New FO2tweaks version


A Smooth-Skin
Just pushed a new version. Includes expanded highlighting, new damage mod, revised healing system and various other quality of life components. Readme, some details.
Do you still maintain FO2Tweaks thread here? If not I am reposting my question here.

FO2 ammunition has three modification parameters: AC mod, DR mod, damage mod.

I understand you tied up DR mod and damage mod together making them dependent. How did you do that? Just calculated corresponding damage mod and set it explicitly on all ammo types?

What do you do with AC mod? Left it as is so it still counters opponent accuracy? Something else?
I would guess AC mod could also be indirectly tied to other parameters due to constructive bullet properties. Like armor piercing bullet are more pointy and more hard making them not destruct so easily in armor. Therefore they may have better chance to "burrow" into armor, etc. I guess it would be next step on simplification path.


Never mind. I have checked the code. All questions answered.
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Just writing to say thank you. FO2Tweaks has indescribably enriched and convenienced my playthrough and I couldn't imagine FO2 without it these days. Your hard work is appreciated!
Questions and suggestions on ammunition DR mod values for your damage mod.

Here I have plotted 20 average damage weapon using different ammo against popular armors.


Where did you come up with +35, -35, -20 numbers from? I understand you wanted to make JHP behave closer to vanilla version. However, by your own words, vanilla numbers "are pulled out of ass". I agree with it. So would it be better to optimize them against different type of armor to make them more distinct maybe? I don't think most user play with calculator in hands so for them see distinct difference would be a better cue.
In fact, you can just change the mechanics anyway you like to make them behave as you see fit.

One thing is that -20 and -35 DR mods are largely similar in effect. Maybe it would be worth spreading these values in general to achieve more noticeable effect? Like extend the scale from +100 for some exceptionally round and light projectiles like Buckshot Shell down to -50 for specially designed AP rounds?

Questions about specific ammo.

Rockets. They are not simple projectiles. Would it make sense to spread their DR mod values even more for more distinct effect?

Balls. Why 9mm balls are more armor piercing than 9mm bullets? Any explanation or need for that?

Shotgun ammo. They are perceived by most people as not AP things. Even shotgun slug is worse than pistol bullet because it extremely thick and not pointy and not dense. Would it be more logical to shift them away from AP part of the spectrum. Like buckshot +80, regular +40, slug +0? This way buckshot can be used in early game for bigger impact against unarmored critters but obsoleted by lightest armor.
Questions about specific ammo.

Balls. Why 9mm balls are more armor piercing than 9mm bullets? Any explanation or need for that?

I know you're not asking me, but ball is a slang term for full metal jacket. There are no actual balls involved.
Definitely a cool mod that seems to improve alot, though I would appreciate if someone helped explain the healing revision in more detail to me. How does this change effect skill checks for quests and how exactly do these more intertwined systems of first-aid and doctor effect general healing along with healing limbs?
Seems like an interesting mod.

A question: Did you change anything regarding lasers and laser resistances? Vanilla FO1 and FO2 have insane laser resistances values, making lasers pretty much useless.
Burn, hi, I don't know if you're answering here.

I have a question about your Healing revision.
In your "Healing revision" code, there is a moment when the original engine handler is returned in the HOOK_USESKILL.
Is this really necessary?
procedure healing_handler begin
variable user = get_sfall_arg;
variable target = get_sfall_arg;
variable skill = get_sfall_arg;
variable skill_bonus = get_sfall_arg;
ndebug("user " + user + " target " + target);
if enabled == 1 and (skill == SKILL_FIRST_AID or skill == SKILL_DOCTOR) then begin
set_sfall_return(0); //override
if combat_is_initialized then begin
end else begin
call use_skill(user, target, skill, skill_bonus);
set_sfall_return(0); //override again?
end else begin
set_sfall_return(-1); //default engine handler Is this part really necessary?
There is problem, if "Healing revision" is enabled, then any other script using hook_useskill will not work unless it loads after or register_hook_proc_spec is specified.
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No, I don't check this topic regularly.
Honestly, I don't remember if it's necessary. Try and change the script, see if it works well without it.
I wouldn't mind a cheat option to stop the rubber boots from melting. They're almost pointless since they most often don't make it one trip through the caves.
I wouldn't mind a cheat option to stop the rubber boots from melting. They're almost pointless since they most often don't make it one trip through the caves.
Well thing is you can have more of them rubber boots in the inventory. I know it sounds weird and unlogical but whenever you melt your first pair the next one is instantly treated as worn, without the need to put them on dude's feet. There are plenty of places you can get rubber boots b4 you attempt to enter toxic caves.. but what's the point of wearing those boots, you need to grow your mutated toe, for the "autodoc hitpoints" perk.. i know it's for dumb playthroughs, however a mentats withdrawl + 2x Psycho will get you right there :D not to mention toe's withdrawl ends almost exactly with mentats withdrawl, that is after one week..