutants about, the former US Capital was definitely a location that warranted considerable detailed investigation by the NCR.

The Enclave and Brotherhood propaganda broadcasts were certainly making their mark. “Galaxy News Radio” was an obvious front for the BoS and hooked people in with catchy tunes whilst interspersing them with Pro-Brotherhood messages. It was however far less blatant than what the Enclave and their “President” John Henry Eden were pushing and perhaps GNR was more effective for that. Only that senile old twit who had cornered Coyle in the bar for fifteen long, long minutes last night singing the praises of the Enclave seemed to be buying it wholesale, one advantage to the harshness of the wasteland life is that world weary cynics don't tend to be easily suckered in.

The town store was called Craterside Supply and was run by a kook. She was friendly enough, and obviously well meaning, but for a woman with a mechanical man Moira Brown obviously had a screw loose, maybe two Coyle decided. After agreeing a price on the armour and weapons Coyle and Allison were selling on the woman had explained about a book she was writing and wondered if they might be interested in helping out... she wasn't selling the idea very well however.

Coyle fixed the peppy young woman with a stare. ‘Let me get this straight’ he said. ‘Among other things you’re looking for someone to get critically wounded, irradiate themselves so much they'll glow in the dark and play with landmines?’ he asked coldly.

‘Oh it all sounds so much worse than it really is’ Moira replied brightly. ‘You'd be fine’ she said.

‘Yes, because nobody in their right mind would do those things’ Coyle told her flatly. ‘Why don't you ask your mercenary bodyguard over there to do it?’ he asked.

‘She did, I wouldn't’ the normally laconic mercenary leaning back against the wall of the store responded.

‘Not even for triple pay and a bonus’ Moira said regretfully. She had only recently hired the man to help protect her and the store and she was now regretting not putting a few more roles into his job-description.

The mercenary rolled his eyes, this wasn't a bad job really, he thought. There wasn't too much trouble in Megaton usually and Sheriff Simms kept the crime rate low so he didn't have much to do for his pay. He had been ready to help fight the raiders the previous day but that hadn’t come to anything in the end thanks in no small part to this obviously sane stranger who wasn't buying into Moira’s latest project either.

After asking a few questions about the Capital Wasteland out of curiosity Coyle asked Moira if she had any idea why the .32 pistols some people carried around here seemed so underpowered compared to hunting rifles firing the same cartridges. The bullet which had bounced off his combat armour yesterday for example had nowhere near the stopping power or penetration of the rifle Allison used, the muzzle velocity shouldn't have been that much lower he knew.

Moira laughed. ‘It's the powder silly’ she explained. ‘Most of the .32 calibre bullets around these parts come in via caravan from The Pitt to the Northwest’ she told him, ‘I've heard they have ammunition presses up there making brand new .32 cartridges but the propellant they're using is too slow burning for pistols’ she continued. ‘The 10mm they make would probably be much more effective from a longer barrel too’ she suggested.

Coyle smacked himself on the side of the head. ‘The bullets accelerate too slowly to get up to full speed in something the length of a pistol barrel’ he realised.

‘Right’ Moira confirmed. ‘They're good bullets but you need to fire them from a rifle or you're wasting half the powder’ she said.

‘Could you take a look at my rifle?’ Allison asked Moira, she had fetched it from the Saloon along with the things they were selling. ‘Cassidy replaced some of the worn parts from one we took from one of the dead raiders we killed but the action still isn't smooth when I work the bolt’ she said, taking out the ammunition in it before handing it over.

‘I'll take a look honey’ Moira replied with a smile, taking it over to her work bench, testing the bolt herself. ‘Yes it is a little clunky’ she agreed. ‘A couple of parts and some work with a file and it'll be as good as when it was made’ she promised.

‘How much?’ Allison asked.

‘We'll call this one a freebie’ Moira told her, starting to strip the rifle down into parts. ‘You need to start using more gun-oil, it’ll reduce wear and tear’ she advised. ‘I can sell you some.’

‘We'll take a couple of cans’ Coyle replied. ‘Also have you got any 7.62mm NATO or .308 Winchester?’ he asked.

‘Not much but some’ Moira replied, her attention on the rifle she was servicing.

‘I'll take what you’ve got’ Coyle told her, he had spoken to Simms about maybe getting the ammunition replaced that he had used against the raiders but the Sheriff said he didn’t have any in the town armoury, it simply wasn't a calibre used too much around here. ‘What about .44 Magnum?’ he wondered.

‘Oh I've got a couple of boxes of that for sale’ Moira told him. ‘Lucky Harith one of the caravan traders that visits usually has some to trade’ she said.

‘I'll take both boxes’ Coyle said, ‘and a hundred and fifty rounds of 10mm’ he added.

‘Going to war?’ Moira asked him with a chuckle.

‘Always seems like it’ Coyle replied evenly. ‘I like the armoured vault suit you've got hanging up there by the way’ he said indicating the old blue one-piece oufit that was standard dress in the vaults and which she had apparently added some protection too. ‘Is Vault 101 close then?’ he inquired, the number was on the back.

‘It sure is, still sealed too mostly but every so often someone comes out to look around’ Moira replied. ‘I made that suit as a custom order for a girl about a decade back when the store still belonged to my Dad but she never came back to collect it’ she said. ‘You interested in buying?’ she queried.

‘If it hasn’t got 13 written on it it's not worth having’ Coyle replied dismissively. ‘Talking of which have you got any paint?’ he asked hopefully. ‘I've got to put a lucky number on the back of a combat helmet’ he said.

Thanks to the towns large water purification plant, and relatively small population, there was enough surplus water for washing and bathing so both Coyle and Allison decided to take the opportunity to wash off the dirt and grime of the wasteland before returning to the saloon. As had been the case in Helltown the water coming from the plant was in two grades, one good enough for bathing and the other being more carefully filtered in a second stage of purification was for drinking water.

With the hangover long gone and having washed both herself and her clothes Allison felt clean on the outside. She wasn't feeling unwell on the inside now either but thinking about the raiders she had shot the day before, the girl her age in particular, she started to feel pangs of guilt. She was sure they had all done something to deserve it, and doubly certain that if the roles had been reversed the raider would have killed her with few qualms, but that wasn't helping.

Sitting at a table in the saloon Allison looked at her beer with a gloomy expression on her face. Cassidy was at the bar trying and failing to get some free information from the owner Moriarty, laughing and joking like the people he had killed yesterday didn't so much as cross his mind. The zombie they called Gob who was serving drinks had badly creeped her out at first but now sitting alone with nothing to do but think she was feeling far too maudlin to even notice he was there.

‘Hi, are you okay?’ a girl asked her, causing Allison to look up from her neglected drink.

‘I'm good’ Allison replied unconvincingly. ‘It's Lucy isn't it?’ she asked. ‘We talked last night before it got rowdy and I had to stop Cassidy singing’ she said.

‘That's right’ Lucy West confirmed. ‘You look a little down’ she noted. ‘Want to talk about it?’ she asked. ‘It's only fair, seeing as how I inflicted my life story on you before’ she joked.

Allison was going to deny she was feeling bad at first but why lie about it, maybe talking would help? ‘Take a seat’ she said. ‘Just promise not to talk about growing up in Arefu again’ she requested with a gentle smile.

‘I know it was boring, that's why I left for the excitement and bright lights of the big city’ Lucy said, sweeping her arm around to indicate the town of Megaton. ‘Just tagged along with a trade caravan one day and never went back’ she said.

‘At least you get to send letters back and forth with your folks and your brother’ Allison remembered being told. ‘My brothers are gone, my Ma and Pa too’ she said wistfully.

‘I'm sorry to hear that’ Lucy told her honestly. ‘So it's just you and the Tribal then?’ she asked.

