First time out of the vault

The Death of a Slave
There's an old game emerging in New Reno - bloodsport. The Slave Guild has built a gladiator arena out of an abandoned downtown warehouse and everybody wants a piece of the action. The mob families of Reno, the Mordinos, the Bishops and the Salvatores have each bought their own stable of gladiators. The games are fast, bloody, lethal and that's they way the people like it. The Wright family has stayed out of the new sport, publicly claiming that it goes against their morals. How any of the families could make that claim while living in the new sin city is anybodys guess.
Anyone interested in returning to the biggest little city in the world?
I'm looking for 3-4 players, but I've got enough story threads to handle more. It's set a little while before the events of Fallout 2 as far the timeline is concerned. I'm using the rules set from the Fallout PnP for character creation, but actual play won't require a lot of referance. If you want your character to be aligned with a certain organization, that's cool.
Since i'm new here, i let you know some of my gaming creds. Fallout 1 took me away from DOOM and Diablo. I soon discovered Dungeons and Dragons and never looked back. I've been role-playing for about 6 years now, and played a few different systems, the main ones being dnd, white wolf rpgs and larps, and call of cthulhu. i've been solely running games for the past year for the lack of dm in my area. I'm also writing a sci-fi rpg, buts thats still in the early stages.
If it works out, I'd like to have different threads for each character. That's assuming that they choose not to work together, or don't know each other. I'ts just an idea im tossing around right now. Like the game, there are lots of different factions involved in these gladiator games and each has their own agenda. Let me know what y'all think.
edit: 4 Dec -
Ok. here's some more info for interested players.
The ruleset used will be the Fallout PnP .pdf, V 2.0 w/ the Errata. It's available for download from
Follow character creation rules from the handbook. I recommend choosing Human for your characters race, but im allowing Ghouls and Super-Mutants as well. No Dogs, Deathclaws, or Robots. All characters start at level 1.
There are character sheets available here, but I ask that you use this form for emailing me your character.
Aside from basic character stats, I would like two more things. A bio/description of your character that others will see, and a description for me detailing any goals/secert history/horrible secrets/faction affiliations that I should know about.
For starting equipment, be reasonable. I'm not concerned a lot with this, because it will partially rely on who your character is and their background.
For all that work, what do you get in return? The plot revolves around a Slavers Guild galdiator arena in New Reno. Most of the factions from Fallout 2 are represented, each with their own agendas. If you wish to start your character aligned with a particular group, let me know, either privately or in the forum.
edit: 1 Dec - I wrote and posted the first part of a story for the game tonight. It's called 'one more thing'. I'll write the second part tomorrow, it's called 'final victory'. Just some setting pieces, to get the mood right. enojy!
There's an old game emerging in New Reno - bloodsport. The Slave Guild has built a gladiator arena out of an abandoned downtown warehouse and everybody wants a piece of the action. The mob families of Reno, the Mordinos, the Bishops and the Salvatores have each bought their own stable of gladiators. The games are fast, bloody, lethal and that's they way the people like it. The Wright family has stayed out of the new sport, publicly claiming that it goes against their morals. How any of the families could make that claim while living in the new sin city is anybodys guess.
Anyone interested in returning to the biggest little city in the world?
I'm looking for 3-4 players, but I've got enough story threads to handle more. It's set a little while before the events of Fallout 2 as far the timeline is concerned. I'm using the rules set from the Fallout PnP for character creation, but actual play won't require a lot of referance. If you want your character to be aligned with a certain organization, that's cool.
Since i'm new here, i let you know some of my gaming creds. Fallout 1 took me away from DOOM and Diablo. I soon discovered Dungeons and Dragons and never looked back. I've been role-playing for about 6 years now, and played a few different systems, the main ones being dnd, white wolf rpgs and larps, and call of cthulhu. i've been solely running games for the past year for the lack of dm in my area. I'm also writing a sci-fi rpg, buts thats still in the early stages.
If it works out, I'd like to have different threads for each character. That's assuming that they choose not to work together, or don't know each other. I'ts just an idea im tossing around right now. Like the game, there are lots of different factions involved in these gladiator games and each has their own agenda. Let me know what y'all think.
edit: 4 Dec -
Ok. here's some more info for interested players.
The ruleset used will be the Fallout PnP .pdf, V 2.0 w/ the Errata. It's available for download from
Follow character creation rules from the handbook. I recommend choosing Human for your characters race, but im allowing Ghouls and Super-Mutants as well. No Dogs, Deathclaws, or Robots. All characters start at level 1.
There are character sheets available here, but I ask that you use this form for emailing me your character.
Aside from basic character stats, I would like two more things. A bio/description of your character that others will see, and a description for me detailing any goals/secert history/horrible secrets/faction affiliations that I should know about.
For starting equipment, be reasonable. I'm not concerned a lot with this, because it will partially rely on who your character is and their background.
For all that work, what do you get in return? The plot revolves around a Slavers Guild galdiator arena in New Reno. Most of the factions from Fallout 2 are represented, each with their own agendas. If you wish to start your character aligned with a particular group, let me know, either privately or in the forum.
edit: 1 Dec - I wrote and posted the first part of a story for the game tonight. It's called 'one more thing'. I'll write the second part tomorrow, it's called 'final victory'. Just some setting pieces, to get the mood right. enojy!