First time out of the vault

So I've finished my playthough of Fallout 1, but I'm sorta new to Fallout 2 even though I play and know few things about it. The thing is about how the S.P.E.C.I.A.L work well. The thing is that Fallout 1 was easy but since Fallout 2 might be a bit of a challenge due to survival, but has extra features since I've got the restoration patch, it'll be awesome to receive advice. 
So my stats:
Strength: 5 (always since I can get power armor and there are buffout of course)
Perception: 9 (I love to go gun slinging all the time)
Endurance: 2 (Yeah, I know it's bad)
Charisma: 5 (Companions are a tool to success)
Intelligence: 8 (Skill Points ftw)
Agility: 10 (more action points)
Luck: 8 (needed for encounters and critical build)
Traits: Fast Shot and Gifted.
Tagged: Small Guns (common weapons in game)
Lockpick (useful for doors that block my way and might find good loot)
Speech (way to succeed in dialogue and extra exp)
Now the concerns I have is that is the stats are good enough to do since I'm basically a glass cannon. Also to choose either energy weapons or big guns. Which perks are good and will make my character powerful later on?

So my stats:
Strength: 5 (always since I can get power armor and there are buffout of course)
Perception: 9 (I love to go gun slinging all the time)
Endurance: 2 (Yeah, I know it's bad)

Charisma: 5 (Companions are a tool to success)
Intelligence: 8 (Skill Points ftw)
Agility: 10 (more action points)
Luck: 8 (needed for encounters and critical build)
Traits: Fast Shot and Gifted.
Tagged: Small Guns (common weapons in game)
Lockpick (useful for doors that block my way and might find good loot)
Speech (way to succeed in dialogue and extra exp)
Now the concerns I have is that is the stats are good enough to do since I'm basically a glass cannon. Also to choose either energy weapons or big guns. Which perks are good and will make my character powerful later on?