‘The Tribal?’ Allison repeated in confusion for a second before realising, ‘Oh Cassidy isn't a Tribal, his Ma was but he isn't really’ she said. ‘He told me he comes from a really big town, hundreds and hundreds of people’ she told her.

Lucy frowned. ‘But it says on his T-Shirt...’

‘Yeah, maybe that was the name of his mother's tribe or something?’ Allison theorised. ‘The Kowabungas could be a big tribe on the West Coast or something?’ she wondered. ‘I'll have to ask him’ she decided.

‘How long have you been together?’ Lucy asked.

‘We’re not together, together he hired me as a guide after I threw a spear at him a few days ago’ Allison replied then paused and looked amazed as she considered what she had said. ‘Has it really only been a few days?’ she asked herself rhetorically. ‘It feels like so much longer’ she said.

‘You threw a spear at him?’ Lucy queried.

‘It seemed like the thing to do at the time, I suppose I was lucky he didn't shoot me’ Allison told her, ‘I've seen him shoot people for a lot less’ she said. ‘Not that he’s a psycho-killer or anything’ she said hurriedly in case the local girl might get the wrong idea. ‘He only kills bad people that earned it’ she continued then looked down at her beer again. ‘I... I only kill people that deserve it too’ she added quietly.

Lucy nodded. ‘The Sheriff said you shot some of the raiders’ she recalled.

‘It was so...easy’ Allison said. ‘It shouldn't be so easy’ she opined. ‘Just line up the rifle and shoot, just like you're hunting molerats or something’ she said, voice starting to tremble.

‘I'm sorry’ Lucy said softly, reaching over and taking her hand.

‘So is there some girl-on-girl action about to happen’ a voice interrupted, ‘can I watch, or maybe join in?’ it asked, ‘I'll put some caps your way’ it offered lasciviously.

‘Get lost Jericho’ Lucy told him sternly.

Jericho smirked. ‘Should have known you were a dyke all those times you turned me down’ he said. As ever he was wearing his faded black leather armour and had his rifle slung on his back.

‘I'm asking you to go away’ Lucy told him more loudly.

‘The big scary voice doesn't work on someone who's big and scary sweetheart’ Jericho replied sarcastically.

‘So there's no reason it wouldn't work on you, unless you include podgy and out-of-shape within your definition of big?’ Coyle asked, turning around at the bar. ‘You're not scary by any stretch of the imagination’ he stated. ‘I know scary, you don't meet the criteria’ he stated.

Jericho turned to face the “Hero” from last night, like it took guts or skill to shoot a few peckerwoods in the back. ‘I'm the man in this town’ he said. ‘I don't like passers-through talking to me like they’ve got anything to say worth fucking hearing’ he growled, voice gravelly from years of smoking.

Coyle looked Jericho in the eyes. ‘Do you think you're dangerous?’ he asked.

‘What?’ Jericho replied, perplexed by the question.

‘It's a simple question’ Coyle responded. ‘Do you think you're dangerous?’ he asked again.

‘Yes I’m fucking danger...’ Jericho began but before he could finish his sentence he noticed Coyle was grinning. ‘There's a gun pointed at my back isn't there?’ he asked.

‘No but you get points for realising there could be, I did tell her to do things like that when I attracted the attention of unpleasant types such as yourself squarely in my direction’ Coyle answered. ‘I'm looking unconcerned because we both know there's no way you can have that rifle strapped to your back aimed at me before I draw my pistol’ he said. ‘Now since I don't think you're retarded enough to risk your life just for the right to be an offensive prick, get lost’ he advised.

‘I never back down from a fight’ Jericho told him seriously.

Coyle looked him in the eyes. ‘Guess not’ he read the man, Jericho was a nasty piece of work and a bully but in Coyle's estimation he likely he wasn't a blow-hard. ‘Okay, want to settle this outside the old fashioned way?’ he asked, holding up a fist.

‘Love to’ Jericho replied, turning towards the door, judging correctly that the guy with the weird accent wasn’t the type to shoot him in the back in front of his woman. It occurred a split second later that he might just be the type to pistol-whip him though right before Coyle cracked him hard across the back of the skull with his Desert Eagle.

Jericho slumped to the ground unconscious, if he thought the headache he woke up with that morning after the party last night had been bad it was going to pale into insignificance compared to the one he'd have when he came to.

‘We should probably leave town’ Coyle told Allison. ‘I don't think his being an asshole is a good enough reason to kill him but I’m sure he'll try and kill me at the earliest opportunity now’ he said.

‘What did you do that for?’ Allison exclaimed.

‘It was quicker than beating him up’ Coyle responded. ‘Less effort too’ he added. ‘What was he saying to upset you so much anyway?’ he asked.

‘What are you talking about?’ Allison asked in confusion.

Coyle frowned, he wondered if he had misinterpreted the situation. ‘I heard him told to go away loudly and when I turned around he hadn't and you looked upset so...’

‘I didn't look upset because of him’ Allison declared. ‘I was upset before he arrived’ she said.

‘No?’ Coyle asked in surprise.

‘No’ Allison confirmed.

Coyle looked down at the prone form of Jericho lying on the floor of the saloon bleeding from a small head wound. ‘Shit’ he swore. ‘I'll leave a few caps to pay for his visit to the docs then’ he said with a frown.

‘Wait a second, you hit him on the head with your gun because you thought he upset me?’ Allison asked, dumbfounded.

‘Well yeah’ Coyle replied, almost sheepishly. ‘I did basically promise you that I wouldn't let anyone hurt your feelings’ he said, ‘I mean except for me when I go too far with the jokes’ he added awkwardly, feeling several pairs of eyes on him. I must sound like a twelve-year-old he thought, almost critically embarrassed by the whole situation.

Allison buried her head in her hands for a moment. ‘For crying out loud Cassidy’ she said in exasperation. On one level it was sweet but on several others it was plain dumb.

‘I still think we should get our stuff and go’ Coyle told her, ‘I'd feel really bad if I had to kill the poor bastard now’ he said.

Allison sighed and shook her head sadly before turning to Lucy West remembering a phrase she read in an old pre-war book, her Pa bought them back sometimes after working on the trade caravans. ‘I think I need to invest more time in developing his people skills’ she decided, Lucy nodding her agreement.


Note from the Author:

The Church of the Children of Atom in Megaton had definite shades of the ghoul worshippers of Plutonius in Fallout: Tactics. The worshipping of undetonated atomic weapons must be widespread in the Fallout universe!

If you read through saloon-owner Moriarty's computer files on his computer you'll see in an entry that he suspected Jericho had once tried to rape Jenny Stahl. That's why I had her understandably nervous of him.

Revolvers firing the same .32 ammunition as Hunting Rifles in Fallout 3 are far weaker, this was probably just a screwup but if the propellant was slow-burning it might have that effect. You will also find that 10mm ammunition fired from an N99 automatic has inordinately less power than the same round does fired from the a Lever-Action Rifles you can obtain in the Point Lookout expansion pack. New ammunition can be made using the ammunition press featured in The Pitt expansion pack based in the ruins of Pittsburgh. It's noted in the game that people captured by the slavers in Paradise Falls are often traded to The Pitt to be factory workers, I'm reasoning that this is paid for by the sale of ammunition made there.

Storekeeper, mechanical tinkerer, amateur scientist and kooky enthusiast Moira Brown owner of Craterside Supply tries to recruit volunteers to assist her writing a book called the Wasteland Survival Guide. This mainly consists of her getting you to perform dangerous and/or insane tasks out in the wasteland while she stays safe at home and writes up the results if you get back alive. In the game it's a lot of fun to cooperate, Coyle however is far too sane to do so himself. Lucy West is a young woman originally from the tiny Capital Wasteland community of Arefu who moved to Megaton while the rest of her family stayed back home.
it's great i've read up to/at part 4 but, also have another book opend up in adobe for the past few days.
The story continues...



