72 Days before Blood Ties
Flagstaff, Arizona
Tom stared out into the expanse of the wasteland, his new leather armour, shining in the dim sunlight, clouded by the smog which covered the Legion capital. Footsteps sounded, lightly, behind Tom. He continued staring into, nothingness, well nothingness dotted by the few Legion patrols, but nothingness, nonetheless. The footsteps sounded closer, Tom had nothing to fear, or no one to answer to, so he would not turn around in response. His eyes shifted to a Legion patrol which had alerted the another patrol, what enemies could they possibly find in the middle of Legion occupied land?
"Congratulations on winning your freedom", the footsteps were closer, and they talked at him.
"Thanks you", Tom paused, yet continued looking out at the wastes, "Who are you?".
"Wouldn't you face who is talking to you? I may be a person who demands respect", the voice continued, "After all, you're in Legion lands..."
Tom suddenly realised who the voice belonged to, and swiftly turned his body around to face the footsteps that talked, "Oh shit, you're one of the Praetorians that guard the Kaiser", Tom knew this as he had often seen the man standing with Caesar, often, bearing arms, "My respects..sir".
The Praetorian chuckled, "No, honestly, watching you fight, was an honour, you fought brilliantly", the Praetorian looked directly into Tom's eyes, "By the Kaiser himself".
Tom's eyes immediately widened into disbelief, "What would the Kaiser want with me, i'm just a freed gladiator, I shouldn't even be relaxing, I should be with my decanii, training!".
"Well, i'm not at liberty to tell you why he wants you...but, I can say I do know why he wants you", the Praetorian smiled at Tom, as the young, freed gladiator's eyes widened even more.
Caesar's villa was beautiful, in comparison to the rest of Flagstaff. The entrance, was a long, straight, newly tarred path, leading towards a gleaning marble arch, which surrounded a gleaning and polished mahogany double-door. Several feet left of the path, was a rather large man-made pond, which was coupled with newly planted ferns, and palm trees, both were vibrant in the smog of Flagstaff. Inside the mahogany double-doors, was a long marble-floored room, with a desk at the end, manned by what appeared to be an agent of the Frumentarii. All sorts of people sat on the long benches which lined the walls of the room, they ranged from caravaneers, to mercenaries, even to tribal leaders.
The Praetorian lead Tom towards the desk, and glared at the Frumentarii, as if he was a lower-class to the guards of the Kaiser. The Frumentarii commented first, "Do you have an appointment with the Kaiser?", a smug look plagued the middle age Frumentarii.
"As it happens, no, but as a Praetorian..", the Praetorian glanced back at Tom and smiled, "I order you to let me in".
The Frumentarii looked aggressively up at the Praetorian, "You have to have an appointment with..", he was interrupted swiftly by the Praetorian.
"Just write my visit down in the entry book, and shut up!", the Praetorian guided Tom past the Frumentarii, who clearly had a dislike for the Praetorians.
The Praetorian started talking to Tom, just in earshot of the Frumentarii, "Don't worry about him, the Frumentarii are always on their high-brahmin, dicks they are", Tom could clearly hear the Frumentarii grunt in return.
Soon the two of them were in Caesar's room. Everything was perfect, and symmetrical in the room. Every piece of furniture was made of wood, and upholstered with leather. There, on another similarly perfect desk, was Caesar, writing in what appeared to be a memo book, and Caesar clearly had trouble writing, as he talked as he had written, "...we were surrounded, fortunately the former Legate Graham managed to alert the Sun Foot tribe to our danger...", then he looked up at the Praetorian, and smiled.
"Ahhhh, Praetorian William Davison Verdun, I hear you wife has opened a store in the Bazaar, maybe i'll visit her later, help with the business", Caesar's view shifted to Tom, and again he smiled, "Tom was it? You know Tom, Joshua Graham, the former Legate, he was an excellent pugilist, he fought brilliantly with his fists, and in a melee, armed or not...", the Caesar stared blankly at Tom, "...do you know what I am getting at?".
Tom looked at Caesar and nodded, "Yes, sir".
"Speak up, boy!", Caesar chuckled, "I'm not going to beat you for talking to me, anyway, to the point, it is not disputed that you're a brilliant fighter, much like Graham, and guess what, Graham started as the original Praetorian, my bodyguard, then he was elevated as my co-leader as we became closer, I hope you're bright enough to follow me".
Tom swallowed, he knew what he meant, but he could tell Caesar wanted to tell him, himself, "No, sir".
"You're lying, but, I may as well say it, to make it official, I want you as one of my Praetorians, although this may seem brilliant to you, but your training will be stressful, hard, but it will be rewarding for you in the end, a chief part of Legion society is but one of the rewards", Caesar smiled as the look of disbelief contorted on Tom's face.
Tom looked up at the Praetorian, who smiled back at him, and then patted him on the back, then whispered in his ear, "Good luck".
Caesar continued, "I will personally interview tomorrow, to see, if your mentality fits in with my other...praetorians". The Kaiser continued writing in his book, and under his breath, he was speaking, "...the Sun Foots charged out of the bush, lead by the Legate himself, crying vigorously, ancient war cries...", he then looked back up at Tom, "You can leave now...".
71 Days before Blood Ties
The Kaiser was writing, and speaking under his breath, obviously several chapters ahead on his memoirs, "...the land was black, and cracked, horrific. Bodies littered the ground...", Caesar looked up at and smiled, "Ahhh welcome Tom, please, sit". Caesar offered Tom a wooden chair, again upholstered in brahmin leather.
Caesar dropped his biro pen on the table, obviously salvaged rather than made in post-war. "So, what do you think about the Legion? Honest now, I know when you're lying to me".
Tom replied quickly, a sign of nervousness, as the Praetorian had point out several hours ago, "Well, erm, well, it's a new country, which is rather apparent, at best, I see it is several steps forward to other nations in the wastes, but, at worst, at worst, I see it as the same as other nations in the wastes", Tom was proud of himself for his impressive lying skills, hell, even John would be proud.
Caesar replied as swift as Tom, "Good, not brilliant, but it's a lot better than some answers, next, the obvious interview question, where do you see your self in 5 years of serving me?".
Tom looked up at Caesar again, and conjured one of the biggest lies he would ever tell, "Waving the banner of the bull, on the senate building of Shady Sands"....
"Well, you seem good enough...actually, I rather enjoy you're open opinions, the way the other's do so, it patronises me", Caesar looked disdainfully at portrait of the head of Frumentarii, Vulpes Inculta on the east wall of his room. "Fair enough, they serve me willingly, I just...", Caesar paused for what seemed like a long time, but was only a few seconds, "...I just, think they should be a little more open with me, anyway, you should leave now, you have the rest of the day to yourself, rest, prepare yourself for training tomorrow".
Tom got up out of his chair and walked towards the door, behind him, the voice of Caesar writing his memoirs, "...littered the ground, charred, maimed, it was horrible, I knew it meant war with the Blue Foot, or was it Blue Feet?..."...