new reno arms

Lord 342 said:
I don't remember where I heard about the Chicken. I had thought it was in Per's guide, but I don't remember. It might have been in the Fallout Bible, or maybe somewhere else. I know the official Fallout 2 guide has a description of the Easter Egg that states it "gives you a special friend".

It just occurred to me what you probably meant by this. The Bible did mention a chicken NPC and I wrote a small comment on it in a mail with feedback to instalments 7-9, which accomplished very little because there never was another instalment. Anyway.

There is indeed a "Chicken" NPC defined, but it refers to the deathclaw in Modoc. The reason it can be an NPC is that it was supposed to follow you around Modoc, killing everyone there unless you killed it first. This doesn't work, however, so it's stuck on the B&B map.

I don't know what the official guide is on about. I do remember there once was a guy who tried to make people believe you could get Elvis for an NPC. Don't remember the specifics, but it involved a painting, huge quantities of drugs, and possibly the Egg. The same guy also claimed you could build an H-bomb and find the BFG from Doom in Fallout 2. I guess you're an NMA veteran these days if you remember that.
Another thing Ive found is Eldredge will attack if you ask for an upgrade AFTER getting a free upgrade downstairs.
That would be it. I don't remember reading any of the old stuff; while I've visited NMA for a long time, I've only taken to reading forums in the past few months. ANY forums! So I never heard about that...
PsychoSniper said:
Another thing Ive found is Eldredge will attack if you ask for an upgrade AFTER getting a free upgrade downstairs.

I believe that the 1.2 official patch fixed that, didn't it?