New Name for Bourgeoisie

Hardcore Games

(You know Rockstar Games...)


Submission Games/Studios


Anger Management Entertainment


Urban Destruction Interactive


Ground n Pound Games
You could also strive to succeed the honorary name of Troika, which was Access Violation Games.

A simple, yet indicative name could be something along the lines of Emotion Interactive or Imagination Interactive.
Dead Penguin Antics

It Codes

Radangel Studios (Angel Studios did Midtown Madness)

Anode Software (you know, because an anode is a positive Pole, HAR HAR)

We Corrupt Your Children Inc.

16% Finished Software (or maybe that is Progress 16% Software)
Pender is on a good track there. Gives me another idea, many mysterious ancient civilizations would be good to model a name after too... The Scynthians, Pueblo Indians (Children Of Light) ECT. But all that is very done and said I suppose.
Taking the pole-thing further:

"Totempole Games" (or just "Totem Software" since the totem is a cool pole-thingy)

(In general, totem poles, just like Great Seals and Coats of Arms mean: "This is who we are; we have prestige, we are united, and we are proud to derive from, fight for, and stand for the qualities these symbols imply."

For example, the Coat of Arms of Canada features a lion and unicorn, British flag, maple leaves, fleur de lis and a motto, that sums up its national identity and origins.)

"Poleposition Entertainment"

"North Pole Software"

"Polos Software" ([pole] from Greek polos, axis, sky. See kwel-1 in Indo-European Roots.]"

...or something with the word "Workshop" in it. (As in Santa's workshop)
master_of_flamaster said:
Per said:
Anode Software (you know, because an anode is a positive Pole, HAR H
So far, Per's attempt is by far the best. :D

A little research shows that anodes and cathodes switch polarities depending on whether an energy cell is being charged or discharged, but maybe you can live with that.
I don't follow: are we coming up with a new name for the game or the group making the game? What is their name now? meh

Entropic Entertainment

Connotation Studios
"Fishmonkey Studios". Dunno why, I just think a fish crossed with a monkey would suit you guys. (Like the old fake mermaids that sailors used to bring back from voyages.

Or maybe "Cheese and Banana Sandwich", because I used to eat them as a child.

What? You mean you're not going to name your team after my bizarre ramblings?
What about other people's bizarre (and illogical) ramblings?

Or perhaps people could makes sugestions (real or comedic) that make some sort of sense?
(Yes, I know some people are doing so, but most of them are entirely unconnected with the team or their background. Mind you, the original name fits into the random category.)

In fact, scratch that. I seem to be taking this too seriously.