There was only one little group formed on the squad, everyone else seemed to be by themselves, except for Carib and Brad, Mark approached them, maybe looking for the comfort of old friends, or new ones for that matter. He spoke on a soft tone and with nervous voice, yet trying to hide it. "So what do we have here." Mark had a weakness for food, more so with cooked food. He avoided saying anything about what happened. His nerves were shattered and he was on the edge of tears, sharing a nice meal might as well help. Mark opens up his caravan lunch. "Ok, here we got some more mash potatoes, cram and beans, maybe we can put a nice meal together with this." He then opened his mess kit, a plate, a skillet, a knife, a fork and a spoon, these last three carefully wrapped in a napkin to avoid making sound when transported inside the kit.
What happened that afternoon was a series of unfortunate events, if only one of them would had failed to occur it wouldn't had ended up that way. If David wouldn't had shot the ghoul Yas wouldn't had shot the rock, if Yasmin wouldn't had shot the rock Mark wouldn't have freaked out, if Mark wouldn't had freaked out he wouldn't had started shooting.
The ghouls had not been a real treat, but a single mistake almost sends everything to hell, such is the way of the wasteland, death can come from where you least expect it. The group was going to need to learn to work together or they wouldn't need any deathclaw to come and kill them, they would do it themselves.
Everybody is a friend when things go well, but when things go to hell is when you can really see how people really is. This last impasse served as a trial, and as a consequence, some more cards had been revealed.