New mod coming up

Misteryo said:
My, my... don't that just take me back to my youth... days when the wasteland was a desolate and scary place... when survival was serious business... when ilfe was full of hard choices... not at all like it is these days. These young people with their silly jokes and pop-culture references that I never get...

Thanks for my morning laugh! :mrgreen: Seriously, I like this a lot and would defnintely use it.

Magnus said:
The red module will now increase EN, and not ST. This is part because of the new radiation threat and part to make melee characters with a base ST of 6 viable, and not a waste of char points.

No offense, but personally I vote against this one. Reason being I often like to play "low tech", meaning no power armor except for infiltration purposes into Navarro and the Enclave (or weapons that use energy cells for that matter). That's just me.

EDIT: Then again, since there isn't an EN enhancement available in F2 it's six of one, half dozen of the other. Comes down to character build either way. :)
Misteryo, the radiation info given by a game character is a great idea.

I was already planning to make Smiley tell you a little bit about radiation in the TC, and imagined something like this when you first met him:

"Man, am i glad to see you! *cough*"

"You're Smiley, right? Ardin sent me to get you. How did you end up here?"

"Well, i was going to see where all the golden geckos came from, so i went into this cave and climbed down the ladder. Next thing i knew, one of those goober-eyed so'vabitches, *cough*, he jumped out from behind me and took a snack-sized chunk out of my leg, made me lose my spear into one of those rad-puddles and all. Couldn't get back up, either, so i... well, i panicked. Ran like *cough*, like a Gecko on Jet, and ended up here. Yeah, that was a few days ago, too. My geiger counter's been crackling like a pig rat in a frying pan ever since, had to turn it off to get some sleep. I've been shootin' Rad-Away from that locker on the wall over there, which is prolly why i ain't puked out my liver yet. Anyway, will you help me out? *cough*"

"*You decide to give this pitiful, cowardly hunter a reproach* A real warrior picks up his spear when he drops it, whether the goo stings or not. Holy Geiger counters start ticking when a person has many spirits, every shaman has one to prove that he's in connection with their world. And why didn't you bring your own drugs if you need them so badly?"

"Oh, jeez. A tribal. Thank you for this, Ardin. Listen here, Raging Bull, I'm guessing that your shaman has you picking his favorite herbs near some glowing, green pools, his average garden variety weed is the man-eating dandelion and his hair fell off many seasons ago, now, am i right?"


"Right. *cough* Now listen. Avoid those pools if you like your skin on. Yeah, we all heard that before, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. And i'm no dope fiend, goddammit! Rad-Away is a medicine that cleans your body from radiation. Radiation is a type of invisible poison gas that comes from weird animals, green puddles, and even from the earth itself, or so i've heard *cough*, and a geiger counter measures how much radiation you've soaked up, *he chuckles*, spirits, my ass. Now, there are other medicines and probably some armor that might protect you against radiation, but the smartest thing to do is to stay away from anything like this place, which is why we should both get going! Can you help me out?"
(250 exp for this info, that was a good idea)

The idea is that he sort of knows what radiation is and therefore carries a geiger counter, but no medicines against it since he doesn't take it very seriously until he realises how dangerous it is. After all, these are wastelanders, not highly educated people, and they don't usually believe in things that they can't see. Same thing with Puking Charlie in VC and people living next to a uranium mine, they just don't know better. The VC council, however, is worried.

You will also have a choice to give him Radaway after he's returned to Klamath, since you can notice that he's looking pale and still coughing, and he'll tell you that it's probably an aftereffect of the caves. He then feels much better an hour later and gives you his geiger counter, plus 100 karma:
"Hey, you're a notch smarter than any tribal i've met. Take this thing, will ya? You'll need it. *he gives you his geiger counter, which immediately starts crackling, so you turn it off.* I'm gonna stay a mile away from anything that glows after this."

Adding new characters and houses requires use of the mapper, which again requires Science 350% to use;) I like Misteryo's dialogue, though.
I like your Smiley dialogue, too. And putting the info there really fits the flow of the game.

The only thing that occurs to me is that by the time you have the conversation with Smiley, you've already picked up some serious rad levels, (if I understand your plan and your numbers correctly). The reason I thought of putting somebody in Klamath was so that your character gets some warning before the first hotspot, the Toxic Caves.

I like your idea of the tribal starting out with a geiger counter that he thinks of as a sacred and mysterious object. He could think the clicking and crackling are spirits trying to communicate with him.

Slim at the entrance to the rat caves is another already existing character that could have the tutorial dialogue added to him.

Ooh! Maybe the first geiger counter available to you could be guarded by the rat-god. I've always been somewhat disappointed that while the Klamathians mutter about rats, none of 'em mutter about a talking rat or a super rat or anything like that. Slim could say something like, "You're going to need one of these here geiger counters. But they're not all that common, and they can be pretty expensive. I do know of one... Hmmmm..."
PLAYER: Tell me, Slim! Where can I acquire one of these radiation spirit-talkers?
SLIM: Well, you see that door over there? I keep it locked for a reason. A couple of months ago a team of trappers got all liquored up and decided they was gonna put an end to Klamath's rat problem once and for all.
PLAYER: Ah, a sacred outing! Our warriors often performed mighty deeds for the tribe after a night of ritual dancing and drinking of the fermented cactus water.
SLIM: Hmmm. That's a more positive spin than I might have put on it. But anyway, half the team never came back, and the ones that did were scared outta their wits, muttering about a "talking super rat" that slaughtered their friends. What I'm thinking is, every trapper I know carries a geiger counter with him at all times, and those survivers sure didn't stop to loot the bodies of their friends.
PLAYER: This rat-thing must be a fearsome enemy to strike such fear into the trappers.
SLIM: That's what I think, too. But you see what I'm getting at, don't you? There's a geiger counter down there...