Springvale - Virginia – June 2277

Heading north on a reasonable stretch of road after they left Megaton after a few miles they came upon the ruins of what had once been a small town in the DC suburbs called Springvale. Being fairly close to the populated settlement it must have been stripped bare of anything worth having decades ago Coyle reasoned so instead of stopping to root around the wrecked houses they continued on towards the Potomac having a plan to follow the riverbank into DC.

Since riding the motorcycle into the city would attract a great deal of unwanted attention Coyle parked it up next to an old school at the northern edge of Springvale and after removing the gas tank and handbrake to make it look like just another piece of broken pre-war junk they left it there and continued on towards the river on foot. Even at a fairly relaxed pace it should take them less than three hours to reach a small community Allison knew of called Grayditch where they could bed down for the night and perhaps pick up some news on recent happenings in DC. Grayditch was at the edge of the city proper and the locals might know more about the current situation there than they had in Megaton it was hoped.

Not being quite enough of an asshole to use the girl as a pack mule Coyle was carrying his bulky rucksack for once, his M72 gauss rifle strapped to the side in its holster and his FN-FAL in his hands ready for action. Allison had her own meagre belongings in a small satchel and the contents of the two metal panniers from the bike in a light canvas hold-all Coyle had produced folded up from his rucksack as they trudged to the river then along the bank towards DC.

‘Nice day for a walk’ Allison opined as they basically strolled along, there was plenty of sunlight left and they hadn't met anything that had tried to eat them since they left Megaton so she was in a good mood.

‘All I'd need is someone yelling at me to pick up the pace and I could be back in the damn infantry’ Coyle replied with rather less enthusiasm.

‘Pa told me that if I was ever near the Potomac I should look out for Mirelurks’ Allison continued brightly, her good humour unabated by his surly response. ‘They're great eating but some days you get the 'Lurk and some days the 'Lurk gets you’ she said sagely.

‘Eating shellfish only used to be risky because of food poisoning, not getting ripped to shreds by pissed-off crustaceans’ Coyle replied. Several people had mentioned the things to him starting in Helltown, they had all raved about the taste, especially when turned into the famed mirelurk cakes that were supposedly the Capital Wastelands sole culinary specialty. ‘I wonder if up in Maine they still eat a lot of lobster?’ he asked rhetorically. ‘Damn things could be the size of Buicks these days’ he continued. ‘You'd need a whole lot of brahmin milk to get the butter to chow down on one of those’ he said.

‘You know an awful lot about places you've never been’ Allison remarked.

‘So could you but they hide that information in books’ Coyle replied sardonically, earning a scowl.

‘Just when I think you've started being nicer to me you ruin it’ Allison complained, her scowl becoming a pout. Back in Megaton he had seemed genuinely annoyed when he thought that jerk Jericho had upset her but only a few hours later he was back with the wisecracks.

‘What can I say, I'm a wasteland-weary cynic with a defective personality’ Coyle replied. ‘You can't accuse me of not being aware of it at least’ he added then stopped walking to turn to her. ‘I've gotten used to having you around but don't expect some kind of miraculous overnight change just because I like the company’ he said.

‘Just don't say the first thing that comes into your head that you think is funny, try stopping to think if it'll upset me is all I ask’ Allison told him.

Coyle thought about that. ‘But what if it's really funny?’ he checked.

‘I'm not talking to you for at least the next hour’ Allison replied, shaking her head and starting walking again, Coyle following after a moment because he couldn't think up a decent retort.

Like many rivers in the post-apocalyptic United States the Potomac was a shadow of its former self. It wasn't quite as disappointing to see as the Colorado had been when Coyle had first scouted Hoover Dam but nonetheless this close to the Chesapeake Bay he had expected it to look more impressive and he reasoned that rainfall must be very low in the entire region. Coming from arid Southern California and having only seen the East Coast before in books he had been hoping to find Virginia a lot more green than this but maybe after touring the area thoroughly before heading home he could find what he was looking for further north in New England he hoped.

Getting assailed by something eventually was inevitable of course in the wasteland and Allison was just relieved it came in the form of a small swarm of bloatflies, more an annoyance than a real threat. At first Coyle tried to swat the things with a suitable piece of driftwood he picked up from the riverbank but in the end his patience snapped and throwing away the improvised fly-swatter he pulled his MP9 and firing single rounds he shot them out of the air, ignoring Allison’s observations about temper-tantrums and wasting ammunition.

Half a mile further on it was apparent that the city was even more intact than Coyle had imagined it to be based on the usually less than reliable testimony of travellers. Rows of intact apartment blocks dominated the skyline up ahead, it was almost hard to believe that it was two centuries since the Great War, not a mere handful of years, and Coyle wondered what the NCR could have achieved with such a treasure trove of salvage and raw materials to hand.

Even the river started to look better as they continued to hike along it, becoming wide and deep enough to more closely match what Coyle thought a river should be. Up ahead an intact bridge next to what seemed to be an old Super-Duper Mart spanned the Potomac and Coyle was wondering if they should take the opportunity to cross before Allison told him that their destination was on this bank.

As they approached the bridge, nearing the old market, Coyle started to get twitchy. His mother would have said it was the spirits of his ancestors looking after him but he himself interpreted it as the justifiable paranoia resulting from being ambushed so many times over the years. ‘That place looks almost pristine and being so close to that bridge I'd expect people to be living there’ he said.

Allison nodded her agreement. ‘Crossing points are usually prime locations for trading posts or settlements’ she replied. ‘Maybe we should go see?’ she suggested.

‘I'll go see, you stay here behind those rocks over yonder’ Coyle replied, shucking off his rucksack and laying it down on the ground.

‘What if you don't come back?’ Allison asked.

‘Then you can consider yourself my sole beneficiary’ Coyle replied. ‘Don't let the gauss rifle sell for less than two thousand caps and then get as much as you can for the ammunition’ he advised, loosening up his shoulders after carrying the heavy pack.

‘We could just go around, keep clear of the place if it's got you all suspicious’ Allison pointed out.

‘I'm not walking any further than I damn well have to and anyway there could be something good in there’ Coyle responded, chambering a round in his FN-FAL just in case. ‘Relax’ he told her, ‘I'm good at this’ he said.

‘Poking your nose into places where you don’t think you should?’ Allison asked wryly.

‘That and getting back alive’ Coyle replied. ‘Oh you might as well take my sunglasses too’ he added, handing them to her.

Allison put them on. ‘Do they suit me?’ she asked.

‘They hide your pretty eyes’ Coyle responded, gallantly he thought.

‘You think my eyes are pretty?’ Allison replied, beaming.

Coyle grinned. ‘To be honest I couldn't even tell you what colour they are’ he replied. ‘I only ever wore the shades because it made it easier to look down your cleavage without getting slapped’ he said.

Allison glared at him before remembering that with the sunglasses he wouldn't be able to tell. ‘If you don't come back I’m burning that hideous Hawaiian shirt’ she told him irately.

‘Leave the shirt be’ Coyle told her sternly, turning and setting off towards the market. ‘Oh, and I was yanking your chain, they're blue’ he added, breaking into a trot.

‘How can I like him, hate him and then like him again all in the space of a minute?’ Allison asked herself in confusion, watching him double-time towards the Super-Duper Mart, his rifle ready for action and his head moving left and right looking for trouble. ‘Nice ass though’ she decided.

