New utils

Wild_qwerty said:
Perceptron said:
FRM Browser - FRM and RIX viewer and convertor by Titanium (tint'n'tone).

This tool is really great! Even lets you export the files back out to GIF format with ease!

I agree, the only issue I have with it is that it doesn't save the transparent background :(
2 Per:
About Fall2crk. Don't use bags and knapsacks from Fallout - program doesn't support this items!
Nevertheless check version 2.1.4.

2 Wild_qwerty and Odin:
Check new version (v.1.2) of FRM Browser.
Perceptron said:
2 Wild_qwerty and Odin:
Check new version (v.1.2) of FRM Browser.

Damn, I love you! Now I can save lots of time extracting those items images for my items database, puh. I love this util, good work.
Perceptron said:
2 Per:
About Fall2crk. Don't use bags and knapsacks from Fallout - program doesn't support this items!

Oops, that makes sense, the old inventory editor couldn't handle it either. I look forward to you taking on that challenge though, and then we'll want one for Fo1 as well. :wink:
There's a bug in version 1.2 When I browse through a folder of FRMs it displays what image number I am looking at 11/83 and then goes 12/83 then back to 11/83 so I can see past the 12th unless I go in reverse from 83/83 and backwards to 82/82 etc...
You know the DAT Browser tool could use the frm Browser features, being able to open the DAT files and save a FRM to animated GIF (with transparent backgroun) or FRM to gif (with transparent background) would be really nice.
Damn, I love you! Now I can save lots of time extracting those items images for my items database, puh. I love this util, good work.

I'll tell the author ;) (tint'n'tone as you remember).

Oops, that makes sense, the old inventory editor couldn't handle it either. I look forward to you taking on that challenge though, and then we'll want one for Fo1 as well.

In 2.1.4 version I've made a try to realize using the bags. Try to edit your save in San-Fran. Check your private messages.
In this version I've fixed several bugs as well.
What about FO1 - it has different format of save.dat file. Creater for it must be a different program.

There's a bug in version 1.2 When I browse through a folder of FRMs it displays what image number I am looking at 11/83 and then goes 12/83 then back to 11/83 so I can see past the 12th unless I go in reverse from 83/83 and backwards to 82/82 etc...

You know the DAT Browser tool could use the frm Browser features, being able to open the DAT files and save a FRM to animated GIF (with transparent backgroun) or FRM to gif (with transparent background) would be really nice.

I'll inform the author.

TeamX proudly presents: program called int2ssl by Anchorite. This is decompiler with syntax of BIS compiler.
Also Anchorite had fixed some bugs in official compiler, but nobody had seen the license on compiler sources, so I don't know can we public it.

2 Wild_qwerty:

Author of the program and me have tried to understand what did you mean, but we couldn't. Describe the bug once again, please.
Perceptron said:
In 2.1.4 version I've made a try to realize using the bags. Try to edit your save in San-Fran. Check your private messages.

Being on a modem I'm not too hot on sending whole save folders, I'm afraid - it might be faster and easier if you found someone with a better connection to trade saves with, if needed. I'll try the new version.
2 Per: OK, not a problem.
You know the DAT Browser tool could use the frm Browser features, being able to open the DAT files and save a FRM to animated GIF (with transparent backgroun) or FRM to gif (with transparent background) would be really nice.
2 Odin: tint'n'tone starts a new project, with support of DAT browsing, batch conversion etc.
Perceptron said:

Very nice. One thing I really like that didn't work with other FRM browsers: file associations! I have the .frm extension set to launch frmbrwsr.exe now, so if I click on any frm ... the browser displays that image ... excellent.
Wow! Anchorite is the man. :notworthy:

EDIT: Jargo, this int2ssl decompiler sounds like a good replacement for the noid decompiler and noid->iplay converter functions of FSE.
Jargo, this int2ssl decompiler sounds like a good replacement for the noid decompiler and noid->iplay converter functions of FSE.

Yup, i think same thing. Just need to test it a little and it will be in next FSE version for sure, good work Anchorite.
So is there a plan in the works for making a fallout 1 character cracker?

And why in character cracker 1.4 do the stats go up to 20?
If you apply these stats all to 20 and then save and reopen the file they have all jumped to the thousands, It doesn't seem to effect the game though.
Original FO2 compiler source code. Based on Klingon Academy (KA) compiler sources. Author - Anchorite.

>So is there a plan in the works for making a fallout 1 character cracker?

No time . No plans.

/And why in character cracker 1.4 do the stats go up to 20

Cracker doesn't change anything automatically.

And program is not supported now.
I already downloaded that........ and I have absolutely no idea what it's for or how to use it..

I have no clue on how to mod things or how modding works. I've tried to play with things but that's about it. It's fun. I always end up messing something up though. (I don't like to read manuals.. I'm a button pusher and see what this does kind of person.)

I really like your Fallout Cracker.. I hope you didn't think that I was being critical. I was just inputting.

Nuts, I've only been on here an hour and the paranoia of pissing off people on message boards is already creeping in. I hate that feeling.
>I really like your Fallout Cracker

His author is McFly. I just fixed some bugs.

About stats: it works in cracker, but the game don't allow to set them greater then 10.

And I didn't want to wound you. Sorry, if I did.