Anyway, there you go.

One more tiny suggestion.
As you all know, in the Military Base we're all stomping through *pure* FEV, at least in the fighting sequence. So I thought of letting the Playerdude become a mutant/ghoul dependant on the amount of rad he/she's been taking before.
That is a thing I thougt of as always have been overseen by the devs. Powered Armor of some kind should provide protection though, according to the military base holos.

And good luck to you, magnus.
Things to come and ways to help me

I'm still a script kiddie, so here are ways you people can help me greatly:

Finding out how the player takes damage in the BH mine (which script, if any. i want to reduce the damage and add poisoning, unless power armored. and no, it is not the purifier script or the cavein script. i fear it's handled by the engine, in which case i can do nothing about it, but i will add poison in any case.)

Timeslip or someone who knows: Explaining more thoroughly how to set global scripts and edit perks (function syntax and how/when to use).

Killap: Sending me your fixed source scripts for Smitty, Smiley in the Toxic Caves and Klamath, and other scripts if i need them and of course if you feel like it.

Things i've begun working on:

Arroyo/TC goo radiating you unless you wear power armor (not likely in Arroyo)

Chris in Navarro and the Bridgekeeper switching models

Flamers and thrown explosives doing more damage, improved flamer fuel for improved flamers only

Increased damage for laser pistols/rifles, plasma pistols and some other useless weapons. The Salvatores are supposedly invincible because of their "lightbringers", which currently do less damage than a Tommy gun.

Ridiculous sell prices reduced (plasma pistol, high-level shotguns, etc.)

Bazooka rockets working more like they should (might incorporate the AP ammo fix)

Throwing knives only throwable and doing more damage.

Spears costing one less AP to throw

Things i will probably add later:

Flamethrower Fuel MkII available for Improved Flamers only.

Military base goo melting you (unless power armored), plasma rifle critical style. This is because that particular batch of FEV has been manipulated by the Enclave to just be a real powerhouse killah, if i remember the holodisks and the President correctly. Melchior the Magnificent is kept from melting by his Magnificent Magic.

Shopkeepers unpocketpickable and unlootable (but not random encounter traders).

Background radiation system, hotspots such as Gecko, Toxic Caves, SF tanker cargo hold, Klamath rat caves and BH mine

Smiley the trapper giving info about radiation, and the option to give him radaway for a geiger counter and karma.

Smitty selling the car for 8000 and installing the controller for 1000 (it's a car, this is still cheap).

I probably won't be able to use my computer much until Thursday next week (schoolwork and christmas hectics), but from then on it should pick up a little. This doesn't have to be a one man project, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, folks
Hotel California said:
In FO1 you occacsionally got random encounters with a blank map and a message saying you had to find water and wasted an hour or that you stayed your thirst by drinking one of your flasks.

Can't this script be edit such that the game randomly checks if you have a rad X / away in your inventory and acts accordingly?

That should be pretty easy, I think. Add an entry to the random encounter tables that loads maybe a rock with a script attached - the script checks your inventory for Rad-X and removes or radiates accordingly, then pops up a little message, e.g. "You negotiated an area of glowing weeds and seem to feel a little wobbly." You could also demand Outdoorsman checks and/or Geiger Counter ownage to even have the PC realize that the ground ahead is radioactive. And so on and so forth.

Well... Things a I go against:
Shopkeepers unlootable (If you kill one guy, you can get whathever was on that guy! BIG karma penalty however.)
Improved/MK2 flamer fuel only for improved flamer (it just burn faster! all flamers can use it! Most of normal players don`t even know that a imoroved flamer exist, so fuel to use in norm flamers is completly logical).
Trowing knifes only trowable (by the shape of the knife, it`s a hell of a cutter! much better than the combat knife in cutting. Altrought it`s cool to cut with it... Higher it`s damage and leave it alone...)

Just opinions...
Re: Fixes

Robert Czarwolski said:
Improved/MK2 flamer fuel only for improved flamer (it just burn faster! all flamers can use it! Most of normal players don`t even know that a imoroved flamer exist, so fuel to use in norm flamers is completly logical).

I could be wrong, but in my experience using the MkII fuel with the improved flamer seems to have a greater effect. Mixing and matching appears to be the equivalent of a standard flamer. Again, though, I could be wrong (and if it doesn't work this way, I think it should).

I've been away for a long time because i've just rebuilt my system with lots of fancy parts.

The radiation aspect of this mod is currently put on ice, i will focus on the throwing/weapon changes and release it as a standalone mod. Currently I am not working on Fallout, but i'll get to it when my system is fully stable and all.