New vehicles sprites (demo).

der Fluger

First time out of the vault

Hmt (from and I made a few vehicle sprites. This demo sprites has one known bug: thin white line at the top of sprite. It is bug of the editor, i think.


UPD: Sprites with edited animations:

Old version download link:

Enjoy! :)
These look bloody excellent, thanks for the hard work! :clap:

Ok, tested them in the game and noticed the wheels stop spinning before the vehicles come to a full stop, also the sound when driving seemed a bit bugged.
I found this was easily solved by adding to the Driving and Reverse sequences "Sound" at the beginning, and "Repeat all" at the end. You may want to add "Sound" also to the beginning of the death and broken sequences.
Last but not least, the idle sequence should have "Repeat all" at the end.

Nice work, hope to see more.
Ok der Fluger...

You made me do it...

You made me finally become a member to this community by making such awesome vehicles. Exellent job dude!

Now the thing is, how in hell have you made them look so damn perfect??? I am experienced with photoshop but I can see you are using something else here. I want to know how you did it because you have actually produced graphics that equal the quality of the games style... I am stunned!

I will definately use these in my project as I need lots more vehicles, characters and critters (these are the only things I cannot create well) and obviously I will give enormous credit to you for creating them.

Superb job dude, and would it be to much to ask for more?
Thank you, guys!

Yes, we can.

Prosatanos, I say, that I have not enough time to make sprites that I want. Many models still not finished (Highwayman, Chevy Fleetline and other), not animated and not rendered. It's a lot of work, and when we finish this works, we can make this exelent bus :)

how in hell have you made them look so damn perfect???
Modelling in 3DMAX, rendering in PoserPro and postwork in Photoshop :)
Thank's for the answer
"we" is that means you are a team of modelers, that's even better info.
I really appreciate you considering that bus.
Well i was trying to make some vehicle truck, but the effect was really sad, since your vehicles look very nice :clap: , i know to some extent your effort.

Best regards.
der Fluger said:
Thank you, guys!

Prosatanos, I say, that I have not enough time to make sprites that I want. Many models still not finished (Highwayman, Chevy Fleetline and other), not animated and not rendered. It's a lot of work, and when we finish this works, we can make this exelent bus :)
Thanks for the answer and I'm really happy to read this . Keep up the good work .
May the force be with you ! :salute:
Work in progress:




Highwayman from Fallout 2.


Old-style "Classic" Highwayman.

We will make both sprites.

Mateo_Frozen, "we" means that we make sprites with Hmt from I create graphics, he convert packs of pictures to sprites.
Once again :clap:
I am really glad that talented people like you decide to improve FT

Thank you so much, your work extend BOS life

All the best.
These vehicles are phucking awesome! I am happy to see a bit of a resurgence in interest in FOT. All these new sprites from you guys are really well done.
Oh, the car could even have a working turret! The question is, how do we get it to look like your guys are manning it.