New Mod Project: Side Quest DLC

you have seen many mods but not mine,hey mentantaddict if you want to know how to make maps answer me,i think i am the one of the best mappers take a look at my mod called Fallout Tactics 2 the remake of the canceled one, i have finished at my mod over 24 maps.And in total my FOT2 long live the king mod is about 30 Mb and i was the only one who was working at it.As my title says Modder & Mapper i finished all those 24 maps by myself.

So if you want help "mentant addict" i am gonna give you some tips about how to make good maps.
sounds tasty

Sounding pretty damn good but I cant help a whole bunch, I'm pretty much only good with creating new recruits and prefabs. I can also do portraits but yeah, that's pretty much it.