New idle animations

Playing with hair or sexy scratching on the leg (with the other one) for woman dressed in Combat or Leather armor, maybe?
gracul said:
About the ideas, heres mine: (while holding a shotgun, wearing all armors except the power ones) Cassidy puts his shotgun on his shoulder, like this:

Here's a start on Gracul's idea for cassidy. Its a bit crude
and is not as easy as i thought. I think he needs to keep
the rifle on his shoulder longer. I will do the other
views soon:

You make amazing job can i use this for metzger? and have you finsih the first one? ähh and can you sent me the helmet file i will make seperate FRMS!
Mr.Wolna said:
You make amazing job can i use this for metzger? and have you finsih the first one? ähh and can you sent me the helmet file i will make seperate FRMS!

Erm.... these aren't really intended for metzger Mr Wolna.
They're supposed to be unique to Cassidy. But if you have
a suggestion for Metzger i could probably whip something

I'll have the first one done shortly.
I'll send you the helmet frames and if you can compile them
into FRM's that would be great.

EDIT: The mission now, should anyone choose to accept
it, is to make SFX for these sequences. Anyone up for it?
I really like your work with cassidy Josan, thats one fine animation.
Guess it will take some time to make it work in all directions, but it seems cassidy gonna have a new feel. Can already imagine this animation and a floating text above his head "wonder if texas survived the war" :D
So here's a put together idle sequence
for the hero in PA. Maybe this could
be used for some of the enclave soldiers?


EDIT: i always thought it was a bit silly
the way the PA guy scratches his helmet! :)
maybe it's part of the Black isle sense of humour?
Reviving this thread:

I know nothing about scripting, but can
someone tell me if the goris script can be
applied to the hero?

I would like the Hero in PA to follow the
same kind of procedure as goris in that
he would run my new PA helmet-on
helmet-off when you initiate combat mode
in the same way as goris runs his cloak-on

This thread is related:

Can this be done?
I have spend lots of time with trying this porcess for the Elder, stand and sit down! But without susess, meaby MIB88 ccan help you with this, he wanted to look at this.

This si absolut a fenomenal idea, because which this code we will able to make lots of crazy stuff. I dont understand why modders make so lots of mods but cannt make this simply but very USEFULL Scrpt CODE.

So plz people arrond the worl look at gorris script, and meaby in near future sit possible to walk arroond with PA without helmet(+1 Charisma) and fight with one!
Josan: Awesome looking work.

Just an idea I had but perhaps if an enemy NPC is getting it's ass kicked in combat it would wave a small white flag?
Josan had asked me to look into that a while ago, actually. (@Josan12 - I'm sorry I never got back to you about that.) Anyway, with the limited amount of time I had before I left the country, I was focused on getting out the last Megamod. I had spent only a little time trying to get this idea to work, but I was not successful. If I had more time, maybe I could have come up with something. When I get the time to mod, this is one of the things I will focus on.
Mr.Wolna said:
This si absolut a fenomenal idea, because which this code we will able to make lots of crazy stuff. I dont understand why modders make so lots of mods but cannt make this simply but very USEFULL Scrpt CODE.

Right on mr wolna. So now that MIB88 is tied up with real-life
commitments, we REALLY need someone who understands FO2
scripting to help us make these new graphics happen!

Is there anybody out there?
There is a start combat and end combat proc, but no code inside, i have tried it on other scripts but without susess, but i must say my script skills arent very good^^