New Vegas: Darkness Falls

Krldraav winced as a bullet hit him in his left shoulder. He span and hit the floor as the recoil knocked him. Strangely enough though, one of the advancing thugs had fell, being shot in the back. Krldaav observed his surroundings, spotting a red-clad stranger. 'Oh great' he thought, 'more freaks like me.' He wondered if it was friend and foe, then turned to Lance; shrugging his shoulders.

"How should I know? He probably accidently shot you, that being the probability being 30%." Said Lance.

"That low? Damn, I was hoping higher figures. Well, I hope he's on my side. I don't look vicious do I?" Replied Krldraav.

"No comment. Just shoot that thug before he reaches Yasmin and James." And with that said, Krldraav shot a clean arrow at the criminal, hitting him square in the chest and giving instant death. Poison hit agian, as the thug's dead body gave random spasms. The rest of the attackers had retreated, vanishing without a trace. Now what remained, was the strangers.
Hearing a couple of gunshots outside the small bar he was eating at, Azrael tensed for a moment, the returned to eating, figuring it was just some muggers who tangled with someone out of their league, but when the gunshots continued for some time, he stuffed the last bite of the "steak" in his mouth and grabbed the duffel bag holding his supplies and disassembled rifle, then as an afterthought, grabbed the whiskey and chugged the rest of it down as well. He hurried out the door and saw a pair of indefinably shady people running past the bar. In a moment he had dropped his bag and drawn his pistol, but they were already around the corner by the time he had steadied his gun. His curiosity peaked he decided to head the way they came from to see if he could find out what they were running from.

Heading down the street he saw a very motley crew of figures, including an injured tribal, and a blonde man in a gaudy red coat. Unable to resist, he approached the group and, going unnoticed gave a gentle cough. "I can probably bandage that wound for you." he spoke up.
Sin finds herself in a city having left the caravan she'd been traveling with. She yawns her ice blue eyes closing as her hair falls in an ocean of the deepest black highlighted by a shining blue tone to it. She was calm as a brahmin slowly followed her at a steady walking pace. Her eyes flicker looking at everything as all her weapons were hidden away somewhere upon her body covered in clothes to large for her figure.