New Poll

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
It's time to switch polls again. With the Van Buren release still fresh in many mind, we're curious about polling for some thoughts in this (fairly oddly structured) poll. The game would have been great/terrible, Realtime combat in Fallout sucks/rocks, That's (not) how Fallout should look in 3D, Sawyer's version of SPECIAL is great/stupid.

The last poll asked "Do you think a turnbased Fallout could be a market success?" The results is a fair victory for "yes" 69.75 % (9030) followed by "yes, but only as a B-List game" 12.01 % (1555). The rest is mopped up by "No" 8.61 % (1115), "Maybe" 5.83 % (755), "I don't know" 3.79 % (491).
I voted : "That's not how Fallout should look in 3D"
I don't know. I just do not like how it looks. I'm not even talking about graphics themselves ( I know they were to be improved before the release ) but the general aspect. It looks just less detailed that the first two ones and it is, imo, 3d just for the sake of 3d. Don't like it.
voted for "Realtime combat in Fallout sucks"

I would like to add that by seeing the Tech demo I had faith it would turn out to be a good Fallout game.
I know polls don't really matter, but I don't really like any of the poll choices.

I don't think I can judge from the short alpha demo whether Van Buren would have been great, or not. I definitely wouldn't say it would be terrible either.

I prefer turn based combat, but likewise I don't think I could say ,from the demo, that didn't even have any combat system they would be using implemented, that real time has to be horrible either.

Honestly the same type of sentiments have to be extended to Art and Sawyer's SPECIAL as well.

The art was very unfinished. I think a few things in there looked good and Fallouty. Quite a bit of others didn't look so good. I expect they would have improved, but I can't rightly say that it would be what I want until I saw it.

And we never got to see Sawyer's SPECIAL in action either.

I'm abstaining from this poll