I know, the last one ran for only 15 days, but nobody liked it. "Your thoughts after Van Buren tech demo?" were mostly positive, 1028 thought it would have been great, 309 thought Van Buren look like the right kind of 3D Fallout, 685 thought realtime combat in Fallout sucks. 193 thought the game would be terrible, 113 thought the realtime combat rocked. 269 people thought it looked wrong in 3D, which is quite close to how many thought it looked right (309). Also, more people disliked Sawyer's SPECIAL (73) than liked it (64).
On to more interesting topics: thoughts on Bethesda's teaser, concept art. Does it rock? Does it suck? Is it just hype? Let us know.
On to more interesting topics: thoughts on Bethesda's teaser, concept art. Does it rock? Does it suck? Is it just hype? Let us know.