Coyle reached the side of the building facing the river unmolested and made his way to the corner more slowly, hugging the wall and pulling his Desert Eagle with his left hand, holding onto the FN-FAL with the other barrel now pointed skywards. Because of the length of its barrel it wasn’t the ideal weapon for close combat but it would go through a lot of things that neither his magnum automatic or his 10mm SMG wouldn’t so he liked to keep it with him anyway just in case.

If he had been holed up in the building with some friends Coyle would have put a sharpshooter on the roof to act as a lookout and to pot-shot anyone that came near but just because there hadn't been one didn’t mean the building was empty, it could still be full of hostiles, just not very smart ones he knew, getting to the corner of the building and slowly leaning out to get a look at the front of the place.

A small number of abandoned cars and rusty shopping trolleys lay in the parking lot out front of the building but other than that and an old bus stopped in the middle of the road heading for the bridge there was nothing else to see. Nothing except that is for the two objects that immediately caught Coyle's undivided attention. ‘Okay, so what are the chances of there still being any bottles of Nuka Cola in those old Vending Machines?’ he wondered quietly to himself.

Putting hope aside for now it would clearly be a good move to check out the inside of the building first, before he started smashing in the front of those Nuka Cola machines in the hope of obtaining the tepid nectar of the gods as he liked to think of it, so Coyle moved along the front wall towards the nearest of two sets of double doors that led inside. As he did so he started to hear sounds from within, muffled voices and what could be heavy objects being moved about, so he steeled himself for possible action and slowly pushed open the door trusting that if they weren’t smart enough to put a look-out on the roof they wouldn’t have booby-trapped the doors either.

Keeping to the shadows Coyle slowly made his way inside and took a peek at what all the commotion was about. ‘Ah, home remodelling’ he breathed to himself watching five raiders, four male one female as they seemed to be hauling planks around, making ramps and bridges to span the aisles that ran down the market. The shelves seemed almost bare but a few cans of food still seemed to be up for grabs.

‘Why the fuck did we get stuck with this job’ one of the Raiders protested loudly as he picked up a splinter in his hand from one of the planks.

‘Would you rather be humping all our shit from the old hide-out with those other slobs?’ another replied. ‘They'll take hours to carry it here, those ammo boxes weigh a ton’ he said, and that was assuming the lazy bums had even started yet.

‘I'd rather be out having fun’ the one that had complained responded before using his teeth to pull out the splinter, spitting it out.

‘Look dipshit’ a third raider, this one wearing a set of armour in better condition than the others interrupted them. ‘From here we can hit trade caravans heading for Rivet City and Megaton’ he said. ‘The roof doesn't leak, those refrigerators still work and if we can figure out how to get that locked door in the back open I'll bet there’s still some shit worth having in there no scav has ever messed with.’

A raider girl was still working. ‘Stop standing there with your thumbs up your asses and give me a fucking hand with this’ she declared loudly, kicking another plank.

‘Shut your fucking mouth bitch or I'll stick something else up your ass’ the raider who had removed the splinter responded.

‘From what Big Sal told me you couldn't even get it up the last time you went sniffing around for some’ the raider girl retorted.

‘Okay that's it’ the slighted raider exclaimed. ‘I vote we gang-bang this slut’ he said to the other men.

‘Too much woman for you on your own?’ the raider girl responded with a sneer, pulling a knife. ‘Come on Romeo, just try’ she taunted him.

Coyle wished he had a video camera so he could record the mating habits of the East Coast Raider for posterity, it was truly fascinating stuff that deserved considerable research. Maybe instead of wiping most of the bastards out on the West Coast the NCR Rangers should have captured a few alive and placed them in zoos for long-term study he considered, holstering his Desert Eagle and taking aim with his rifle, drawing a bead on one that hadn’t said anything, he might be the brains of the outfit judging by the way he kept rolling his eyes at the puerile antics of the rest.

‘Leave her be, you know the boss says she gives the best head of any of the chicks’ the better dressed raider told the angry one, ‘he'll rip your ass if you hurt her’ he warned.

‘That's probably just how the queer likes it’ the raider girl declared.

‘And you can shut the fuck up too’ the one that seemed to be in charge ordered, pointing at her.

‘Holy shit it's the Three Stooges plus Two, live and uncut’ Coyle said loudly. ‘Put your hands in the air or I'll kill you’ he told them, leaning out further into the open so they could see him and that his rifle was aimed their way. They were about twenty-five yards off, point-blank for the FN-FAL but not such a good range for the collection of revolvers and sawn-off shotguns they seemed to have.

The Raiders froze. ‘I told you we needed a fucking sentry’ the one who had been keeping quiet growled, definitely the brains Coyle decided.

‘You wouldn't shoot a girl would you?’ the female one asked plaintively.

‘Sounds like it would be wasting a rare talent but yes I would’ Coyle replied honestly. ‘Now this is the last time I ask’ he continued, ‘raise the hands or I start shooting.’

‘I think it's just the one guy, he can't get all of us’ the quieter one opined, Coyle’s estimation of his IQ dropping considerably.

‘If he had any guts he would have just fired’ the one who had been threatening the girl commented. ‘Let's take him.’

Oh these bullets don’t come cheap Coyle groaned inwardly as he pulled the trigger on his FN-FAL blowing a hole through the quiet one then firing again as fast as he could on semi-automatic as the rest scattered.

Coyle took out the leader next, unfortunately for him a load of wooden shelves being a totally inadequate form of cover against 7.62x51mm NATO rounds that could have very easily penetrated the external wall of the building at that range let alone some two-century old plywood.

Number three to drop had found a more effective barricade in the form of a heavy refrigerator. Instead of using it effectively however he leaned out the left side from Coyle's perspective and promptly had his brains blown out as a result. The vast majority of people being right-handed it was usually a fair bet he would go that way and the other two weren’t placed to shoot back yet so Coyle had ignored them for the moment.

The two left were the girl and the one that had nearly gotten into a fight with her. It seemed unlikely that they were about to cooperate, one pinning him down while the other tried to flank, but he was still outnumbered and Coyle kept his mind on the game. ‘Larry, Curly and Moe are down’ he said loudly. ‘Just you two left, I'm a reasonable man so I'll give you another chance to throw out your guns and surrender’ he offered.

‘Fuck you’ the remaining male raider yelled back only to be forced to crawl for his life as Coyle immediately opened fire on where he had been hiding, blowing holes through the shelving all around him.

‘Are you with Talon Company?’ the girl yelled out, ‘we can match the offer if someone has put a price on our heads’ she said.

‘No I'm just doing this for kicks’ Coyle yelled back. He reckoned he had another five rounds left in his magazine and he decided to save them, putting down the FN-FAL and drawing his MP9 instead. Who the hell was “Talon Company” he wondered, taking his Desert Eagle from its holster too and moving to a new position, keeping low.

‘You draw his fire and I'll get him’ the male raider suggested.

‘Kiss my ass’ the girl replied, ‘you draw his fire and I'll get him’ she countered.

Coyle took aim with both guns at where he thought each one was. Any time now they'd reach the obvious conclusion.

‘If we go together he can't shoot us both’ the male one said.

‘Good idea’ the girl replied. ‘On three’ she said. ‘One, two...’

‘Wait’ the male one said, ‘do you mean go on three or three and then go?’ he asked.

‘Go on three you retard’ the girl exclaimed, ‘one, two, three!’ she said popping up from cover just when the other raider did.

Coyle held down the trigger on his MP9, and hosed it towards the remaining male raider who wasn't precisely where he thought he would be but he chucked enough lead to allow for that. A 10mm round hit him just to the right of his nose and shattered his upper jaw before ploughing on through, tumbling and expanding as it went before exiting the back of his head. It wasn't an immediately lethal injury but it certainly knocked him out of the fight as he tumbled back screaming as best he could, still pulling the trigger of his revolver the bullets going nowhere near Coyle.

