First time out of the vault

Hello, everypony I'm TheEvilTedd and this is my pony, Emerald, say hi to the nice mecinaries, Emerald! Emerald: Don't treat me like some kind of child. I can speak for myself, Ted. Ted: oh fine, just get to the point! Emerald: The point is of us being here is I'm advertising my stories and adventures that I wrote myself with correct grammar and images [still working to make more] and it's not finished yet but go read it anyways! Thankyou for taking the time to read this, wastelander and stay pony my friends!
also, if youre here to kick my a♪♪, Ceasar for fighing for magical unicorns, flying pegasus, and farming earth ponies go ahead and grab that gun there and shoot me if you dare. But I warn you that I will come back from the grave and make you want to use that gun on yourself