New Outcome Screens


Night Watchman
Staff member
The cold, eastern wind strenghtens as we present new screens from Outcome, a post-apocalyptic cRPG in progress, made in Russia and posted in this thread.<blockquote><center>
</center></blockquote>This time with shadows. Thanks, GM!
Visuals are somewhat lacking from technical standpoint (More polygons! More shaders!), but from the artistic side they're better than most PA games I've seen lately. Take the hint, AotA devs, this is how one creates a post-apocalyptic environment.
I agree with the above. The shelvs have textures straight from 3dsmax library (if i'm not mistaken), but generally textures are..usable with exception of those hideous floor textures! (walls also)
Marijuana vaporizer
Yeah, not bad.
Sad, though, that some of the stuff on the shelves seems to be floating in the air. Those rockets, for instance.
To me they look a little bland... can't really put my finger on it but I think it's that all the standard PA elements are there, but lacking spirit.