The first round fired by the Desert Eagle missed the female raider and she got off a shot with her sawn-off, peppering Coyle with buckshot. Most struck his armour harmlessly but the lucky bitch caught his gun-hand with a couple of the pellets just as he fired the Eagle again Coyle howling and dropped the magnum automatic as blood from the wounds sprayed into his face. ‘Shit’ he swore, biting back the pain in his left hand as he got up and sprinted straight for her bringing the MP9 around. It took time to reload a double-barrelled and even though he missed the shots had probably at least spooked her enough to slow her down.

Having him run at her panicked the girl and she fumbled as she tried to re-load, dropping back into cover because it looked like he was about to rip her apart with that fucking sub-machinegun he had seemingly produced from nowhere. How many guns did this asshole have anyway, a little voice in the back of her mind asked as she tried to stop shaking long enough to put two fresh shells in her gun having ejected the others already.

She was just coming back up when Coyle came over the top of the freezer cabinet she had sought cover behind and smashed her arm with the shotgun in it aside with his wounded hand. She pulled the trigger, both barrels discharging wide as he stuck the MP9 in her face. ‘Are we fucking done?’ Coyle asked angrily, face a mask of blood-splattered rage.

The girl swallowed, cross-eyed as she now focused on the MP9 and the trigger he was squeezing, the pressure just short of what was needed to fire. ‘We're done’ she replied, releasing her grip on the the sawn-off shotgun, letting it fall to the floor.

‘Good’ Coyle replied, grabbing hold of her hair with his wounded hand, ignoring the pain as he got his blood all over her and dragging her to her feet. ‘If you so much as fucking look like you're going to try anything I will kill you stone dead’ he vowed convincingly, pulling her towards where he had left his other two guns. ‘If you weren't a girl you'd be dead already’ he told her, throwing her against a wall. ‘Stay there facing the wall with your hands behind your head’ he ordered, the raider girl complying as he picked up his pistol with his wounded hand, wincing with the pain as he holstered it, MP9 in the other hand still trained on her.

The raider girl noted that he said he had only spared her because she was a woman. ‘I'll be real nice to you if you don't hurt me’ she promised. ‘If you've been looking for a woman I'll be the best you've ever had’ she said, voice trembling as she wondered if this was how the wastelanders she and the gang had terrorised over the years had felt.

Coyle next retrieved his FN-FAL, it had a strap so he shouldered it before going back for the girl. ‘The only use I've got for you right now is to carry shit’ he told her, the adrenaline starting to fade reducing his anger but increasing the pain in his hand as he dripped blood onto the floor.

‘Okay I'll slave for you then’ the raider girl replied starting to feel a modicum of relief. It didn't look like she was going to be killed, at least not yet.

‘I was thinking of you as a criminal on a good old fashioned southern chain-gang myself’ Coyle told her, ‘consider me judge, jury and maybe executioner too if you piss me off’ he said.

‘I thought all you Regulators wore those stupid hats’ the raider girl responded, assuming he must be one of the self-appointed vigilantes that professed to be the guardians of law and order in the Capital Wasteland. He had indicated he wanted her to walk ahead of him out of the Super-Duper Mart and she had obeyed instantly. ‘If you want I can cut the fingers off those guys back there for you’ she offered, trying to win points for being helpful. ‘None of them meant anything to me’ she said, pushing open the door with her elbow as she carefully kept her hands behind her head.

‘This is a fucked-up part of the world’ Coyle stated flatly, following her outside, machine-pistol trained on her back. ‘Turn towards the river and follow the building around to the left’ he ordered, ‘we're going to collect a friend of mine and then we're going back to take anything your friends had worth selling on, not including fingers’ he said.

‘They weren't any friends of mine’ the raider girl insisted.

‘If you’re planning to make something up about being forced to join the gang, that they treated you like shit, that I'm the big hero that saved you and you were just suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome don't waste your breath’ Coyle told her as he marched her around the building heading back towards Allison.

‘Would you believe they addicted me to drugs?’ the raider girl replied, she would have tried all that except for not knowing what the fuck the “Stockholm Syndrome” was. ‘I'll have the shakes to prove it in a couple of hours’ she said.

‘All that would prove is that you’re an addict, and don't try using any of those lines on my friend either or I will do things to you that even your twisted raider imagination couldn't conceive of’ Coyle threatened. ‘I must be going soft not blowing your head off right now’ he added, ‘be grateful we didn't meet a couple of weeks ago’ he added, poking her in the back with the MP9 to speed her up.

When they reached Allison she looked the raider girl up and down. ‘Who's this?’ she asked.

‘I got you a present, something to help carry your stuff’ Coyle replied, ‘sit down on the ground’ he told the raider who did so.

‘There's blood on your face’ Allison exclaimed, ‘your hand's bleeding’ she added.

‘I didn't say it came cheap’ Coyle replied dryly. ‘Raider-bitch here and four of her friends were inside rearranging furniture and we disagreed on how the new lay-out should be.’

‘You killed them’ Allison responded, it wasn't a question.

‘They were completely fucking up the feng shui of the place’ Coyle told her. ‘What else was I going to do?’ he asked rhetorically.

‘Who did that to you?’ Allison asked, pointing at his hand.

‘She did, with a shotgun’ Coyle replied. ‘If you could take my gauss-rifle off my rucksack we'll put the bag on her and then tie her hands’ he said, that would make a quick getaway more than awkward at least, plus it was better than him carrying the thing. ‘I'll bandage up my hand when we get back to the market and you gather up the weapons and anything else they had worth taking’ he continued, ‘I think they've got friends due later and I want to be well gone before they arrive.’

‘What are we going to do with her?’ Allison wanted to know.

‘Well she offered me sex which is more than you have’ Coyle replied.

‘You wouldn't’ Allison responded irately, crossing her arms.

‘Definitely not before giving her at least a seven day course of antibiotics that's for sure’ Coyle replied, ‘I saw the company she was keeping’ he said with distaste. ‘Oh we'll just shoot her or let her go eventually I guess.’

‘We let that cannibal girl go straight away before’ Allison pointed out.

‘Yeah but if I'd needed someone to carry my bag then I wouldn't have’ Coyle replied. ‘Fuck it’ he said. ‘Consider yourself conscripted into the Army of the New California Republic’ he informed the girl on the ground. ‘You can also consider yourself promoted from Raider Skank Third Class to Cadet Pack Mule’ he continued. ‘See there's always room for advancement in the NCR Armed Forces, in a few more years, and with plenty of effort on your part, you'll make it all the way up to worthwhile Human Being’ he said.

‘The army of the what?’ the raider girl responded in mystification, this guy was clearly nuts, seemed to be making up words and and he talked with a funny accent.

‘Gotta break them down before you can build them back up that’s what my old Drill Sergeant told me’ Coyle declared. ‘On your feet recruit’ he said. ‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’ he told the girl.

‘Is it the blood loss or did you take some really strong painkillers already because of the hand?’ Allison asked Coyle seriously, taking off the sunglasses for a better view as she checked to see if his pupils were dilated.


Note from the Author:

In Fallout 3 a reasonable number of raiders can be found in the Super-Duper Mart near a bridge across the Potomac. Coyle and Allison reached there by heading north from Megaton going through Springvale until they reached the river following it towards DC heading towards Grayditch.

The game starts in August 2277 two months into the future of the point we're at now and by then the Super-Duper Mart is a raider stronghold but I'm taking it that they only moved in fairly recently and Coyle came across the site when they were still getting established.

