New critters sound (again...).


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hi there.
I'm working on a new critter and got the usual sound problem again. This time I wasn't prepared about it though: I simply edited one of the existing human NPCs to use my custom sprites.
So, what's the problem now? Does the engine read the .FRMs names? I know that the original .FRMs are named after a specific list... Is it hardcoded?
The critter is in a specific unregistered test map, it was placed it on the purpose (I mean I didn't have to rebuild the map and have the engine read the newly edited proto), it has no script attached, and it crashes the mapper upon PC's attack.
Gents, any leads?
Why do you think its a sound problem? If the engine crashes whne performing an attack it usallauly means the correct animation file is missing.

Have you double checked all the FRM names?
Yep, I checked them.
This critter behave just like most of my new ones:
if I hit it then the mapper crashes.
If I miss then the critter gets closer to attack, then the mapper crashes....
Sirren, I think you are having a sound problem. i had one similar with some roaches.

Have you assigned a script to these critters? It could be searching for a sound.

MIB88 sorted out the problem for me, maybe he will have more information.
Yes, I made a very basic script for the critter. I also got help by MIB88, but I've ben unable to use his code... Which I've been unable to find back lately...
The strange thing is my first 4 critters don't crash the mapper, and so does the eighth. All the others are non-stable.