New Online Fallout game

godeatgod said:
Karel said:
To the planned project - it would be great if you could create a working map editor, modders just love the original 640x480 with hundreds of critters in one row.

If you meant it in an ironic manner, layout is not important at this point, this is just something i pulled out in 2 minutes to view the map and some basic information about selected objects.
Yes, it was irony, but not targeted at you, but at the old mapper (which tends to produce long lists of unsorted critters). A better mapper (even a map viewer) could help a lot.

godeatgod said:
The documentation at is pretty comprehensive, the only thing i couldnt find there was how to read the critters.lst file which was a special exception to the lst format, but i understood that from a C++ map editor source code.
I didn't check the wiki for a long time, last there were documents only in Russian :-)

godeatgod said:
Karel said:
...Flash rant...
A big complex map will load in about 3 seconds with all the auxiliary information (prototypes, msg's, frame animations)
Sounds really good - I have basically no "developer" experience with flash, the only thing I do is advice any client to not use it for their website (and of course, I remember slow online ads). I guess this is the first project I've ever seen that uses ActionScript to such extent...
Just give it a project temporaly name. When you get something alpha or beta then think of a name or make a poll or something.

You could think of some feature your game is going to have and start from there. Like Lone Wanderers or The Migration Of The Old Good Fellas. Or The Confident Rangers Strike From The Wasteland Plains.

You can also roll some dice and put some random char along the numbers you get, like "V26: A Fallout Multiplayer Role Playing Game Retro Post-Nuclear Adventure".
I was thinking of buying the domain name, and get the sysadmin to setup a blog forum, wiki for ideeas, but it may be too early on.

My first ideea was something like Vault-Tek Collective Simulation Program, though it sounds a bit stuck up, and it has too many words.

i'd go for something shorter like Vault-Tek online, but again, i might get some grief without the fallout license right, and unless this turns really big there's no point in getting it.
godeatgod, you clearly have the technical sophistication necessary to create a project that will actually go somewhere.

As for the name, how about something cryptic and mysterious... like... "M5" ?
Hey everyone,

Still havent decided on a name yet,

But i did have time to integrate a few features like :

- A* path finding
- movement animations (not exactly right, have to recheck the whole frame offset thing)
- basic communication api
- basic communication server

Here is a nifty screenshot of the game in action


And of course you can try it yourself here :

Now bear in mind this is very early on, just about 2 weeks from day 0, so we still have time for improvements.

This week when i'll have a bit of a free time, i'll put togheter an interactive page where you can submit and edit character templates / races .... etc.[/img]
@ GodeatGod:

looks great, man. Though i have to say i know nothing about the technical process.

I've also never played FO online so i'm a bit ignorant here, so can i ask:

a) you only want to add multiplayer functionality, correct?
b) how does the multiplayer fit into the game? (given that it's designed to be a single player game)
c) do you want to modify the engine?
I've never played FO Online either, waiting for the second alpha testing in november.

Well as far as the technical stuff go
the engine is a complete rebuild, as it is written for another platform and using a different programming language, and still has a lot more time before its complete.

The goal of this engine is to allow the new fallout online game to run from a browser window, no downloads necesarry (a bit of loading at start up, but thats always acceptable)
Great news everyone!

I've decided on the name :

World in Ashes

we have a domain name and very soon i'll have a blog, a few gadget pages, and what not.

In the mean time, i've been thinking maybe the admin of the art repository (on mad brahmin vault) could benefit from an online tool for viewing frm animations, since you have a lot of frm files and only a png picture to preview, i can give you a flash file that will read zips with frm's and animate them as preview.
I tested it, but it says it is not possible to connect to a server. Also after choosing a story, nothing more happens.
Yes the server crashed, i've had to restart it,

Now that we have a website, i'll have to consider giving some people access to the browser version (which i cant make public because of the license issues for the content used at the moment interplay's fallout 2 files) so the version that reads your files is ok at the moment.

Who should i write about the madbrahmin vault thing ?