Raiders are often addicted to some of the various drugs that exist in the Fallout universe, these include Jet a very strong methamphetamine, Psycho a mixture of speed and heroin, Med-X a painkiller and Buffout a type of steroid. This drug abuse does help explain why raiders are generally so crazed and aggressive... Coyle meanwhile is just being himself!
Love the story, came on here just to urge you to continue writing this piece. Excellent work :clap:
The Story Continues...



Washington DC – Columbia Commonweath – June 2277

Coyle inspected his bandaged hand. ‘Does that hurt a lot?’ Allison asked, concerned.

‘Getting buckshot fired into it?’ Coyle replied, ‘Nah, not at all’ he told her sarcastically as they continued on their way. The raider girl they had captured was trailing a few paces behind them, her hands tied in front of her and the rest of the rope providing a leash that was also tied to one of the two ammunition bandoliers Allison had taken from one of the dead raiders back at the Super-Duper Mart.

‘When we get to Grayditch I'll see if I can do a better job of patching you up’ Allison told him, ignoring his snippy mood.

‘I've got some tweezers in my medical kit, if you don't mind digging around I could really do with getting the buckshot removed or it'll never heal right’ Coyle replied with a little more civility this time. ‘Of course if I thought her personal hygiene was better I'd get her to take them out because she put them in there in the first place but I'd rather not risk picking up an infection’ he said, turning back to the raider whose own attitude was slowly shifting from frightened to sullen.

Allison looked at the girl who was carrying Coyle’s heavy rucksack. ‘I still think we'd be better off getting rid of her’ she said.

‘Okay, if you want to shoot her go ahead but you'll have to carry the bag if you do’ Coyle replied.

‘I didn't mean shoot her’ Allison replied quickly.

‘Yeah, slitting her throat would save the cost of a bullet’ Coyle agreed.

‘You're deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying’ Allison protested.

‘Maybe’ Coyle neither confirmed or denied but he did grin. ‘Come on Rover’ he told their prisoner. ‘Walkies’ he said, reaching for the rope and tugging on it before they started moving again.

The road they were on had developed an incline as they headed away from the river towards where Allison thought the small settlement of Grayditch lay. The further they got into DC the more intact were the buildings and Coyle was again amazed that there were so few people around taking advantage of such a bounty of resources. Even if the radiation had been so high after the war that people stayed away for decades there should have been a myriad of scavenger groups scouring DC for supplies by now he thought. He could only assume that the super-mutants reputably infesting the city further in acted as a deterrent because the wealth of goods to be seen everywhere should have far outweighed any fear that a few raiders might generate.

‘What's her name?’ Allison asked, realising she didn't know.

‘No idea’ Coyle replied. ‘You know my policy of not asking because it might make it difficult to shoot them later’ he reminded her.

‘I remember you telling me that when we met’ Allison responded, ‘but when I told you my name you said that it still wouldn't be very difficult to shoot me’ she noted.

‘True but at the time you never shut up and kept asking questions which is annoying, and so far she's been keeping quiet’ Coyle pointed out.

‘Your ideal woman I suppose?’ Allison asked scornfully.

‘Generally I don't envision the ideal mate firing a shotgun at me or being a homicidal drug-addict so no’ Coyle replied. ‘Although having her tied up does fit in with a few other fantasies’ he joked.

‘My name’s Dreamer’ the raider girl spoke up nervously, hoping that maybe the thing about it being more difficult to kill her if he knew was true.

‘Nobody asked’ Coyle replied flatly. ‘Now keep quiet or I won't bother to feed you’ he added.

‘That's a weird name’ Allison commented.

‘Maybe she likes to kill people in their sleep’ Coyle suggested as he looked at his hand again. ‘I swear if she's fucked up my quick-draw permanently I'll put her to sleep permanently too’ he vowed as they walked on.

Allison took out the cloth bag where she had stuffed the drugs she had taken from the dead raiders. ‘Do you want a shot of Med-X Cassidy?’ she asked. ‘I think there's a couple in here’ she added, rooting through the bag.

‘It's nowhere near serious enough for that’ Coyle turned down the offer of the painkiller.

‘They had a lot of drugs on them, more than the raiders we killed outside Megaton did’ Allison noted, putting the bag away again. ‘If she starts to get the shakes later do you think we should let her have some?’ she asked.

‘No’ Coyle replied.

‘You're right, it would be better for her to give them up’ Allison agreed.

‘No I meant we should sell them, I couldn't care less about her fucking health and well-being’ Coyle responded. ‘What are you on anyway?’ he asked the raider out of curiosity.

‘Jet’ the girl “Dreamer” replied, figuring that it was okay to talk if she was just answering questions that he'd asked her.

‘Well that explains why I missed you the first time I shot at you in the Market’ Coyle reasoned, the amphetamine-like substance would have given her better reaction times. ‘Jet was invented by a guy named Myron over in my part of the world you know’ he told Allison, talking might take his mind off the pain in his hand he hoped. ‘He used to hang with my cousin and was a weaselly little bastard from what I heard but a first-rate chemist’ he continued. ‘I'm surprised the formula made it way over here to the East Coast but I guess if there's a market there's a supplier looking to cash in’ he said.

Not wanting to cart the smelly blood-stained clothing and leather body-armour the raiders had been wearing they had not bothered to strip them before heading out but the haul of drugs, a few coin-purses full of caps and their weapons had been worth recovering Coyle thought. He certainly wouldn't bother keeping the badly maintained .32 revolvers but if he cleaned them up they might fetch a few more caps and although he hadn’t enjoyed experiencing its effectiveness first-hand, as it were, the sawn-off the girl had been carrying was in relatively good condition.

Almost as importantly, at least to Coyle, the vending machines outside the Super-Duper Mart had still contained a number of bottles of Nuka Cola and although he left a few behind for the benefit of someone else that might have a hankering for a fix of caffeinated flat sugary beverage his conscript pack-mule was carrying a good dozen bottles of the stuff along with the bulk of his other gear.

‘Want some jerky?’ Allison asked, producing a couple of strips from her satchel and passing one to Coyle when he nodded. She was about to start chewing on her own when she had a thought and turned back to the girl tethered to her. ‘Hungry?’ she asked. ‘It's Yao Guai’ she explained, stopping to hand the meat back to the girl who looked at it suspiciously.

‘Eat it or don't, your choice, but don't expect to get anything else for a while because we've got loads of it left’ Coyle said to the girl before starting to gnaw on his own piece.

‘Could be worse, could be Mole Rat’ Allison noted, getting out a third strip of dried meat for herself as the raider girl sniffed the jerky before tearing off a section with her teeth.

‘You know you're way too soft-hearted’ Coyle told Allison as the three of them passed a couple of wrecked cars which the NCR Ranger inspected with interest.

‘I'm just not callous like you’ Allison defended herself. ‘Why be nasty for the sake of it?’ she asked rhetorically.

‘I'm not nasty for the sake of it woman’ Coyle defended himself in turn, ‘I mostly do it for the sake of entertainment’ he said before checking his watch. ‘We'd better pick up the pace’ he decided.

‘Still plenty of time to get to Grayditch before it gets dark’ Allison told him, she was sure she had her bearings right.

‘I want to get a good look over the place before I think about staying there’ Coyle replied, ‘if it sets my alarm bells ringing we might need to find alternative accommodation before the sun goes down.’

‘Pa always said Grayditch was a friendly little place full of nice folks’ Allison replied.

‘Don't let it be said I'd ever doubt the second-hand word of your father but your information is years out of date right?’ Coyle asked rhetorically. ‘I think I'll let my ever-dependable life-preserving paranoia steer me on this one like always’ he said.

