New Vegas Radio


First time out of the vault
Something that I've been dying to know is if anyone has heard any information regarding the existence of a radio station in Fallout: New Vegas? I don't see why they wouldn't, especially since The Stretch has power and is very prosperous! I just didn't know if anyone had any official word (or any rumors :P) Nevertheless, we'll all be finding out in another month!
There is indeed at least one radio station. The DJ for the radio station is being voiced by Wayne Newton. I haven't heard any information on how many radio stations there will be or what kind of music will be on them.

I would assume that Newton's station will have some old rat pack hits.
Hope that he isn't as annoying as three dog got... He got so redundant and annoying you would just have to kill him!
I enjoyed Three Dog but not nearly as much as President Eden... I could listen to Malcolm McDowell talk forever. We'll have to see, I think Wayne Newton has an interesting personality.

I feel pretty confident that we'll get at least 2 major radio stations, my only worry is that it will be all rat pack stuff... and nothing from the '50s big band like in Fallout 3.
I enjoyed Three Dog too, at first. But after playing through the game for 80+ hours and just wanting to hear some '50s hits and having to wait to hear Three Dog say something for the 500th time, it's time to turn the radio off or kill Three Dog.
I have the german version, which apparently has even worse voice acting than the english version. I couldn't stand listening to Three Dog for more than two minutes.
Hopefully they will do it better in NV. Gotta get the english version this time.
Three Dawg in the german version was far better than in the english version.
I think Margret the technician is far more entertaining than Three Dog, that's part of the reason why I choose to dispose of Three Dog. The great thing is her interruptions are never longer than about ten seconds and they're normally something witty about Three Dog being dead (A sense of accomplishment when you're his killer xD)
Is anyone knows which songs will be included?
And BTW: I read once that there are three radio starions:
Radio New Vegas, with Mr. New Vegas
Black Mountain Radio, plays country music and probably belongs to the Super Mutants
And a No DJ version of Radio New Vegas