Vault Fossil

Thanks for that. Seems to working fine.Mario_Dweller said:Try this loader.
Thanks for that. Seems to working fine.Mario_Dweller said:Try this loader.
I'd request but i was banned from the beth fourms.Wild_qwerty said:just go to this thread and post the request, he added my request in a day so he seems to be really active which is good.
I think this program should be a bit more stable than the loader, we've had some problems with Mutants Rising with the loader behaving unexpectedly.
alexweiln said:I know it's been a few days since this threads last post, but it's the newest aligned to that theme I found yet.
I am working on a player-script, where you can become a mutant.
It works fine in most ways, that means it restricts you from wearing armor and prevents you from using certain weapons the art doesn't support (small arms, melee...). But what problem I have now is, whenever you drag a usable weapon into the active slot, the model changes to the default 'jumpsuit-Ken' again. And worse, until I empty the active slot, it stays. Even if I switch the slots, hat darn thing seems to ignore the script calls. Besides the picture in the inventory still remains the default normie, it never changes proper.
Is there anyone who has deeper insight on this issue, or an idea on how to work that out? Perhaps even on how to prevent the game *script based* of using the default, after mutated?
And no, a loader or something like it is not an option, because you should *be able to* become a mutant at a certain location, not start as one.
Robert Czarwolski said:Why scripts for block some weapons? Put that weapon frame a standing anim, so when the mutant uses it it will look like no weap... When trying to shoot, there will be no shoot anim, so will bee like: Its in my hands but i cannot use it!
Just like single fire with the minigun without the hero attack files...
Robert Czarwolski said:Why scripts for block some weapons? Put that weapon frame a standing anim, so when the mutant uses it it will look like no weap... When trying to shoot, there will be no shoot anim, so will bee like: Its in my hands but i cannot use it!
Just like single fire with the minigun without the hero attack files...