New Mad Max-movie coming next year: FURIOSA : A MAD MAX SAGA


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

So apparently there's a new Mad Max movie from George Milller coming next year. It's a prequel movie that features the tale of Imperator Furiosa, the female character last played by Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). This time however the character is played by Anya Taylor-Joy.

There also seems to be another Mad Max-movie in production called Mad Max: The Wasteland.

What do you think? A bit unnecessary if you ask me however Fury Road was still quite the thrill to watch in the theatre so there's that. Could this be anything like that or will it just be plain bad?
I wouldn't have minded a Furiosa film had it come out right after Fury Road but in this day and age I just expect it to be cringe. The disparity between live action and CGI in the trailer is jarring. Hard pass.
I want another mad max game like the one from years ago. Or maybe a shooter such as the likes of metro. I'm afraid this movie is going to be another 2 hour political statement to tell the beta fags how strong women are(in case they forgot to drink their daily dose of bath water). Honestly Fury Road wasn't that great either. Even back then the Furiosa character was overshadowing Max's character over the course of the movie, making him seem like a sidekick if anything. But that probably was not so obvious then because the feminism movement was only just getting traction.
Fury Road should’ve been the Furiosa movie like it was originally intended. Cut down on CGI, get rid of the orange filter, up the homoeroticism, and drop Tom Hardy (who I like generally, but couldn’t take him seriously as Max). Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t like Fury Road.
mad max with no mad max
Don't know who is directing/producing it, but it looks like generic, over-the-top, CGI bullshit - which is in complete clash with the spirit of Mad Max movies.
And if movie doubles down with Gender Studies empowerment plot from Fury Road, it should be titled as Furiosa: Roadkill.
Another franchise bites the dust.
Fury Road was already a bit of a drag that was only tolerable because of all the cool action sequences. This one can't possibly be good. Honestly they should have stopped making Mad Max movies after Road Warrior, at least it would be able to end at its peak and rest unsullied in our collective memories for the remaining lifespan of our current civilization.

I will not tolerate Anya Taylor-Joy slander in this fucking forum. This forum will be gone by next year.
Fury Road was already a bit of a drag that was only tolerable because of all the cool action sequences. This one can't possibly be good. Honestly they should have stopped making Mad Max movies after Road Warrior, at least it would be able to end at its peak and rest unsullied in our collective memories for the remaining lifespan of our current civilization.


I never saw Thunderdome. Was it any good?