I got some work for you...
Brotherhood of Steel.
napowr,21,1=missing frms-hapower,21,1=full frms.
*Bos model*nohelmet powerarmour*
This seriously needs the rest of its frms added, like frms for using all other guns would be good as it can only use minigin, rocket launcher.
Also I dont think there is a minigun death animation for the napower frm either, that cool animation of 999 bullets penetrating the body.
Is it as simple as taking the already full power armour frm animations and adding those frms to the napower missing frms?
Super Mutants..with sledge hammers, very cool.
Adding to the super mutants, the frm for using a sledge hammer would add some extra spice to the look of the game to...
And Lt.Lou *FO1* with a sledge Hammer.. oooh!
How about a helmetless Enclave Soldier model.. using napower,21,1 but with a red cap instead of blue.