New poll

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
I know, the last one ran for only 15 days, but nobody liked it. "Your thoughts after Van Buren tech demo?" were mostly positive, 1028 thought it would have been great, 309 thought Van Buren look like the right kind of 3D Fallout, 685 thought realtime combat in Fallout sucks. 193 thought the game would be terrible, 113 thought the realtime combat rocked. 269 people thought it looked wrong in 3D, which is quite close to how many thought it looked right (309). Also, more people disliked Sawyer's SPECIAL (73) than liked it (64).

On to more interesting topics: thoughts on Bethesda's teaser, concept art. Does it rock? Does it suck? Is it just hype? Let us know.
Add 'Looks good, but I really hate the power armor'.
Ziltoid said:
Add 'Looks good, but I really hate the power armor'.

Power Armour:
I really loved the power armour.

Just think about that! It is a destroyed world, only trash remains. That "polygonal" armour just show how rare the resources are! They just picked up some steel plates and welded them together to make an armor! Wonderful!!

That is the "Fallout" feeling: The world is destroyed. Take whatever you can and use it anyway to survive.

At least I don't want just a "cute" Fallout. There is nothing cute in Fallout. If you like cute things, go to play Tactics...

World itself:
Man, if the world on game have the same feeling it shows on the artwork and on the taiser trailer, I'll be truly happy. THAT is a post apocalyptc world. After seening those imagens and the teaser, when I play Fallout (yes, I played just today), I can see that the past series are quite "too clean" for what happened.
I can see that the past series are quite "too clean" for what happened.

Hahahahaha... brilliant. Bethesda is better at making Fallout than its creators were. That's a new one.

The old games don't look too clean, you know, in Fallout the war wasn't quite so recent.

So, I'm sorry to break your bubble, but Bethesda has it wrong. Unless of course their Fallout takes place right after the war.
'Looks good, but I really hate the power armor' <- agreed

Baruk said:
Just think about that! It is a destroyed world, only trash remains. That "polygonal" armour just show how rare the resources are! They just picked up some steel plates and welded them together to make an armor! Wonderful!!

That is the "Fallout" feeling: The world is destroyed. Take whatever you can and use it anyway to survive.
both the BoS and the Enclave were extremely technologically advanced. as such, why wouldn't they have & maintain 'clean' powerarmor for fucks sake? one might even argue that if you don't have the tech, you could probably not maintain the PA in a working condition in the first place. nuclear fusion engine, hydrolics, air filters, etc etc?

other armors, like the metal armor were however patched together. isn't that enough?
I saw this coming...F1/F2 are shit..Beth made the true Fallout O.o

I didnt like those pictures.

Not Fallouty enough.

The Teaser is way much more than i expected.
Ah yes..the Power armor.....Well...i can live with it..not perfect but good enough for me.
All I can say is I'm all hyped up :D

The teaser showed they could nail the atmosphere and it did that extremely well.

Hopefully we'll find something out about gameplay in July...
another poll option....

"I want it to look good, but I'm still too scared to actually look at it and have my hopes dashed."


"instead of downloading the trailer, I re-installed Arcanum to get another look at how FO3 could have been, and am finding that engine aside, the story really sucked and was tedious and pointless, and if I'm not thrilled that Bethesda is remaking Fallout, I shouldn't really be horribly disappointed that Obsidian didn't get the chance to ruin Fallout, either"
Vault Khajiit said:
another poll option....

"I want it to look good, but I'm still too scared to actually look at it and have my hopes dashed."

Oh the Teaser is good.Sadly it shows us nothing about the gameplay but you can watch it as a standalone and you wont be disapointed.
"instead of downloading the trailer, I re-installed Arcanum to get another look at how FO3 could have been, and am finding that engine aside, the story really sucked and was tedious and pointless, and if I'm not thrilled that Bethesda is remaking Fallout, I shouldn't really be horribly disappointed that Obsidian didn't get the chance to ruin Fallout, either"

You know you don't make any sense, right?

Arcanum isn't made by Obsidian.
Baruk said:
Just think about that! It is a destroyed world, only trash remains. That "polygonal" armour just show how rare the resources are! They just picked up some steel plates and welded them together to make an armor! Wonderful!!
The Brotherhood were fanatical about their armour, remember the suit that needed repairing, it would never pass inspection because of a minor repair.

Baruk said:
That is the "Fallout" feeling: The world is destroyed. Take whatever you can and use it anyway to survive.
No the Fallout feeling was that you were in a pulp sci-fi story as imagined by a 50's writer. Not a post apocalyptic survival sim.
Artworks : well ,2 of them were ok ...the rest wasnt Fallout ish.
Teaser : Great ...and the most interesting thing about it was Ron Perlmans Voice at the end...IMO
both the BoS and the Enclave were extremely technologically advanced. as such, why wouldn't they have & maintain 'clean' powerarmor for fucks sake? one might even argue that if you don't have the tech, you could probably not maintain the PA in a working condition in the first place. nuclear fusion engine, hydrolics, air filters, etc etc?

First of all, you think that the Brotherhood simply walked into DC without encountering any hostiles? Combat naturally gets things dirty, weaponry, armor etc. I mean, if you're diving to avoid incoming bullets you're not worrying about the aesthetic appeal of your armor, nor in a combat zone are your superiors worried about providing means to keep it clean. Functioning, yes but why waste time on keeping it clean?

The brotherhood may be obsessed with their armor, treating it like a holy relic, however it is still a peice of equipment that servers a purpose, and would probably be treated as such. I'm sure the soldier in the trailer, when he went back to base immediately took it apart and cleaned it top to bottom....... lol
Namikaze said:
I'm sure the soldier in the trailer, when he went back to base immediately took it apart and cleaned it top to bottom....... lol
I don't think he meant clean, as in "not dirty", but clean and as in smooth, sleek, well made.
OT: Well, we don't know who is in that armor... It could have just been some people who stumbeled upon a laser gatling'd Brotherhood soldier, with pieces of the armor laying around, and they decided to make something usefull out of it and weld it together, replacing broken parts with material of their own.
Or it could just be an older model.

On topic: I voted for the "that didn't really tell me anything new" (or whatever it said) option. The teaser looked good, but I would have preferred it if the concept art was something a bit more fallouty.
and you wasted your first post on that, Namikaze? i'm impressed.

i was never commenting on it looking dirty (see the knight in shiny armor pun in FO2), i was commenting on it looking like a halfassed patchjob on the chest and the pauldrons.

and no, i think the BoS shouldve stayed in California... the BoS was a lot of things, but it wasn't an expansionist outfit. it was a huge mistake in tactics to have them expand and now they're presumably in Washington DC? ugh... still, i'll give Beth the benefit of the doubt for now.

the only reason i can think for a BoS unit to move out that far is to go recover some special technology (or as they'd put it a holy relic). but even that is iffy. why send out a unit to go across the entire continent. a bit too far in the BoS scope of things...