New design at Fanout

Okay, whoever did that layout -- come over here and be flogged.
A flash menu. Animated pictures as part of the layout. Animated JavaScript nonsense messages cluttering up the status bar?
Go right back to web development school and pay attention.

The status bar is vital for finding out the destination of a link and reserved for system messages. It shall not be overriden.
Links shall be right-clickable so users can open them in new windows if they want to. They shall be plaintext or have a plaintext alternative text if they are not.
Navigation shall be part of the markup, not outsourced to a different file, not be put into a graphical file with no markup equivalent and not be bloated.
Flash, shockwave and java shall be reserved for complex offline applications that offer functionality the browser cannot offer by parsing markup and script. Flash may be used to provide animated vector images, but SVG is superior at that.
Decorative animations shall be used in a limited manner and not distract from the actual content of a content heavy website.

And lastly,

You shall not do websites if you are ignorant of standards and fundamental concepts. If you wish to be ignorant, get hosted at Geocities, at least people will know what to expect.

Local web standards fanatic out.
We were all young once upon a time, and tried all these fancy tricks with our websites.

Though the JavaScript messages in the status bar get on my nerves rather quicky. Pointless and unfunny messages.

Hmm... Ashmo, what do you think of the Fan Made Fallout website?
Bleh. I have to fully agree with Ashmo. HTML was created for a reason, use it!

The Fan Made Fallout site is a lot better, except for the fact that the tabs aren't just plain text links. They should've been, now I can't see what link I'm going to.

PsychoSniper: Firefox works fine with the Fanout website. Get the extensions, really!
Kotario said:
We were all young once upon a time, and tried all these fancy tricks with our websites.

I'm not saying I'd be proud of my work as an elementary school pupil, but you don't notice what you do wrong unless someone rubs your face in it. That and I'm a standards fetis- I mean fanatic.

Hmm... Ashmo, what do you think of the Fan Made Fallout website?

Three words: CSS, use it.
That and standard HTML.

At least apart from the absolute ignorance towards markup semantics (decorative images should either be created via CSS or get a NULL alt text -- alt text is for alternative text for blind people, "Corner! Corner! Corner!" is hardly a good substitude for a decorative corner graphic; instead of abusing tables beyond sanity, please learn to use CSS), the MySQL error (fix your query, your DB is melting) and an awful lot of "simulated" links (the a element does a great job at creating links even non-script browsers understand, don't use javascript instead just to show of you l33t h4xx0r skills nobody really cares about), there are only 5 noteworthy errors in terms of validity.
Well, I'll point our webmaster, Temaperacl to your advice. I only provided the concept for our website, didn't have a hand in actual creation (nor would I want to).
Ok, folks, let's calm down on the one word responses.

You're not trying to pump up the post count, ehh?

Psychsniper you`ve made 59 posts just today, many were one sentence stuff, please relax a bit, people are complaining you`re spamming.

Can we get back to topic, whatever it is now?