They weren't too much further on when they started to pick up the faint whiff of smoke in the air coming from the direction they were heading, getting closer to their destination the smell became stronger and then they started to see billowy clouds of smoke wafting between the buildings. ‘If we're lucky someone has a barbeque going and we’re going to be invited to share a beer and a Brahmin burger’ Coyle observed, ‘I don't think we're lucky’ he said fatalistically as they arrived at a beaten-up fence made up of old wooden panels and corrugated iron sheets someone had erected across the road ahead with “Welcome to Grayditch” painted on it.

‘There's nobody watching out for strangers’ Allison noted, looking around with a concerned expression. Normally any community would be expected to have look-outs watching for raiders but there were no signs of life, only the smoke hanging in the air and the sounds of clicking.

Coyle chambered a round in his FN FAL. The hair was standing up on the back of his neck and either his instincts or his training, or maybe the spirits of his tribal ancestors were telling him he was about to see some more action. ‘Get your rifle ready’ he told Allison who nodded and worked the bolt on her hunting rifle.

The crack of a shot up ahead had Coyle drop to one knee, FN FAL shouldered. Allison did likewise and then the raider girl did the same wishing she wasn't the only one unarmed. Even if it was other raiders attacking the settlement they wouldn't be from her band which meant she wasn’t any safer than these two. ‘What are we going to do?’ Allison asked, voice barely above a whisper.

‘My curiosity has the best of me’ Coyle replied. ‘I'm going to go see’ he said, grinning as the adrenaline started to kick in and his heart rate increased. To be honest to himself he would have been much better off being a regular junkie like the raider chick he knew, instead of being a danger junkie, but he did enjoy the action and adventure. ‘If I don't come back... well same rules as before’ he said.

Allison watched Coyle rise to a crouch and begin to move forward. One day he really wasn’t going to come back if he kept doing things like this she was sure and that thought bothered her immensely. Her life since meeting him had been so dynamic and interesting and besides which he hadn't even kissed her yet she realised, the latter thought almost catching her by surprise in that it bothered her as much as it did.

‘If we have to run we'll be faster if we're not tied together and I'm not carrying this bag’ the girl “Dreamer” whispered.

‘I might cut the rope but you'll still be carrying that rucksack’ Allison whispered back.

‘Why, is what's in it valuable?’ Dreamer queried.

‘Not really’ Allison lied, some of it was probably worth a lot of caps, ‘it's just that if we're being chased by something nasty that wants to eat us I don't have to outrun them I only need to outrun you’ she said, immensely proud of the line but then really pissed-off Coyle hadn't heard her say it.

Barely a couple of minutes later Coyle returned, moving at double-time but no longer bothering to keep low. ‘Come on’ he told them. ‘I need to borrow your rifle’ he told Allison. ‘Your ammo is cheaper and easier to replace.’

‘But it's my rifle’ Allison protested.

‘Don't whine, I have been letting you keep all the .32 calibre rounds we've taken from people that I've shot’ Coyle noted. ‘I don't want to waste any of my 7.62mm or .308 Winchester on these things’ he said, ‘come on, this is worth seeing’ he promised.

Allison reluctantly swapped her Hunting Rifle for Coyle’s FN FAL and after yanking on the road to get the raider girl moving too she followed Coyle into Grayditch which was mostly made up of old brick houses. There were fires in more than a few places but what caught her attention in a much bigger way was the sight of a giant ant nearby that saw them and then began heading their way in a hurry.

‘Seeing as I'm not from these parts I've got to ask’ Coyle said calmly, ‘is this normal?’ he inquired as the ant raised its head and directed a jet of fire in their direction in a manner much like a flamethrower.

Allison squealed and ran in one direction to try and avoid the flame while unfortunately for her Dreamer went in the other. The rope had enough slack so that they could both get up a little speed before it pulled tight, jerking them both to a sudden stop.

The not-quite brahmin-sized ant had overestimated the range of its unusual built-in weaponry, just as Coyle had seen it do previously before he returned to the girls, but he was glad Allison hadn’t witnessed him yelp and dive for cover himself like he had the first time. It looked much more dignified when he simply walked backwards to keep out of range and shot off one of the things twin antenna.

Giant Ants were well known in the Western States, some people near the town of Broken Hills had even tried ranching them for their nutritious if hardly tasty meat, but this was the first time Coyle had encountered any with this ability he thought to himself as he worked the bolt of the Hunting Rifle to chamber another round. On the other hand there was a sub-species of Gecko that breathed fire which lived in his part of the former United States so Coyle had been more surprised than completely shocked and panicked by the situation.

Coyle shot off the other antenna and the ant went crazy, that at least was the result he had expected based upon regular Giant Ant behaviour and he watched intrigued for a while as it started spinning around aimlessly, occasionally sending out another squirt of fire before Coyle finally put a third shot into its head.

The oversized insect staggered a little more but didn't drop right away. ‘Tough little bastard aren't you’ Coyle muttered, firing a fourth shot which finally put the thing down. ‘Going to need more bullets’ he said, turning back towards Allison. ‘There's more of these things around and I think they've got some people trapped in their houses over in the next street’ he said. ‘I heard a kid screaming for help.’

‘You could have warned us!’ Allison screeched.

‘I'd already seen what range they had, you were okay where you were’ Coyle replied.

We didn't know that you asshole!’ Dreamer yelled at him, far too angry to be scared he might kill her for mouthing off like that. Her heart didn’t pound in her chest this fucking hard when she had just inhaled Jet she thought, trying to calm down.

‘Did I or did I not freely admit earlier that I do this stuff for entertainment?’ Coyle asked rhetorically, reaching Allison and borrowing the bandolier of .32 calibre bullets which wasn't tied to the rope.

Allison glared at him, she was now too angry to even speak.

‘I can see you're upset’ Coyle observed. ‘I'll just go save the locals and give you a chance to chill out and see the funny side’ he added, turning around and starting to re-load the hunting rifle as he walked off.

‘If he was my boyfriend I'd fucking shoot him’ the raider girl told Allison seriously.

‘I'm a better person than you so I'll let him save those people and then I'll fucking shoot him’ Allison growled. ‘Come on’ she said, ‘if we're lucky one of those things will set him on fire and we can watch’ she said, pulling on the tether that connected them.

William Brandice had been typing what he thought was going to be his last journal entry into his computer when the sounds of gunfire outside pulled his attention away from the battered machine he had salvaged intact from a nearby office building shortly after arriving in Grayditch with his family over a year ago. The damn ants who must have a colony nearby had been growing increasingly aggressive for some time and then when they actually started to breathe fire too a couple of months back most of the people who had stuck it out until then had decided to leave the settlement behind for a safer place to live, if such a thing truly existed in the Capital Wasteland.

At first the ants had only been a problem at night but in the last few weeks they had started to appear in daylight too, firstly just the odd one or two but then more and more until a couple of days back the sheer number of the things out in the street round the clock had cut Brandice and his family off from the only other people living in Grayditch, the Wilks family and that scientist guy Lesko.

If the things scratching on the walls ever did break in Brandice still had an edge that the other poor bastards living in Grayditch didn’t however, though he had been careful not to let anyone but his wife Sheila and his sons Frank and Will Junior know about it for fear or people asking questions. He had dug up his old AEP7 Laser Pistol from where he had secretly buried it after coming here and in the last resort he knew he could protect his family like a man should.

Keeping his AEP7 close but concealed Brandice got up and found his wife by the door to their bedroom. ‘William’ she said, a look of relief on her face. ‘There's a man outside killing the ants’ she told him. ‘I took a peek out of the downstairs window’ she said. ‘Frank is there watching now’ she added.

Brandice frowned. ‘It could be raiders’ he cautioned. ‘Let's face it, that's more likely than some saviour appearing from nowhere killing the ants for us out of the goodness of his heart’ he said, hand subconsciously moving to where his laser pistol was concealed under his jacket.

