New Dawn Concept Art & Interview


Night Watchman
Staff member
Sethergal tipped us off on another interview about the game, also there are new concept arts (vastly superior to the previous ones):<blockquote>It's April now, so it's time for another interview for Reset Forever. You can read it on our Download/Press page and in the latest issue of the e-zine.

Check out the gallery, too. You will find some new images, as well as the artwork which accompanies the interview. Two of the images is just below.</blockquote>


Link: New Dawn Website
Like the one on the left. Looks like the town is on the move though (Sinking or rising, can't tell). It's something about the font too. Looks a bit too "photoshoped".
Prefer the left image too except for the "whoosh!" zoom in style on the town and the mountains look like they have earthquake effect on them. Right image is a bit medieval, don't mind that just I prefer a mix of guns pointy things. yes.
The right isn't medieval...

It's got a kind of Mujahedeen sand-warrior thing going on. Curved dagger, desert robes and what actually vaguely looks like a Palestinian shawl covering the face.

I like it for the most part, 'cept the curved dagger, that just makes no sense.
Thing is, who's going to win. The guy sat on his arse with a pistol and cheese knife OR the guy INFIDEL! crying bloke with a stick and nonsense curved cheese knife. Yes we should pit those two characters against each other in battle and intellect tests.