Tom started walking at a steady pace, he could remember Rachael's face right now, it had been a long time since they had seen each other, every now and then Tom would get the feeling that he should go back and see her. He remembered their last day together as if it was yesterday:
*Tom walked into the small room looking around for the woman he had known for 14 years, there! Tom walked calmly over to Rachael and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around immediately, "What is it's you, I thought you were dead", Rachael hugged Tom, and Tom hugged back. They released the hug and Rachael was still holding Tom, "Where have you been!", Tom searched his mind until he found a convincing answer, "I've been caravanning around the area, making money", Tom looked into Rachael's dark brown eyes, she retorted back, "You really expect me to believe that, Tom we've travelled together for 14 years, but what you want to keep secret you can keep secret, how's you wild goose chase after that vault guy going?", Tom was still lost in her eyes, he shook his head, "Nah, nothing good, but I think i'll have some luck at the Pitt, north of here".
Rachael looked to the ground, then immediately flicking her head back up, her long brown hair whipping Tom's face, " can do that if you want, I just don't want you to be gone for another 500 million years like you were this time", Rachael's sarcasm never was too good, Tom was sure he was going to be long gone, after all he had planned to go west if this had failed, "Yeah, i'll be sure to come right back here".
Just as Tom was about to make his way out of the house, Rachael pulled him back and kissed him, it was the first time this had happened, as they had both seen each other as friends but slowly over the past few months the friendship had been turning a love of each other, Tom shared the kiss with her, but he pulled himself away, "I'll come back later Rachael, I promise...", and with that Tom walked out of the house, out of Canterbury, out of sight*
Tom was so far away from Rachael now, but he was going to try and see her again, but he wasn't sure she still would've loved him if he returned, it doesn't matter though they were friends first and hopefully it would go right by her like it did before.