New critter animations - Stoner dude [WIP 3D->2D]

So when we will see these ones ingame together??

Alright, popped back for a bit, but working on a school project for 32 hours straight kinda drained me. Nice to see some interest going. :]

Lemme address some things that came up....

First of all, the not fitting in bit. Yes, this critter is not what you'd normally expect to see in Fallout. :) However, part of that is due to the fact that he's the guinea pig for the 3D technique that I've been trying out. And when you're in unfamiliar territory, you're bound to run into problems that quickly take the fun out of the process. So I went with something that entertained me while working on it. On the other hand, white isn't that unheard of in original Fallouts either. But that's perhaps a debate for another time, since here's the point of 3D...

...I can easily change the texture, remove add/items, etc. Like I mentioned earlier (or tried to... I forget), this texture is completely vanilla, sans dirt and similar, levels adjustment, etc.

As for the model itself, his legs are the same size, I assure you. :D Maybe I oughtta try some different frames for the walking animation. I have 30 currently and picked out some by hand to get what you see here. His walk is a bit stylised as well.

Also what I find interesting... I made this guy with a bit of a beer belly and hams for legs, but seems like at this size, one needs to exaggerate more to get the effect. For example, I had to enlarge the original gun quite a bit to get it to Fallout standard. In tabletop gaming, we refer to these kind of miniatures as 'heroic' scale, i.e. enlarged weapons and prominent body features.

Lisac, for the death animations, not quite sure yet. The dropping-dead-on-the-ground should be simple enough. For some of the others, say, burst-splat-splat-splat, a texture change, probably. I think, though, for the really gory explodey ones, we might have to go 2D. But, we'll see. :) If anybody can point me towards how they were originally done (Fallout Bible?), maybe I can fish out some useful info. It seems pretty obvious, but some inside info never hurt nobody.

Grayswandir, the Gone With Blastwave guys would be awesome, though I dunno if we should spend valuable time on Easter Eggs? Unless you plan to present them as something else? In any case, we'll see how fast this ends up working and if others manage to pick it up.

x'il, I have some stuff written up, but most of the actual process is still either in development, refinement or didn't happen yet. :D In any case, I'm taking notes as I go, so rest assured there will be at least a guide if not a full scale tutorial.

That ought to take care of everything now... Gotta hit the hay. Hope I didn't come across as too defensive, but I'm tired as hell and kinda grouchy. In any case, I acknowledge the issues and will hopefully find some time to work on them. Thanks again for the interest and observations.

Well i think your stoner dude is an excellent piece of work, Oskar. Great style and flair, and great 3D modeling (what package do you use, BTW?)

But i have to agree with the others on the critter just not in-fitting with the FO look. But judging from your modeling skill im sure you could easily develop this. Some good suggestions have already been made: more dirty clothes, lose or change the hat - and maybe ease down on the Easy-O relaxed style and ease up on the gritty tough-guy FO vibe.

But its great to have some fresh modeling talent here! Contie was probably getting lonely ;)
Slight progress. :)


As you can see, there's two new guys in the screencap. I've dirtied our guy up, torn up his pants, f*cked up his hat, etc.

Also, there's the spear that Sius made for me, so now that we have a good way to import these, he can get on to making other weapons and I'll move on with animation.

The guy who's supposed to batch covert these for me to proper palette, make FRMs and such seems to be MIA, so... uh, I dunno. I'll go and poke him, but if he's not up to it, any volunteers?

Josan12: I'm using 3Ds Max for wrapping it all up, but I'm not crazy enough to model the whole thing myself. For the basis I'm using Poser Pro, which a buddy of mine happens to let me use since he's in advertising and his company has lying around. I just don't see the point in modelling and rigging it all myself, it'd be a huge timesink that I just can't afford. It's not like Poser is all smooth sailing, hence the delays, but still. Hoping to make some progress soon.

'till next time,
Doubleposting for sake of... uh. clarity?

Taken from this thread: avoid going too far off-topic.

I've taken a quick look at Khanef's translations, but it seems to consist of a) basic stuff I've learned at school, b) stuff that can be improved upon and c) stuff that's too specific for me to use. It is a good thing to read for anyone looking to pick up some basics, though. Or maybe I'm missing something that I'm not even aware of. :\ Time will tell.

In any case, I've been writing up a tutorial with the technique I'm using, and should be done relatively soon now, just gotta flesh some stuff out. You're then all free to do it either way you like it.

Thing is, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to actively create a bunch of critters, I'm hoping, however, to come up with a relatively simple procedure for people to follow and make more. The idea is to write up a step-by-step thing that's easy enough to follow for anyone.
A lot of it is about getting 3ds Max (or other rendering programs) set up for the right isometric perspective and lighting. This is fairly portable to games with different isometric perspectives (lower camera angle, 8 facings, etc.). The rest is finding the right offsets in FrameAnimator to make the animation smooth.
I've decided to take the private messaging with Sius public, since we're now beyond technicalities regarding Inventor and 3Ds Max. Things we're discussing now are of a more general nature and I feel the community can provide additional insight. Hopefully, he won't mind.

Sius said:
Well as 1st I will ugrade spear a bit. That middle part looks a bit wierd to me + it's 1 piece and its supposed to be 2 (because of coloring). But that will be easy...

Then I will hop on the rest of it and I will go from simple models (club) to those more complex (smg). It's a good practise of Inventor for me and I will have alot free time next 2 weeks so I think there will be some more weapons soon ^^.
Do you want to create models for each weapon in future? Fallout is in this way very limited but if this thing will work well and animations will match those what are already ingame, we could do some insane stuff with these 3d models (and I would love to see whos holding 10mm or deagle ingame ;) ).

I can't really tell what the spear should look like, however, I'm not sure it needs more details. As you can see in the screenshot that I've posted in the stoner dude thread it's pretty close to what a spear looks like in game. At least I think so, I haven't done a proper check.

As for making all kinds of weapons, for now, I'm a bit hesitant. I see three problems. First there is the fact that I'm not sure if existing animations can be matched well enough. On the other hand, they could all be recreated Second, consistency - if we make players have all weapons, so should NPCs. This increases the amount of work, what, 10 fold? And last, and perhaps least, Awareness perk. Would you allow everyone to see what weapon people are holding, or only those with Awareness?

In any case, we'll see.

Kanhef (sorry for misspell earlier): Yeah, it's all good info, though I've had to work it out earlier myself since I had no idea it'd be translated. :/ As for FrameAnimator, hopefully, not my job. Do you happen to know if the guy who wrote this created any new sprites?

Signing off for a few days, be seein' ya all.
You know, I agree that it doesn't exactly fit in with the original characters, but I don't think it's too far off, really. Especially if you make more figures and mix them in, it will look less exceptional.

If you want to blend it in with the others, I'd make the outer shirt really brown, as though it's covered with wasteland dust. Same with the hat. The brightness of those two parts is what sticks out.

Great work though.
I agree, it's really not too far off, looking great. Maybe it would be more fallouty if you used the colors that are already in the game?

I don't know if you get me, for example using the gray from the caravan vehicle to color the guy's shirt, only a slightly different shade. Or something like that anyway, people are so used to those fallout colors that anything else hits the eye at once.
I wonder if MakeHuman will help any further. It's basically a human body mesh generator which can be exported to Collada format, so you just have to add the details, texturing and rig it.
You can rip off character's meshes (and textures) from a lot of games these days... or use Poser stuff (tons of different costumes for barbies is floating around) if you got problems with modeling or texturing...