‘William, I don't think we were fated to travel all the way across the country unharmed only to die here’ Sheila told him.

‘I wish I had your faith’ Brandice replied. ‘Just let me get a good look at whoever it is killing the ants before you or the boys show themselves okay?’ he requested.

‘You know best Dear’ Sheila replied, like a good wife. Brandice was still surprised she had agreed to follow him all the way from Navarro after he decided to desert the Enclave Remnant there, she could have easily found a better man he was sure.

Always impulsive, and with an upbringing that wasn't as strict as the Brandice children had enjoyed, Bryan Wilks the only son of Fred Wilks living across the street was already whooping up a storm as he watched the stranger outside gun down the ants which his father believed would soon be breaking into their home. Fred had been carefully loading magazines for his old Chinese Assault Rifle when he heard the shooting, wishing he wasn’t so short of ammunition, and he now had it clasped tightly in his hands watching with his son as the newcomer wearing Combat Armour and sunglasses methodically shot the antenna off the ants, causing them to fight each other before he finished them off. ‘Nice shooting’ Fred Wilks commented, the guy hadn’t missed once.

‘Do you think he's from Riley’s Rangers or something Dad?’ Bryan asked his father, they had heard tales of the well-regarded and unusually ethical mercenary unit that had a base somewhere in DC.

‘Maybe’ Fred Wilks replied as the stranger stopped to reload again from a bandolier of cartridges he had across his shoulder.

‘Pest Control, New California Republic style’ Coyle said gleefully, shooting another “Fire Ant” in the head and working the bolt of the hunting rifle again. It had a lovely smooth action, he considered, that weird peppy chick who owned the store in Megaton had really done a nice job with it he decided.

Up close the giant ants with the built-in flamers would have been a major threat but if you kept your distance and properly placed your shots they weren’t such a big deal Coyle thought to himself as he finished off the last one. He had killed seven of the things in total and although he doubted that was all of them the street he was in was clear and that was good enough for now. ‘Is anyone still alive?’ he called out.

One of the front doors opened slowly and a man stepped out cradling a Chinese Assault Rifle. ‘Who are you?’ he asked Coyle.

‘Nobody special’ Coyle replied. ‘Just never shot ants like these before so I thought what the hell’ he said. ‘Just you is it?’ he asked.

‘Maybe’ Fred Wilks replied, ‘is it just you?’ he asked in return.

‘No’ Coyle replied, turning around. ‘Do you want to swap rifles again sweetheart?’ he called out. ‘I'm all done with yours for now’ he added before turning back to the local.

‘Don't you "sweetheart" me’ Allison called back angrily, still less than happy with him as she stomped into view, the raider girl following on behind on her leash. ‘Give me my rifle and the rest of my bullets’ she said, almost snatching the bandolier off him as she arrived after handing over the FN FAL.

Fred Wilks fingered his own assault rifle, they had a girl tied up and tethered. Slavers he thought, getting ready to protect his son. ‘What do you want?’ he asked coldly, noting with some relief that William Brandice over the road had partially opened his own door and was there with an automatic pistol in his hand.

‘Just came here looking for a place to stay for the night’ Coyle replied, ‘I had heard Grayditch was a mite more thriving than this’ he said. ‘Then again my guide didn't mention Giant Ants that spit napalm either’ he added, turning to Allison.

‘Pa never said anything about ants’ Allison defended herself, not that she really felt the need to defend herself from any accusing comments coming from Coyle after what he did earlier however.

‘You looking for someone to buy the slave or maybe looking for more?’ Fred Wilks asked guardedly.

‘Not technically a slave so much as a prisoner and she's not for sale’ Coyle replied. ‘She's a raider I ran into down near the river earlier today’ he explained. ‘I've just got her carrying my stuff until I decide what to do with her’ he said.

Wilks took another look at the girl with the bound hands, she did kinda look like a raider he thought, now he came to think about it, he'd seen a few raider girls in shorts before and those pigtails were a giveaway too. You didn’t usually get to see raiders unless they were dead or else hollering obscenities and shooting at you. Being bound up and looking worried, maybe even meek, was just not how you expected to ever see them. ‘Okay, say I believe you’ he addressed Coyle again. ‘We don't want any trouble, we’ve got plenty of that around here already’ he said honestly.

‘Your gratitude for me shooting these ants warms my heart’ Coyle responded sardonically. ‘Maybe you'd have been happier with them warming up your ass?’ he added.

‘Cassidy’ Allison said sharply in rebuke. ‘Please Sir’ she said to Wilks, ‘We just want to stay here until tomorrow when we’ll be out of your hair’ she said. ‘We’ll be no trouble’ she promised. ‘I'm Allison Brenner, this is Cassidy Coyle and the raider girl is Dreamer’ she introduced herself and her companions.

‘Fred Wilks’ the Grayditch resident replied guardedly. ‘Now you keep that raider tied up so she doesn't cause any trouble you hear’ he said.

‘She already shot me once, I don't plan to give her the opportunity to do it right the next time’ Coyle responded, holding up his bandaged hand.

Wilks looked over to William Brandice and beckoned him over. ‘This is my neighbour Will’ he said as the other man crossed over towards them, pistol still ready. ‘Will, do you think we should let these folks stay overnight?’ he asked.

Brandice shrugged. ‘I figure that's only fair’ he said, looking them over. ‘If you don't mind ant meat my wife has got good at rustling up something for dinner made from it that you can keep down’ he offered, re-directing his gaze towards the oversized dead insects. ‘Plenty to go around at least’ he noted.

‘Sounds good’ Coyle replied, not entirely truthfully. ‘The rest of the meat's all yours by the way’ he offered.

‘Much obliged’ Brandice replied. ‘Want to give me a hand butchering them after we've made sure there aren't any more around Fred?’ he asked the other local.

‘Sure’ Wilks replied just before his son pushed past him.

‘Wow Mister’ the young Bryan Wilks exclaimed, looking at the ants and then Coyle. ‘You sure can shoot’ he told him.

‘It's one of his few redeeming qualities’ Allison stated as the other residents of Grayditch started to appear to join them in the street.


Note from the Author:

Grayditch is a small almost totally abandoned settlement on the edge of DC which is now home to only two families and a scientist that moved there more recently. Fred and Bryan Wilks live across from William Brandice, his wife and sons. When you visit Grayditch some time after August 17th 2277 you can find the computer terminal belonging to Brandice with the last entry dated June 17th 2277 and saying they were cut off and surrounded by the Fire Ants but you actually find his body some distance away indicating he got out. Here Coyle is the reason why Grayditch survived as a community a little longer.

Mutated Giant Ants are a staple of the Fallout Universe but the fire-breathing ones are only to be found around Grayditch. However the West Coast does had the Fire Gecko subspecies of the also greatly increased in size Gecko which also breathes fire so Coyle wouldn't have been totally shocked by the noton of creatures breathing fire.
Just spent the last two hours reading straight through this, very cool.
Reminds me a lot of Destron's WoW travelogue with how it fleshes the in-game universe. Every now and then I tripped up a little reading through some run-on sentences, but otherwise I thought it was pretty well done.
Even if updates are rare I hope you keep going with this 'till it reaches it's proper ending, I really want to know what happens next.
It's seriously over? No! It can't end now! I want to read more, comeon you owe me for 2 hours of reading! I love your writing, it's amazing.
Hitnrungal said:
It's seriously over? No! It can't end now! I want to read more, comeon you owe me for 2 hours of reading! I love your writing, it's amazing.

It's not over, it's just on hold because of other fics I'm writing (and real life issues using up my free time).

Have no fear, Coyle, Allison and Dreamer have plenty of story yet to come. :wink: