Tom realised after five minutes of standing alone in front of an empty table would probably look a bit off to the securitrons and NCR military police, he wandered down the street trying to remember where that girl went. He then remembered to meet in the Gamorrah, Tom didn't like whores and prostitutes, but if that was the meeting place, so be it. Tom strolled across the street with a bound in his steps, if he managed to get enough money from this maybe he could buy some brahmin and a small house in Goodsprings.
He walked into the strip joint, trying not to get into eye-contact with any of the strippers. Tom handed the doorman Gregory, Tom managed to conceal his knife, and his spork. He used his spork to jam doors and unlock...locks, in case he ever needed to. Tom saw the young gentleman who was watching Tom and the woman earlier sitting at the bar, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the ringleader and two NCR looking fellows sitting on a small table. Tom liked some NCR guys, he felt that they were down to earth, no bullshit, they always looked after Tom because of all the freelance stuff he had done when he passed through Denver.
Tom wandered over to the bar and looked around for a bit, his eyes were starting to get tired, but if anything he didn't want to rent a room here, who knows what would happen. He signalled the bar man to come over and serve him.
Tom was thirsty, but not too thirsty that he had drink some water, but Tom was going for some spirits, he liked whisky, but he had lost his last bottle several months earlier when he climbed across the Rockie Mountains on his way here.
"I'll have some whisky" Tom fumbled around in his pocket for a bit, "Aww, shit", Tom just remembered that he had no caps, he walked away from the counter and an attempt to find the mercenary who was willing to give him a job, there she was, with the two NCR guys.
Tom walked over to the table and looked the merc in the face, "I'll take that job, but I probably won't be sticking on for too long, just a hired gun really, so where we going?"