New poll

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
As our old poll had long outlived its usefulness and its expiration date, we've started a new one; which post-apocalyptic project are you most looking forward to? Most major projects are listed, though a few are missing, as well as an option for those that really don't care.

So go vote!
Le Jedi Fou said:
The Fall has already been released

not in English, so the English-language version of the Fall is still an ongoing project

I had a feeling I should've mentioned that immediately
Because it isn't a mere project. It's our saviour, we are awaiting it more than American sects await the second coming of Christ.
Claw said:
Why isn't FO3 mentioned though?

I wanted a poll about which ongoing projects interested people the most, since I'm not sure how interested people are anyway. I didn't want a poll just to affirm that everyone wants Fallout 3.
I voted Stalker, since I am really looking forward to play it.

But I'd rather see Troikas engiene in a game, but thats too late :(
Kharn said:
Le Jedi Fou said:
The Fall has already been released

not in English, so the English-language version of the Fall is still an ongoing project

I had a feeling I should've mentioned that immediately
Ok sorry :)
The Fall is german and the french version has already been released on 12-15-2004, so I thought the english version had been released too (french before english ? that's weird !)

Anyway The Fall was rated 2/10 on GameKult, my favourite french gaming website. Complete crap.

On the official website, a Moderator says (10-19-2004)
It is definitely going to be released for the English market, all we can do now is wait for official news.

The latest timeframe is Q1 2005, but that is unconfirmed.
st0lve said:
If he is thinking about Wasteland Half-Life2 then the dev. stopped :(

Erm... No. Wasteland II. The REAL successor to WASTELAND, the spiritual precursor to Fallout.
Wasteland never had a real sequel. Unless you count Fountain of Dreams, which nobody even wants to remember and thus doesn't count.
Wasteland II is the next game that InXile was intending to release. They were due to start design after the design of Bard's Tale, which was over long before the game was released, so they should be done with the game design and layout. Brian hasn't said much about it since the initial discussion, so we don't know if he is even going ahead with it.

Hope he is!