New idle animations


Vault Senior Citizen
Ok, i'm starting this thread 'cos
i'd like to collect some ideas on
new idle animations - for both
the Hero and NPC's.

Here's a starter for Cassidy.
It runs too fast and needs some
more frames, but you get the idea......

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Nice idea... really nice. I would be cool to have more variety on the animations. Maybe one with the hero checking his foot like he steped on something. I will post a couple of ideas latter, i'm tired of writing right now. :P
Well thanks for the
compliments guys but
i need ideas!!

How about an animation
of cassidy taking a piss?
He drinks so much you know ;)
Hi Josan,
i think its a really great idea of yours, and i know you can do it :) Just remember, you shouldn't do too many idle animations for just 1 type of weapon(unarmed, pistol etc.). Maybe just do 1 idle anim for a char with the weapon he uses most? For Cassidy that would be an idle anim while carrying a shotgun.

About the ideas, heres mine: (while holding a shotgun, wearing all armors except the power ones) Cassidy puts his shotgun on his shoulder, like this:
Perhaps the animation gracal suggested could be applied to Marcus carrying his big guns/energy weapons?

Maybe also to the power armour versions of the NPCs and the PC.
Not to be a party pooper but just checkin', can you actually have a critter with more than one idle animation for a weapon?
TF said:
Not to be a party pooper but just checkin', can you actually have a critter with more than one idle animation for a weapon?

Yes, I'm pretty sure that new idle animations (selected randomly)can be set up in the critter procedure.
I got some work for you...

Brotherhood of Steel.
napowr,21,1=missing frms-hapower,21,1=full frms.
*Bos model*nohelmet powerarmour*
This seriously needs the rest of its frms added, like frms for using all other guns would be good as it can only use minigin, rocket launcher.

Also I dont think there is a minigun death animation for the napower frm either, that cool animation of 999 bullets penetrating the body.

Is it as simple as taking the already full power armour frm animations and adding those frms to the napower missing frms?

Super Mutants..with sledge hammers, very cool.

Adding to the super mutants, the frm for using a sledge hammer would add some extra spice to the look of the game to...

And Lt.Lou *FO1* with a sledge Hammer.. oooh!

How about a helmetless Enclave Soldier model.. using napower,21,1 but with a red cap instead of blue.

:clap: :D
Rusty said:
*Bos model*nohelmet powerarmour*
This seriously needs the rest of its frms added, like frms for using all other guns would be good as it can only use minigin, rocket launcher.

Hmm. i thought they were all there. Well, i have an idea
to use the helmetless pala as the PA hero model when
he has his helmet removed. The plan is this will be when
he has no weapon drawn. MIB is helping me figure out
if this is even possible.

Is it as simple as taking the already full power armour frm animations and adding those frms to the napower missing frms?

Yes, its fairly straight forward.

How about a helmetless Enclave Soldier model.. using napower,21,1 but with a red cap instead of blue.

Thats easy enough to do. But adv. power armour seems
difficult to make helmetless - see the NPC armour thread
and you'll see a helmetless adv. PA i did for cassidy.

So here's a start on the 'helmet-off' sequence i mentioned
above for the hero. All comments welcome.....


Thats pretty awesome!

I take it the little white dots are steam or some sort of pressurised gas right? They look at bit confusing at first!

When you do your animations are you going to sort this whole staying in the same place thing? They really need to stop dancing around! It makes them look a little untidy!

If you can complete this it would make for an interesting modding possibility!

I'll explain:

With the helmet on you'd lose one charisma but with it off you'd any successful targeted head shots would count as by passing your armour.
A possible way to implement this would be to make the power armour useable (as in giving the hand Icon) and thus by using it you could change it from helmet on to helmet off!

It might not be that good an idea but its an interesting though!
Josan12 said:

... If you keep giving us such good animations I will have no other choice than to build an altar to worship you work :mrgreen:

P.S=> Did I mention how great it is? But there's still the question of the helmet. Where is it supposed to be once it's off? In the inventory or in the character's hand?
McRae said:
But there's still the question of the helmet. Where is it supposed to be once it's off? In the inventory or in the character's hand?

No one knows, is one of those mysteries of the FO world.

Great work Josan12. Amazing. :clap: :clap:
Here's all views of the 'helmet-off' sequences
intended for the Hero in PA. The implementation
of these sequences will hopefully be something
quite similar to hotel california's suggestion.
When wielding weapons the Hero will have
helmet on. When unarmed he will have helmet
off. Not sure if this is do-able yet, but i dont
think it would be neccesary to have it in his
inventory when off.

Anyone got any suggestions for new idle animations
for the other NPC's?







EDIT: damn the 'jumping around' !!! anyone know how
to set the frame offset on animations on a mac?